The deeper I dive into the Codes of Longevity, the more excited I become about extending my lifespan, healthspan, and wellspan. Chapter Nine, authored by Gus Vickery M.D., did not disappoint.
Here are the highlights for me from Gus’ message about the amazing, but yet-to-be-tapped potential of the human being.
“Can you begin to imagine what you can accomplish if you have one hundred and twenty years of life to experience in a healthy and optimized body?” Gus tells the reader, he hopes so because “You will never regret taking up the quest to actualize your potential, and the experts in this book are ready to show you how.”
Are you listening?
Gus writes, “Your body will teach you what the best strategies are for you if you will only take the time to listen.”
“The ability to listen and understand what your body is teaching you is dependent upon your establishment of a strong foundation of health.”
His formula for that “strong foundation of health” is pretty simple... In with the good, out with the bad, and make the good as ‘good-as-good-can-be.’
Gus focuses on all the ‘inputs’ we allow into our body (the good and the bad) and describes all of it as ‘information.’
He says, “The human body is an information sensing system. Food, hydration, breath, sleep, environment, movement, social relationships, light, sound, our thoughts, our beliefs, and many other variables all inform our system. Our mind and body then take all of that information and engineer the best possible response to survive and thrive.”
He recognizes that “simple does not always mean easy.” “If it was,” he writes, “we would not be witnessing an epidemic of poor health, chronic disease, and a reduction in our average lifespan.”
Dr. Gus teaches, “to experience the highest performing and longest living versions of ourselves, we must optimize the information our system encounters. We must become very mindful about the types of information we are giving our body to work with.”
So... In with the good, out with the bad, and make the good as ‘good-as-good-can-be.’
Count me in!
Here are a few more of my favorite Gus-isms from this inspiring chapter (WITH MY COMMENTARY IN CAPS):
“... the foundational strategies to maximize healthspan and lifespan are similar for all of us; we must simply integrate them into our habit matrix. The power of more advanced strategies is realized when they are layered on top of this foundation.” DO THE BASIC WORK
“We now have the tools to provide individuals with their unique code and the understanding of how to create a habit matrix that optimizes epigenetic expression.” ADVANCED AND PERSONALIZED PRACTICES
“The power of precision health puts you in direct control of understanding the best actions to enhance your health and life.” TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY
“From genes and cellular health to peak performance and vitality, no one input equals one output. Your genes, your cells, your biomarkers, your inputs and outputs should be assessed as a whole.” SYSTEM-BASED ANALYSIS
And he confirms his belief in the powerful sub-title of our book:
“... human beings have the potential to live one hundred-twenty healthy and high-functioning years, or even more.” EXTEND LIFESPAN, HEALTHSPAN, AND WELLSPAN
I’ve heard enough from Gus to add his book, Authentic Health, to my kindle library of must-reads. In his book, Gus teaches the reader how to lose weight, feel better, become a master of stress, how to sleep well (Every Night), and most importantly of all, how to enjoy a sense of purpose.
Why not add Codes of Longevity and Authentic Health to your gift lists this holiday season?
Buy your copy of Codes of Longevity today. A lifetime of health and happiness awaits you.
Written by Dr. Melissa Grill Petersen, Dr. Gus Vichery, and 20+ of Today's Leading Health Experts How to Unlock Your Potential to Look, Feel and Live Life Optimized to 120 and Beyond, including a chapter by yours truly!