Chapter Five: Put A Face To A Name - Professional Profile Photos Matter
A picture is worth a thousand words," - Anon
The Mona Lisa is one of the most well-known pieces of art, distinct and memorable because of its quality and remarkable characteristics. Much like the Mona Lisa, having a professional social portraits, is about amplifying your remarkable qualities and characteristics. Being recognizable is essential to standing out in your industry and profession while being able to put a face to a name. In this chapter we'll exploring the importance of quality professional profile pictures and the recommendation to invest in professional headshots.
I admit, I'm not fond of being photographed. I prefer being behind the camera, capturing candid moments. Formal photos, such as those from graduations, weddings, and professional events, remind me of my awkward middle school years. Growing up in the early '90s meant contending with mall-bang hairstyles, Lisa Frank colors, and loud bold fashion when I was in a battle against my own larger than life dark hair, big blue glasses, and slender frame drowning in fabric of the times. My photos from those days could easily become memes.
Unlike yearbook or event photos, professional headshots allow you to shape your image. They are not reserved for elites or artists; everyone should consider investing in them. Regardless of your career stage, professional headshots can make you stand out to employers, leave a lasting impression on coworkers, and reflect your hard-earned achievements.
Here's my list of 2 DO's and 2 DON'Ts for Profile Pictures:
DO: Keep it real and relevant. Meeting someone in person for the first time, only to realize they look nothing like their photo, can be disconcerting. I once had a networking coffee set up and was looking for a guy with brown hair and blue eyes. After several minutes in a coffee shop I was finally approached by my connect whose blue eyes were behind dark framed glasses and the hair he jokingly said he had left in his post grad years, the same timeframe from when his profile photo had been taken. So, please use photos that are recent, and if not professionally, have a friend or family member take them. Smartphone cameras can take some pretty incredible shots and there are countless online tutorials can help you take better portraits as well. Recent photos ensure that you a presenting who you are currently and how you look and photos that are specific to your internal and external profiles help put a face to name.
DON'T: Crop and Swap. Trying to repurpose photos from one occasion for another doesn't always work well. Use photos that are intended for your professional profiles, shows that you care about presenting the best version of yourself and can help you stand out amongst the millions of individuals in spaces liked LinkedIn when job hunting or even in your current area of profession. While, I'm sure the photo you took at your friends wedding or the proud moment that captured your college graduation are great memories that captured you in the spirit of those occasions, it's best to leave those in the album and frames that celebrate and commemorate and choose a recent photo where you are the subject matter and convey the great talent and professional you are or are seeking to become.
DO: Invest in and know professional headshots are affordable! Look for local photographers through referrals from friends, co-workers, or through social media. Many networking events and career fairs offer low-cost and free headshots. You can even negotiate with photographers when hiring them for other photography needs, like engagements or family photos. There are so many different routes to getting you a few images that won't break the bank or budget.
DON'T: Sell yourself short - you're worth it. Don't let self-criticism hold you back. As Brene Brown once said, "Comparison is the thief of Joy". Remember that your uniqueness is what makes you remarkableand when you let the unattainable standards for asethetics dictate your worth and value it will always be a losing battle. Instead, embrace your individual qualities and let them shine in your photos. A skilled photographer will be your partner in this process, will boost your confidence and help capture the best version your self that says, "Hello!" and don't foget to say Cheese!
If you need recommendations for professional headshots, you know I've got you covered. Until the next time, thanks as always for letting me share!
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