Chapter 3: Trip Down Memory Lane - Journey to becoming a scientist
Chapter 3: Trip Down Memory Lane - Journey to becoming a scientist

Chapter 3: Trip Down Memory Lane - Journey to becoming a scientist

Anirudh's journey from a small village to Australia and finally to Harvard and getting selected for Nobel in medicine had many ups and downs and whenever Anirudh looked back at his past life he felt good that he could achieve so much success in the field of science. Before he started sharing his past with Ken, everything flashed in front of his eyes but Anirudh wasn't sure from where to start.

Suddenly, Ken asked "my friend please start by sharing your childhood days."

Anirudh again was shocked to see that Ken could gauge whatever was going on in Anirudh's mind. "Sure Ken," said Anirudh.

"I grew up in a small village called Behoni 15 km away from Garh Mukteswar in Uttar Pradesh, India. The village had a population of about 2000 people and most of the village folks were involved in artesian activities. Education was alien to this village as the village had no basic infrastructural facilities like proper roads, electricity, hospital or a school. We had to commute either by tractor or Jugaad (a word belonging to one of the vernacular languages of India, which has surprisingly found its way into the pages of the Oxford dictionary meaning: A flexible approach to problem-solving that uses limited resources in an innovative way.) which was very famous in North Indian villages or sometimes by bicycle rides with a village folk. Our school was 8 km away from our village, which used to serve students from two other neighboring villages. At times, we also used to walk back home picking mangoes from the farms which were on the road sides and at times we would get bashed by the owners of those farms but it used to be really fun."

Anirudh's face was radiating lot of energy while describing his childhood days; Ken could see that and prodded, "keep going my friend. What about your school, teachers and friends? How did you peform in your basic studies?"

"Our school had brick walls and iron sheet roof from which water used to trickle during rain and we used to cover our head with polythene sheets and study in that environment. Half of the time we used to have classes under a tree. The school had no benches, everyone used to bring their cloth to sit on the ground. In class I & II, children used to use wooden slate having a mud based polish and in place of pens, wooden sticks immersed in ink made at home with blue dye were used for writing. I used to enjoy this when I was in my first grade but once I came to 4th grade, we got lead pencils to write on notebooks. It was a matter of great pride at that time, to be able to write with pencils on notebooks in class 4. Pencils and notebooks were luxurious commodities to us. As the school used to have student from 3 villages, it was always crowded. Teachers used to give personal attention to each student but they also used to thrash us by sticks whenever we committed mistakes. It was a mix of strict and lenient environment. From the basic necessities perspective, our school had nothing but it was still fun studying there as I had a lot of friends. We used to play various Indian village games which you may have not heard of Ken. I am sure villages back in Taiwan must be having these kind of games in their own version."

"Yes, we do. I can imagine the fun you had in those games as I have enjoyed these in the monastery in milder form with our version of games. You continue Anirudh."

