Chapter 6: Declaration and Statements
In programming, a declaration is a statement describing an identifier, such as the name of a variable or a function. Declarations are important because they inform the compiler or interpreter what the identifying word means, and how the identified thing should be used.
A declaration may be optional or required, depending on the programming language. For example, in the C programming language, all variables must be declared with a specific data type before they can be assigned a value.
A declaration is a C language construct that introduces one or more identifiers into the program and specifies their meaning and properties. Declarations may appear in any scope. Each declaration ends with a semicolon (just like a statement) and consists of three distinct parts:
attr-spec-seq ;
where, attr = Attribute spec = Specifier Seq = Sequence
For example:
int a, *b=NULL;
// "int" is the type specifier, "a" is a declarator, "*b" is a declarator and NULL is its initializer
const int *f(void);
// "int" is the type specifier, "const" is the type qualifier, "*f(void)" is the declarator.
// "enum COLOR {RED, GREEN, BLUE}" is the type specifier.
// "c" is the declarator.
Statements are fragments of the C program that are executed in sequence. Statements are made by combining various tokens. Each statement which does not have its body must be terminated by the semicolon (;). The statements which should be terminated:
The statements which should not be terminated:
There are five types of statements:
Expression statements, compound statements, selection statements, iteration statements and jump statements.
1) Expression statements: It is combination of variables, constants, operators, function calls and followed by a semicolon. Expression can be any operation like Arithmetic operation or Logical Operation.
?Here are few examples for expression statements:
X = Y + 10;
20 > 90;
a ? b : c ;
a = 10 + 20 * 30;
;??//This is NULL Statement
2) Compound statements: Compound statement is combination of several expression statements. Compound Statement is enclosed within the braces { }. Compound statement is also called as Block Statement.
There is no need of any semicolon at the end of Compound Statement.
Example for Compound Statement:
int a=10,b=20,c;
c = a + b;
printf(“value of C is : %d n”,c);
3) Selection statements: Selection Statements are used in decisions making situations. Statements like if, if...else, switch are selection statements.
Syntax of if…else selection statement:
if(expression) { //code?to?be?executed?if?condition?is?true }
else {?//code?to?be?executed?if?condition?is?false }??
Here is an example of selection statements:
if (i < 1)
i = x++; funct(i);
4) Iteration statements: These are also called as Loops. If we want to execute a part of program many times we may use loops. Some basic loops used in C language are for loop, while loop, do-while loop.
?Syntax of for iteration statement:
for ( expression-1(initialize);expression-2(End);expression-3(action) )
Example of for loop:
for (int n=1; n <= 10; n++) //Loops from n=1 to n=10.
?Syntax of while iteration statement:
Example of while loop:
while (n < 10)
???a[n] = n;
5) Jump statements: These are unconditional statements; jump statements are useful for transferring the control one part of program to other part of program. Some basic jump statements are goto, continue, break and return.
?Syntax of goto jump statement:
Syntax 1 | Syntax 2
goto label; | label:
.. | ..
.. | ..
.. | ..
label: | goto label;
Example for goto jump statement:
if (num % 2 == 0)
{ goto even; }? // jump to even
{ goto odd; } // jump to odd
???printf("%d is even", num);
return;? // return if even
printf("%d is odd", num);
?Labels: Any statement can be labeled, by providing a name followed by a colon before the statement itself. Any statement (but not a declaration) may be preceded by any number of labels, each of which declares identifier to be a label name, which must be unique within the enclosing function (in other words, label names have function scope). Label declaration has no effect on its own, does not alter the flow of control, or modify the behavior of the statement that follows in anyway.
List of articles from the series:
CH 6) Declaration & Statements
References:?Wikipedia, CMan(Bell Labs), GeeksforGeeks, guru99 and various other blogs, videos and sites on available internet.
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