Chapter Three
Geilenkirchen airfield Germany

Chapter Three

Another Flight and Insight

I was still serving the two years of my national service in the RAF. To me it felt a little like being in prison, although we were allowed out. But the things I want o write about took place in Geilenkirchen Airfield today as in photo.

Back then the airfield held a line up of huge planes. I believe they took of each night and watched over all Europe.

We all exist in a multi-dimensional world. You have a physical body which you can hold onto with your hands; but you also experience emotions and thoughts that you cannot hold with your hands. Also, your consciousness is an extraordinary dimension of personal experience that science still does not understand. You are used to experiencing these different dimensions of human experience, but only a few of us can learn to enter them.

But we are much more than most of us can understand. With growing understanding of quantum, we see we are also quantum beings, which is fantastic. We have been told that light is the fastest we can travel, and that would take lifetimes to reach the stars and their planets. Yet quantum is known to exist everywhere at once, and so is outside of space and time – another dimension of our being, like consciousness.

Below is an example of a child expressing the ability of working beyond the commonly known dimensions.

Lyle Watson, a scientist and biologist, in researching human potential for his book?Supernature, was asked by a boy’s father in Italy to observe his four-year old son. In Watson’s presence, the father rolled his son an ordinary tennis ball. A little while later the boy rolled it back. The ball was turned inside out without any cuts or damage to its surface. Watson then signed his name on another tennis ball and the boy repeated the change. Later Watson cut open the ball in front of witnesses, revealing his signature on the inside of the ball.

That defies any of today’s theories of physical science. When the boy went to school he lost that ability – so much for our system of education! I want to try to explain what I understand about some of the common levels or dimensions we can experience. I will start by giving a rather silly example to demonstrate the huge differences of our experience of these dimensions.??

In experiencing something of these different dimensions I gradually developed an explanation for part of the process.

Most people are usually not really aware of the two great forces acting on them in life and sleep. But we have two powerful actions working in us. The first is our waking experience based on having a body, its limitations, abilities, vulnerabilities and a particular gender. Our second is the power that gave us life and continues to express as dreams, as our?breathing, and heartbeat – our life. This I have given the description as the Life Will or your Inner World.

While we sleep our conscious self is largely or totally unconscious, and while we dream our voluntary muscles are paralysed – therefore another will or motivating force moves our body, keeps us breathing and tries to heal any things that may have put our system out of harmony. So, we have a Conscious Will, and what I will call a Life Will. The first one we have experience of as we can move our arm or speak in everyday activities; but the second Will takes over when we sleep. See?Sleep Paralysis |

This Life Will can move us to speak, to move our body, and in fact do things that we cannot do with our Conscious Will?and in fact runs all our important life processes like heartbeat, digestion and also dreams. It was allowing the conscious action of this Life Will to be used for twelve years that produced huge changes in my life. Even so I am still an infant in what is possible, for we have evolved so far, and are capable of enormous further change.

Something that is possible for many is to be able to switch between the Conscious Will and the Life Will. For simplicity I have called this experience, of what is possible the ‘The Waking Lucid Dream |

I started to become aware of the action of the life will when I saw that all my efforts to leave my body achieved nothing, but when /I let go and went to sleep another process tool over and directed the whole experience. I believe this also led to this experience of a waking lucid dream.

I was suddenly aware that I was flying, and slowly I realised I was flying to the moon. I had certainly never tried imagining this, so I was extremely surprised. Even so I was extremely aware of where I was. I was in space, and it was almost overwhelming. At this time, I had not realised that one's beliefs and attitudes create one's experience, so I was only moving about an aircraft speed. That is fine except that "space" is so incredibly huge I felt as if I were like a snail trying to move. I felt as if I were suspended in an enormity past understanding and was terrified. I wanted to get back to Earth but didn't know how, for Earth was an unimaginable distance away and I feared I would fall and be smashed. In the end I simply closed my eyes and gave up. Somehow, I survived. But this experienced led me to write Martial Art of the Mind eBook : Crisp, Tony: Kindle Store

This occurred to me one day and changed my beliefs.

I think a turning point occurred when I was working as a photographer in London at about the age of 25, (about 1962) and was all alone in a darkroom. I had been puzzling about the symbolism of the Virgin Mary, and suddenly felt that it represented the ‘virgin mind’. In other words, not having any sexual relationships, but a state of mind that did not hold fast to its convictions or beliefs, but instead was virginal and ready to conceive of the new and unknow. In the case of Mary she is shown as a young girl, newly aware of her sexual self, not offering herself to a man, but giving herself without preconceptions and with all her heart and body to the invisible that gives life.

Rudolf Steiner writes that we must learn how every?preconception, every cherished opinion with regard to the things in question, must disappear; truth alone must guide. There must be perfect readiness to abandon any idea, opinion or inclination directly logical thought demands it.

Certainty in higher worlds is to be attained only when one’s personal opinion is never cherished.

Having realised that – the plates I was developing were now in the fixer and I had time just to be – I wondered what would happen if I myself tried to be just like Mary, offering my being wholeheartedly and virginally to the unseen. Immediately I had images of a young woman I knew like a vision, and as if a new slide had been put in a projector and I saw it, then another image of a baby with a crown on its head. This was so extraordinary I didn’t know what to make of it. But it seemed to be telling me that the daughter of a friend of mine was pregnant and she would give birth to a boy who was a ‘special child’ – more aware than usual.

About a fortnight later I had to phone the mother of the girl, and after we had finished talking about our business together, I asked her if her daughter was pregnant. She immediately laughed and I asked her why she laughed. She said she didn’t know if her daughter was pregnant, but her daughter was at the doctors at that moment to find out. The daughter was pregnant and later gave birth to a son.

Later I realised that such virginal births always are about the birth of special children. The following people were all said to have been born virginally:

King Amunothph111 – Demeter – Krishna – Persephone – Zues – Indra – Quetzalcoatl – Mthra – Apollo – Horus – Attis – Codom – Perseus – Hercules – Rhea – Quirrnus -Dionysus - Jesus


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