Chapter 44

Chapter 44

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"The betterment of the world can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds, through commendable and seemly conduct". Choice, and character are joined at the heart.

This journey is about exploring character; heroic character discerned. I am 43 Chapters in to The Realm Between, and here now at 44. At the risk of losing some, while I am not into numerology, I believe there can be meaning to numbers, and 44 has long stood as one of meaning for me. That said, in Clarity, Conviction and Courage, I suggested:

  • "After this week, I have decided to read it through to Chapter 60 and its conclusion. Today, Chapter 43... then next week, Chapters 44 through 60. This could and would be a great time to do that catch up."

I have changed my mind. A choice. With the culmination of the College year over the next week or so, I have opted to tackle Chapter 44 as stand alone and then complete the book over the next two weeks, with that final post on Chapters 45-60. Given what I discovered in 44, I am glad I chose thusly. But first...

The Realm Between... by LD Olsen.

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  • As I have said many times before, this is a great and epic read for tweens and up, and for these days. I strongly suggest you go on there, and catch up. As part of this leg of my Sharpen the Blades blog series, I am reading of The Realm Between... and experiencing its application to my life. The story is capturing me and I am finding direct relevance and resonance for my own life, in this realm... and in these days indeed. The book is an epic exploration of high and heroic character. Yes, I do indeed invite you to join me on the journey. Catch up, read up... on the book and blogs, if you like. LD Olsen is writing quite the story. That said, the book is now complete, and free on Wattpad, in its entirety.

CHAPTER 44: Truth and Daring

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It is our greatest power. Tahira is faced with a great and challenging one. She faces and fails, or does she? You read and decide.

This Chapter speaks royally to me. It speaks to me of Daring.

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In the spirit of transparency, Trust and Trustworthiness, today I posted this on Facebook.

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  • Well. Ask and you shall receive. <3 Amidst my desire to dial back in this space online, last night was a burning away, figuratively and literally. I awoke at 3 am with the most burning of feeling in my belly. Never experienced before. Never. Ever. And it hurt. A lot. A freakin' lot. Could not sleep. Like something had laid hold to my gut metaphorically and manifested. It was intense in so many ways, not unlike what I might imagine an anxiety attack to be... having never had one (or maybe I just did). My body and spirit were speaking in unison. Eventually, my spirit moved me to sit in my creative space... in the green chair. I did not know why but I listened. I sat. I prayed. Honestly.
  • I felt the need to open the window. I heard the birds stirring in melody. I reached for my guitar which I cannot play ... and I started picking. The sounds merged with the chirps on my friends in the trees. And suddenly I knew. Clarity. Peace. This social space has become draining. Anger is not the toxic. Righteous anger is not. Still, there is a toxicity of hatred and judgement that I seek no part of. There are issues in the world that require Responsibility and Justice... and more. I am on board... learning and listening. Humbly human. But I will not be part of the vitriol. I will be part of deeds over words. I will take care of my own learning and living and encourage others to do so. I will use this space to only share stuff that inspires the spirit of humanity. Deeds, not words. I will celebrate action by sharing examples of humanity over inhumanity. That means my presence here will be daily but not frequent. It will be discerning and devoted to honoring humanity. We have much work to do... learning and living and even leading. But deeds over words.
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  • As to the rest of my existence... my 99%... it will be doing what I do, living how I live, learning ever more and loving who I love. This space will only be a space to hold up examples of the best of us. I am but one human being. We each are. But it is in our being, that we find our doing. Humanity over inhumanity. Every time. I know where I stand. And for what. Peace and Justice. And I am responsibly and finally expanding my little bubble. <3 #blacklivesmatter #hUmaNITY

And then I read Chapter 44. Damn! I suggest you do too. Maybe Chapters 1-44, at this point. I connect with Tahira now in ways I had not thus far. We have choices. Some, very big. Avoiding them can render our bodies and spirits sick. Facing them, can cleanse... and encourage. To encourage is to enable Courage.

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My night last night offered such choice. Today, I have made mine. I have found my middle ground and will forge ahead, personally and professionally. In these days and times, we need Daring and Courage. Atlas needs them. What do they look like to you? Get clear on it. Wisdom comes from such. The world needs them. It needs you. It needs us. It needs our words, and deeds.

Soon, we finish this tale, this journey. Or do we?

Peace, passion and prosperity...

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Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage

Educate, lead, unite and inspire. Move forward together, stronger. My work is about bringing campuses, companies and communities together, moving forward stronger. I work with educators, entrepreneurs and emerging leaders to do just that. My work is about character leadership and education and its role in helping individuals and organizations build a better world at school, work, business and community. I deliver on it through speaking, coaching and development in character leadership and education. My expertise is character leadership and education. I advance unity in diversity by moving the needle on leadership and education that is high character and results forging. I speak, teach, coach, facilitate, lead, write, sing, dance, cartoon and create on that. In 1980, Professor Rolf Hattenauer changed my life. A highly respected expert in Human Resource Management, he expected much of us and he believed much in us. He was an educator and leader of high character. He was extraordinary. To this day and beyond, I try my darnedest to honor his spirit with my own work. That is another story. But I hope I did him service here.

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AAAAAAAAND thoughts on character and leadership...


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Launching soon...


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