Chapter Four: Ask The [Stupid] Question(s)
"The worst questions are the ones not asked" - Anonymous
We have all had the experience of being on the receiving or the inquiring end of a less than brilliant question. I can recall when expecting my second son trying to find my keys... Exasperated, I shouted to my husband from our kitchen over the wide-opened French-styled doors of our refrigerator, scanning each shelf in a futile search, "Isaiah, where are my keys?!!" His simple reply, "Rebekah, why are you looking in my fridge?" knocked me out of my pregnancy-brain malaise and back to my senses to realize the very thing I had been looking for was in hand all along. While this is an example of a less than smart question, in this chapter of #chroniclesinconsulting we will take a look at why beneath not-so-smart questions while learning about the value of staying curious and asking questions.
What Time Is The Three O'clock Parade? Disney is one of the most studied business models worldwide. And their model of business success led them to create the Disney Institute which offers professional development training for individuals and organizations. One of the lessons they share in this training the commonly asked question by many guests several times of the time of the daily 3pm parade. Disney encourages its cast members to see beyond the simple inquiry to seek to understand the true need behind the question rather than starting with judgements and end responding with the time the parade starts. What are the needs that are trying to meet? what is problems that requires solving? or connection that needs to be made? Instead of providing the time, cast member ask if the inquirer needs help to find the location of the parade, they can offer how long the parade might take place, provide details about the Disney characters in the parade, there are variety of ways to respond. But something else this often-asked question did was change Disney approach to informing guests more proactively through a variety of channels. Families and individuals staying at Disney lodging sites will get messages for events happening at the park. Disney has also designed apps for their parks where guests can have access on their smart devices to details about the park events, including maps, and notifications. Improving signage to include more languages and increasing the frequency of announcements for the parade and other key events has all helped to meet the need. And all of these changes came from an answerable question. Disney uses training to encourage leaders to consider the "three o'clock parade" question in their organization and what ways they can make improvements to meet the need beyond.
Think back to a time when you had to grapple with an unfamiliar topic or found yourself in a meeting struggling to grasp the content. While we all encounter such situations, it's worth noting that most people can comprehend even the most complex subjects when they are presented in simple terms. Platforms like TikTok and formats like TED Talks have become effective tools for education, breaking down complex subjects into easily digestible learning experiences.
When faced with a comprehension challenge, there are two crucial steps you can take. First, admit that you don't understand, and second, advocate for a clearer path to understanding. While it may seem daunting and vulnerable, it's essential to remember that often, others in the same situation are silently grappling with the same challenges.
For instance, I recall a meeting where a technical framework was being presented. The complexity of the graphic, coupled with the presenter's pace and shifting topics, left me feeling bewildered. Finally, after three slides, I mustered the courage to speak up and admit that I felt lost. I requested the presenter to slow down and answer clarifying questions. To my surprise, a colleague chimed in, expressing relief that they weren't alone in their confusion. Soon, everyone in the meeting confessed to their struggles. The presenter apologized and gladly adjusted their pace to accommodate questions. Raising the flag of not understanding led to a better outcome, facilitating information sharing while alleviating the presenter's anxiety.
Ask The Dumb Question:
I encourage you to embrace all kinds of questions—big, small, deep, open, direct, intelligent, and even seemingly foolish. Asking questions is the path to learning, growth, connection, and change.
Key Takeaways:
In conclusion, questions are the catalyst for progress and improvement. By embracing curiosity and asking questions, we can create a more enlightened and connected world.
Thank you for taking the time to read this installment and allowing me to share these insights.