"I was an average student in my education career," continued Anirudh. "I remember one incident while coming back from school one day, we four friends decided to take bath in one of the small canals, we had so much fun that day but one thing went wrong, my school bag fell into the canal and all my books and takhti (writing pad) got spoiled and became almost unusable. I got scared and decided not to go to home thinking my father would be angry and would beat me up. I went directly to my aunt's home after sunset and slept at her place. My aunt was the oldest in the house and my father and mother used to respect her a lot. She was always the savior when I did anything wrong. My parents got worried and went out looking for me all around the school and village and finally came to my aunt's home thinking that I must be there as that was my usual behavior after committing mistakes. Next morning when I was getting ready for school my father stared at me for a while before telling me, 'you will not go to school from today, you have no interest in studies. You want to be illiterate like other village folks. From today you'll come to my shop and help me in managing the shop.' Although, I did not tell this to my father but it was obvious from my face that I was very happy inside and was least interested in studies. My mother tried to support me but was helpless in front of my father, who had a strong temperament and was a much disciplined individual. He was the most educated person in our village at that time. He had passed 12th standard with first class. However, owing to his family's financial condition he couldn't continue his education and had to take care of his father's shop on sudden demise of his father. He always used to threaten me that if I don't take my studies seriously, he'll put me in his shop. I thought the time had come where he had to take that decision when he asked me not to go to school as a punishment. My first day in shop started with a pleasant surprise, my father had to go to one of the relatives marriage for 3 days to Meerut, a nearby city. He gave all the responsibility of the shop to his servant Sanjay who was 14 years old, Sanjay used to help my father in the shop. My father instructed Sanjay to watch over me and inform him if I didn't take care of shop properly till he returned. He specifically told Sanjay to make sure I didn't leave the shop to go and play marbles (my passion at that time; a village game). As soon as he left to Meerut, first thing I did was to take out some mango candies from the jar secretly but Sanjay saw me doing that and said that he'd inform my father but I bribed him with two candies and asked him not to say anything to my father. In fact, I assured him that if he cooperates with me with everything for next three days while I am serving the punishment and doesn't disclose my routine to my father, I'd give him some more candies besides other things. Being a kid, he agreed immediately. Moreover, he also wanted some relief from the work and asked me, 'bhayia you do whatever you want to do and let me also play something when a customer is not there.' We both agreed not to disclose each other's secrets to my father. I used to like Hindi as a subject very much and was very good in writing poems. My friends and teachers used to feel amazed with my writing talent and used to wonder how a 4th standard student can write such a good poetry and stories. Somehow I had an in-born talent for Hindi poetry (Literature). I used to write my poems and stories on rough papers which were used as a bag in the shop as I had limited number of notebooks and couldn't afford to fill them with stories and poems, as my father considered them useless and waste of time. After three days my father came back to village and directly came to the shop to get updates on me from Sanjay but He wasn't aware that Sanjay already had come to an alliance with me and he will favor me in his report. My father asked Sanjay about my routine in the shop for last 3 days, Did I study? How much time I focused on the shop activities? How much time played marbles? Sanjay, with a very serious face replied to my father "Babuji Anirudh behaved very nicely, most of the time he studied and other time he used to help me in the shop." My father felt very happy after hearing the updates and awarded me few candies and said 'very good son. You can go to school from tomorrow and in future do not commit any stupid mistakes which force me to punish you again.' I artificially showed him my happiness on getting the permission to resume school. But inside I wasn't happy and had no desire to go to school at all. I had enjoyed those three days the most in writing poems, eating candies, playing card games and marbles with Sanjay and others in my father's absence. You know Ken, if I think about my first day in school after that 3 day break, I can honestly tell you that I had no inclination for studies and at that moment could not envision myself to be a scientist. It was my father who kept his faith in me and pressurized, disciplined and persuaded me to perform well in studies. You know I am the first ever scientist in my village to this day," said Anirudh.

"Good for you Anirudh," replied Ken. "Do you still feel that if your father must not have helped you with your studies you would not have become scientist?"

"Yes surely, it was his discipline, faith and desire to bring pride to my family that I could reach to this level. I feel every father has a dream that their children should be successful professionally and personally, they try and envision their unfulfilled desires in their children and help to achieve them though their kids. At that time my father appeared like a villain to me but when I look back today, I feel he is solely responsible for all of my achievements. My mother like other mom's was always lenient, she would always see my comfort in everything but my father had never allowed her to shower too much care which might have led to my debacle. I remember an incident where in class 8th, I went to my father and told him that I didn't want to study anymore and instead I wanted to be a poet. First he slapped me and scolded me badly but I was determined and he could see that in my eyes, he again played a mind game based on his vast experience of knowing my personality and told me that I am free to do whatever I wanted to do and I do not have to go to school until I feel so. Again, I stayed in home for almost one month without going to school. Both my mother and father stopped talking to me properly, slowly I started feeling guilty of hurting them and decided to continue my studies. It was not until my 10th class when I was preparing for the board exams, I became serious for the studies when one day my father told me that he wanted to become a scientist and discover something novel in life sciences to improve the human lives but he couldn't do so because of his family's financial condition. He had to start working on his father's shop to feed the entire family at an early age. That was the day I promised to myself that I will fulfill my father's unfulfilled dream of becoming a scientist and discovering something noble which would benefit human race."

Ken interfered, "And finally you have, your father must be very proud of you. Where is he? Is he not staying with you?" Asked Ken.

Anirudh replied "he is no more. He passed away when I was doing my PhD. I was so unfortunate that I could not see him in his last days as I had my PhD final viva exam, which I couldn't miss. Moreover, he had himself instructed me that I should focus on completing my PhD."

