Chapter 1
The chill of the autumn air chilled Beth to the core. She moved slowly through the abandoned streets using the moonlight to guide her. Each step careful not to step on an autumn leaf or stick as one sound could bring these streets to life: in a manner of speaking.
Beth has seen it happen before. She was traveling in a group of six, but when one member of the party leant against a car to catch their breath, they set off a car alarm. That took her party down to one.
Just the thought of what happened to the others shook Beth more than the cold ever could. Sadly, it also caused her concentration to waiver, and before she realised it, the silence of the night was broken.
She stopped dead and looked down. Slowly lifting her foot, the now crumpled leaf a sign of her error and perhaps the sealer of her doom. Beth holds her breath, trying to listen for a shuffle, a moan, or worse, a crowd.
Nothing. The air is still silent, except for the pounding of her heart. Beth lets out her held breath relieved that she will survive this lapse of concentration. She even let a small smile stretch across her face.
This smile would quickly turn to panic as a crashing trash can behind her let her know that the dead did hear her. Beth turned as the zombie struggled to get back to its feet while standing in the spilled contents of the trash can. The zombie reached for her; its glazed eyes fixated on her.
Beth turned to run but saw that the once clear path was now crowded with hordes of the rotting walkers. The moaning and shuffling dead all wanting to taste her flesh.
“Not today,” she thought as she looked around for her options. Beth needed to act quick as the zombies would close in on her faster than their slow shamble would allow you to think.
“Hey!” a voice called out. Beth looked. It was a man that was standing in a side door of a house. “Come on! Quick!” he yelled. The dead already starting to turn in his direction.
Without giving it another thought, Beth ran to him. She bolted past him into the house, and he shut the door behind him. The door was large and reinforced. There were steel plates bolted to the dense wood.
“They are going to swarm this house! We need to go!” Beth said. Another tragedy from her past experiences come to mind.
“Oh,” the man said calmly. “We’re not staying here.” He led the way down into the basement of the house. It was just before she entered the door that she noticed the cameras looking at the door. They were dotted all around the house. He bolted the door behind them and led the way down the stairs.
Beth was feeling uneasy about going into the basement because it was the most inescapable parts of the house. Or so she thought. Once they reached the basement, she saw that this wasn’t your standard house basement. There was a steel jail door which led to a tunnel.
The man opened the door and let Beth in. He turned and locked the door behind them.
“It’s going to get tight in here, but it opens at the other side,” the man said with confidence. He led the way with Beth on his heels. The tunnel did get tight. They had to turn sideways and slide through, almost like they were spelunking in a cave.
After walking for a lot longer than Beth expected, they came to another door. This side of the tunnel was different as the tight walk opened to a cage with a door. The man opened the cage door and let her inside a large basement with plenty of supplies. There were beds, shelves of food, and a wall of video screens showing that the man has cameras all over the house they entered, another house, and cameras facing the street.
It was then that Beth also noticed other survivors smiling at her.
“Welcome,” the man said, “I’m Ted.”
Beth was in a bit of shock but quickly snapped out of it to respond. “Beth. Thank you.”
“Hey, that’s alright. I’m sure you’d do the same for me.” Ted smiled and grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to Beth.
She took it gladly and had a desperate gulp. She pointed to everything.
“What is all of this?” she asked.
“A clever rouse,” he smiled. “You’re 100 per cent correct that those things would swamp the house. So, I linked a few houses together underground. That way, if they do follow us to a house, we won’t be in that house long, they’ll lose the scent and walk away again.”
“Smart,” Beth said, taking another sip of water.
“I made the tunnels so that even if they did manage to breach the houses that they couldn’t squeeze more than one through a tunnel at a time which would allow us to bottleneck them and take care of the ones in front,” Ted said pointing to the cages and a wall of long sharp sticks.
Beth shook her head in amazement.
“Then I have solar powered cameras in three houses up there looking in the houses and the grounds around them. We only go out for supplies when it’s safe, and always take a different way back,” he said with a smile.
“You have it all figured out,” Beth said with a smile.
“As much as you can. It’s important to be organized, work with others, be transparent, keep looking for ways to innovate and adapt,” Ted said.
“What did you do for a living before all of this happened?” Beth asked.
“Is it that obvious? I was a Scrum Master,” Ted said with a cheeky grin.
“Well, that worked out for you in these circumstances,” Beth said.
“Glad I didn’t follow my father into clown college,” Ted said with a chuckle.
Beth laughed. It was the first time she had in a long time, and it felt strange, but she liked it.
Could this be safety at last?
Author's Note
Hello friend,
I am writing this post-apocalyptic fiction book to share ideas on business agility.
I aspire to entertain while educating on lean-agility, and in the spirit of collaboration will appreciate your honest feedback as the book evolves over the coming weeks.
As you probably will agree, its better to gauged your interest early on before I go too far down the rabbit hole developing content that is at best a waste of my time and what is infinitely worse, yours.
New chapters of book will be dropping here on LinkedIn and if you will like to stay informed please follow the tag #AOTD
One more thing, if you think what you just read is cool and would like to see more of it, then please say so in the comment session below, else you can tell me its shit (I promise not to take offense) and why you think its so.
P.S. Although books don't typically contain ratings, if I will be forced to class this one, it will be an R-18 as it Contains the following themes on language, violence, sex and horror.
Russell Avre
Business transformation
4 年Unfamiliar with this genre. Interested to read more.