Anirudh had tears in his eyes, Ken hugged Anirudh and told him, "my friend whoever has come to this earth has to go. You'll also go one day, this is a universal process, so don't worry. I know you have made him proud, he must be really happy and watching you from wherever he is."

Anirudh agreed with him. 

Finally Rachna shouted from the kitchen, "hey guys, food is ready! You both have been talking to each other from almost two hours. Are you not hungry, it is 9 PM. Ken, I have heard from Anirudh that you used to follow a much disciplined daily routine where you used to eat your dinner by 7 PM but today you are behaving like your friend."

"Rachna, this is a life time meeting, I can forgo my routine at least for one evening and you had given me such a nice tea and snack that it is still giving a pleasant flavor to my mouth and I can wait another hour for food if it's not ready," said Ken.

"No Ken, it is ready I have kept everything on dining table. Please come inside and have your dinner."

Both Ken and Anirudh went to the dining table. "Rachna why don't you come and join us," Ken suggested.

Rachna smiled, "no you guys have it first, I'll prepare fresh Rotis for you."

As soon as Ken tasted the daal (lentil curry) and paneer curry, he did not forget to tell Rachna that it tasted great. After having the dinner, Ken gave lot of blessings to Rachna for providing such a lovely meal and also asked Anirudh if he liked the food.

Anirudh said, "it is always tasty, Rachna is a very good cook."

Ken asked Anirudh to join him for a walk outside in the street after dinner.

"A short walk is always good after dinner for good for health."

"Yes it is," replied Anirudh.

Both of them went out in the street, Ken continued, "my friend appreciation is something which is very important and makes people feel important and happy. Did it ever happened that you did not like the food or something was not right like salt, chilies or something and you did not tell that to Rachna?"

"No I always communicate whatever was not right so that she can improve it next time," said Anirudh.

"Then why you did not appreciate her when everything was perfect and you liked the food?"

"No Ken, most of time whatever Rachna cooks tastes great so I cannot tell her three times in a day, every day that food is tasty, great, thank you etc."

"Why not?" Asked Ken. "I am sure Anirudh that you are aware about an inherent nature of humans where we never miss a chance to complain?or criticise hundred things but forget to compliment and appreciate where we need to. It's not strange and is very common with most of us that appreciating our life partner for something which we felt good three times in a day, we feel either too much work or too formal behavior or it is not important."

Anirudh was lost, "what are you trying to say Ken? I am confused."

"Don't get confused at all, what I am saying is that appreciate each and everything thing you feel like appreciating in a similar way you criticise things you don't like. As a wife don't you feel she has the right to get appreciation from her husband at least once a day? Our life in today's world is so complex and busy that we don't spend enough time with our family members and we miss the opportunities like having food together, saying thank you or showing appreciation for what we like in them. Slowly we are becoming mechanical, we look like humans but everything inside us is all programmed like machines. I would recommend you my friend to appreciate these sweet and lovely moments for they will never come back. Life is like a 'flowing river. The water that you see before entering will never be the same portion of water that you feel when you enter the river because that water will flow on.' Value the small things or moments which give you happiness and satisfaction. Cherish each and every moment which brings happiness and peace."

Again while listening Anirudh was completely moved by Ken's words and said, "Sorry Ken I have understood what exactly you are trying to tell me. It feels to me that I have missed most of these lovely important things in life. I'll surely start valuing everything now onwards and start expressing my liking and start saying thanks to what I like."

"That's good I knew you would understand this. Okay now call Rachna and tell her that the food was good," said Ken.

"I will tell her once we go back to home."

"No, that is what I was trying to tell you that this feeling, this moment will not be the same again, act in the moment, utilize this moment to do something which you have never done," said Ken.

Anirudh was convinced and called Rachna on her mobile as she was inside the house and what he said in next few lines to Rachna was quiet strange, "sorry Rachna, for not appreciating you for lot of things I should have. Sorry for taking you for granted and thanks very much for being there with me always" went on saying while he had tears in his eyes on the other side there was no reaction. Ken was listening to everything and was smiling; somewhere he knew that this phone call would end in this manner. After disconnecting the call, Anirudh hugged Ken and said thank you Ken for everything.

"It's fine my friend," replied Ken.

"I am feeling very light and blissful."

"No worries," said ken with his trademark smile.

As soon as they entered home Rachna was sitting outside the main door and had tears in her eyes. She came running to Anirudh and hugged him and asked, "what happened Anirudh?" Is everything fine? You sounded strange over the phone, did I do something wrong? Are you upset with me that I have told Ken in the evening that you don't spend enough time with us?" Asked Rachna. Ken after watching everything decided to leave both of them alone and went inside the house.

Anirudh replied, "no Rachna, I just felt like telling you that you are an integral part of my life and the most precious gift of God. You have given life to my lovely children and I value you for this but I always took you for granted in everything and did not appreciate you for years and while talking to Ken, he made me realize the importance of appreciation and suddenly that emotional outburst happened with you over the phone."

Rachna replied, "I have no complaints with you, I know you were working so hard for us and for your father's dream. I always understood that you value us but had no time but I am happy for whatever you have just said." Both went inside happily and said thanks to Ken.

"Let's continue our previous discussion of your journey from your village to getting nominated for the Nobel," said Ken.

"Yes, let's go to the study room," said Anirudh. "Rachna, both me and Ken will be there in the study room, you can go to sleep with the kids. I don't want to lose a single moment of spending time with Ken and may not sleep at all tonight," said Anirudh. "Ken, can we talk whole night?" Asked Anirudh.

"Why not my friend," said ken. Both went to the study room which was on the first floor of the house.

"So, because of your father's unfulfilled dream you had decided in your 10th class that you wanted to be a scientist?"

"Yes," replied Anirudh. "I got 90% marks in my board exam and got admission into the best school in Meerut and took science in 11th. My passion for science grew further during 11th and 12th especially in Biology. I had secured 97% marks in 12th board exams and got admission into B.Sc Botany (H) in Kirori Mal College (one of the famous colleges of north campus in Delhi). If I look back nobody has ever got admission into north campus of Delhi University and that too in KMC College, where Mr Amitabh bachchan had also studied along with some famous personalities from my district or the village. At that time I was feeling on the top of the world but the college ragging on the very first day made me disinterested in the college. You would not believe Ken, that I was scared to a level with my seniors that after first day of my college I did not go to the College for one week. Somehow through a common connection I could connect to Delhi University Student Union President, Deepak, who accompanied me into the college after my one week break. This fellow had great following and network in our college, once he introduced me to the seniors and student union committee members of KMC, I never had to worry about ragging anymore. I used to get a royal treatment by my seniors. Obviously, I had to give back something in return to Deepak. So after 3 months of my college education, I had to support him in his election campaign for day and night for almost a month. As I was away from my family, nobody was there to question me. To tell you honestly Ken, I started enjoying the student politics and became less focused on studies. Somehow I had managed to clear the first year final exams but realized that I was not enjoying the Botany courses. If I look back, maybe I was trying to escape from the political addiction I was getting into and it had nothing to do with Botany as a subject. I decided to change the course and college, went to another college Swami Shraddhanand College to Study BSc (H) microbiology course which was only available in three colleges out 75 colleges of Delhi University at that time. This college was not very reputed one and had no basic labs for Microbiology laboratory experiments. Our course was theory centric but we had the best faculty available in the out of other three colleges offering the same course and they taught us in the best possible way they could in spite of having limited laboratory infrastructure. Somehow, inside I was feeling little disappointed on my first day of college at SSN as I had wasted one year and was restarting my first year again now in a different subject. I did not know that my political connects were restricted only to KMC college and as a fresher, I'll have to face the ragging again in this new college. As I was renting a house in a nearby village and SSN College has majority of students from the same village mostly from the Jatt community, somehow seniors identified with me and did not rag me too much. After few days of my stay in college, I suddenly felt that I should try and prepare for the Pre medical admission entrance examination to get admission into MBBS as I was not gaining interest in Microbiology."

Ken interrupted Anirudh, "You again lost interest in your new course so quickly? What went wrong? It appears to me that you were in confused state of mind at that stage and were trying to may be find out what you liked, you think I am correct?" Asked Ken.

"Absolutely," Ken replied Anirudh.

"I was first of all trying to adjust to the Delhi metro life, moreover, when I was in my village and even in Meerut, I always had my father to help me out in my decisions but as soon as I came to Delhi, I did not have regular access to him and he could not decide for me. You know all my life until that moment he had helped in my decisions and suddenly him not being there physically, made me handicapped."

"You should have taken his opinion even if he was in the village," suggested Ken. "Did he not give his opinion?"

"No Ken, from the time I moved to Delhi, he somehow felt that I should take my own decisions and should do what I like to do."

"Great! So nice of him. What did you do finally," asked Ken.

"I started preparing myself for the MBBS examination as I did not have enough money to pay for the coaching but somehow I managed to get admission offer form two regional MBBS colleges in Karnataka. However, I could not go there due to high tuition fees they were asking for. During this process of MBBS exam preparation, I had to miss my first year exams at SSN and I lost another year. I remember the day I had to re-start my first year again at SSN, I was almost hiding my face and was embarrassed as my first year class mates had moved to second year. The classmates I had were really nice, they understood my situation and starting helping me in restarting my new journey in Microbiology (H). I became very serious and realized the importance of not losing years and decided not to lose focus and waste anymore years in confusion. I became the topper in first year class and was on the heaven on my achievement, I am sure this news gave my father new energy as he had gifted me a Titan Indiglo watch (a luxury commodity for me). I still have that watch in my wardrobe. Now I have all the best brand watches but I cannot explain still that watch is the most precious one for me."

"It should be Anirudh," replied Ken.

"Go on. So, you were a genius and a hero in your class after first year," asked Ken.

"Yes I kind of, was," replied Anirudh.

"It looks to me either you are hiding something from me or your life was missing something until that moment if I compare it to some of the bollywood movies I had seen with you?"

"What's that Ken?" Asked Anirudh.

"You should understand yourself, don't ask me."

"Oh! I understood, you may be asking about whether I had any crush, love at first sight or anything right?"

"You are correct my friend," replied Ken.

"You have asked at the right point Ken, the next part of my journey has that component and you may laugh at me after listening to this part of my journey that I behaved exactly like a bollywood hero."

"That's great my friend please continue," said Ken.

"It was the beginning of second year, as I entered in our building, one of my class mate Vivek, was desperately searching for me.

As soon as he saw me, he shouted, 'Anirudh come here! I need to share something important, come fast' I was surprised to see Vivek behaving like this as he was one of the most quiet and sensible fellows in our class.

I went to him and asked 'what happened my friend? There is a newcomer in our department, we were trying to get an introduction from her but she rudely refused to give the introduction.'

'Are you sure, hoping you guys were not ragging her,' I asked.

'No it was kind of mild ragging Vineet, Manish and Mousami were trying but she used your name saying that she is your relative.'

'My relative, what is her name?' I asked.

'It's Kavita,' Vivek replied.

'I don't know any Kavita, maybe she is just using my name let's go inside the class.' We both went in the class. By now Mosuami, the angry women in our group had lost her cool and asked newcomer Kavita to write her name in small fonts on the entire writing board (that would be few thousand time at least as it was a big board). I had interrupted Kavita as she was writing on the board and her face was obviously towards board. 'Hey Kavita, stop writing and tell me how you are related to me, you should not have used my name.' As soon as she had turned her face towards me I could not take off my eyes from her face as she was beautiful and had tears in her eyes. I apologized to her and asked everyone to leave her alone and stop ragging her. She continued crying. I had to really work hard to calm her down. Somehow from that moment I start liking her.

"Love at first sight like bollywood movie," chuckled Ken.

I smiled and said, "sort of Ken. Once she became normal, I went back to my question but in a more polite way."

'How are you related to me?'

She told me that she had heard my name in Meerut from one of her relatives and she belongs to Merrut where I did my 11th & 12th education. Moreover, she admitted that to avoid ragging she had used my name as a defense mechanism. We laughed for few minutes after this and became best friends. Although she was my junior but she along with another girl Bhavana became part of our group. We used to eat in canteens together and watch movies occassionally together. My life at that time was like a melody song. Day's became years and finally last few months of my final year approached.

We went to Delhi university south campus for a lecture from an eminent professor of microbiology Dr Barret from Griffith University, Australia. He delivered a lecture on some high funda topic on extremophiles.

"What are extremophiles?" Asked Ken.

"Microorganisms living in extreme environments like high salt, high & low temperature etc."

"Oh okay. Continue."

"I was curious during his lecture and had asked couple of question as I had no idea about what he was talking most of the time. Maybe it was making sense to our professors or PhD students but to me, most of what he delivered in the form of lectures was completely new. Obviously, I had many questions, some of which I had asked him during the question answer session. You will not believe Ken that he got so impressed with my questions that during lunch he walked upto me and offered me a position with scholarship as soon as I completed my degree and gave me his visiting card."

"Really?" Asked Ken.

"Yes," replied Anirudh. "To be honest with you Ken, at that point I did not take his offer seriously and just kept his card in my wallet casually. That day really proved to be special for my relationship with Kavita but also for my future professional career. While coming back to our college with Bhavana, Mainsh, Vivek and Mousmi, I felt like telling Kavita that I like her and would be interested in marrying her but somehow I managed to stop my emotions. My friend you should have told her your feelings. Remember, whenever we feel something from heart, we should express, asked Ken. I know Ken but it is not easy to express that too to a girl who is your best friend. Did you express at some stage asked Ken? Hold on my friend wait for me to tell you. Yes I did express to her just before our final exams. What did she say? You never told me this when we were together in Brisbane. Anyways tell me what happened. She refused and said that she cannot think about her marriage at that point of time and would like to remain as a friend to me. Those few days were very gloomy for me, I had no interest in anything else. I could relate my situation to some of the love stories I had seen in movies but soon my friend Bhavana struck me hard and told me that I should focus on my exmas other wise my family will feel let down. I came to reality and started preparing for exam. Stop... asked Ken, so that's all you became normal. Yes, I had to fulfill my father's dream of becoming a scientist. That's fine my friend but I am surprised that you became normal so quickly? Did Kavita stopped talking to you or was normal after you proposed her. She was a matured girl. She continud behaving normally which sort of helped me working hard for my exmamination. I am sure she also knew about my father's dream. I again scored first class in the final exams. On the fare well day, I again felt attracted to Kavita and wanted to ask her again but brought my emotions back to normal. No point Anirudh, what you had gone through at that time was just infatuation otherwise you would not have given up replied Ken. I agree with you Ken. While we were departing the college Kavita came to me and wished me best of luck and had also given an important piece of advice for my career. What was that asked Ken? She could remember the offer given by Professor Barret and reminded me that I should email to Professor Barret for MS scholarship and had advised me to prepare for GRE & TOEFL to meet the admission requirements. I thanked her and promised to be in touch with her and everyone and decide to write to professor Barret, I did not believe that he replied next day and sent the offer letter on conditions of having a GRE score and TOEFL results. After 3 months of preparation, I could meet the Griffith University requirement. I had received an offer with full scholarship and even relocation money to buy air ticket and initial expenses. When I gave this news to my father after reaching to my village, he was the happiest soul on the earth. He had hosted big party to celebrate my success. Before I left for Australia, he has advised me not to get influenced by new culture and indulge into bad habbits or distractions. As always he advised me to be honest and work hard and set study as my first priority. He strongly advised me not to come back before completing my education no matter what happens in India. I bid goodbye to the family and boarded the plane for Brisbane. I had mixed feeling of happiness and sadness. I was afraid & nervous inside as I was venturing into a journey which is completely different to what I had faced until that moment.

Rahul Tyagi

Founder & COO IQ4I CANADA INC. Managing Director Iq4I Research & Consultancy Pvt.Ltd

4 年

Congrats bitto, Its inspiring and reflection of true journey..Good luck

Masood Siddiqui

Pharmacokinetic ,Pharmacodynamic ,Preclinical Research Scientist

4 年

Inspiring and after a long time.


Ex-Faculty at Weill Cornell Medicine

4 年

All chapters are very well written RT ji but I enjoyed Ch-3 the most. Look forward the next few--All the best, congratulations !!!...Because of good narration and flow, I could not resist and finished all three in one go---Love you--T

Praveen Hiremath

Global R&D and Operational Leader | Seasoned Professional experienced in Human Pharma, CDMO and Animal Health | Director Site Technical Services at Pfizer

4 年

Hearty congratulations Rajiv!??

Neel Madhukar

Senior Director @ RA Ventures | Building companies at the intersection of AI and Life Sciences | Always the naive optimist

4 年

Awesome! Looking forward to giving it a read :)


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