Chapter 2:  JesusSec, How A Few Chosen Men Became "Bulletproof"? / "Undefeatable"? / "Unbeatable"? With Jesus

Chapter 2: JesusSec, How A Few Chosen Men Became "Bulletproof" / "Undefeatable" / "Unbeatable" With Jesus

Previously in chapter 2, we talked about the exorcism of evil on the dark nets. We also talked about a holy and consecrated God that is Light in the midst of evil and how He provides for the chosen ones like Israel (not just Israel, but us cyber warriors and navy seals) to win mighty battles like David and Goliath's. Israel's true God is not only Israel's God. Anyone with faith like a mustard seed can move mountains as well.

In this chapter, I will talk about how you can rout out evil with God's mighty power in the name of Jesus Christ, our LORD.

Relevantly, God's words and Gideon's 300 men (not eluding to "300" the movie) will apply to this as well.

You need to realize this Holy God loves obedience and will take any means to rout evil in your networks, but He demands comradery and ownership in your Life as well. Praying that God will take ownership in inventory of your systems will do the same. You need to take GRC (governance, risk, and compliance) and apply it on your networks but come to the conclusion that all GRC is Christ's. In doing so, you will see mighty results and no cyber attacks. It doesn't depend on your security. It depends on God's security.

I used to administer a WordPress site that had security in it, but the minimal. What I am saying is that if you are shielded by WAFs and similar devices, you are still not good enough. But, this WordPress site no matter how many times the threat actors hit it (over 80,000 times), they were not successful at all. This made the threat actors look like losers by playing God's CTF (capture the flag), because God's walls were too secure. You can tell that this is a miracle in itself, because attackers are afraid of God, and afraid of the Christ that lives in you. Even the devils will tremble when they think of you.

In old days, most war generals and military have relied on themselves too much. They haven't relied on God a single bit. They were too embarrassed for listening to leaders that had no common grounds with Jesus. They have also realized that this is their own battle, instead of relying on the Hands of the Almighty God.

Romans 8:38-39

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, [39] Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

This is true and Almighty God's Words is always final.

Now, back to the point of Gideon's story.

Judges 7:15-20

"When Gideon heard the dream and its interpretation, he worshiped God. He returned to the camp of Israel and called out, 'Get up! The LORD?has given the Midianite camp into your hands.' Dividing the three hundred men into three companies, he placed trumpets and empty jars in the hands of all of them, with torches inside.
'Watch me,' he told them. 'Follow my lead. When I get to the edge of the camp, do exactly as I do. When I and all who are with me blow our trumpets, then from all around the camp blow yours and shout, "For the LORD?and for Gideon." '
Gideon and the hundred men with him reached the edge of the camp at the beginning of the middle watch, just after they had changed the guard. They blew their trumpets and broke the jars that were in their hands. The three companies blew the trumpets and smashed the jars. Grasping the torches in their left hands and holding in their right hands the trumpets they were to blow, they shouted, 'A sword for the LORD?and for Gideon!' " (7:15-20)

It is not the intimidation of who is on your side (GOD). But, the confidence, assurance, and realization that God is on your side.

Anyways, this is just one of the battle tactics in the Bible that was used to thwart the enemy and the gods ("devils") of the underworld like Lucifer and Baphomet. With new devils come new levels.

These tactics are mandatory for offensive / defensive engagements as well.

  • Surround the Midianite camp?with a line of men a few hundred feet apart. This way the enemy will feel like they are being attacked from all sides.

This is a tactic of intimidation. And, if used successfully will be able to rout enemies who try to attack the network.

  • Attack late at night?to surprise and confuse the enemy. The beginning of the middle watch would be about 10 pm. Having good coverage and having the principle of the SOC (24/7 is critical but not necessary, as God is on your side).

Having a good SOC daywatch / nightwatch is necessary and is always mandatory for good Security.

  • Sound trumpets (shofars)?from 300 different directions. Trumpets were used in battle to sound the charge or retreat, much as bugles were used in the American Civil War. Usually one trumpet would be sounded to direct each company of soldiers. When the enemy hears 300 trumpets they imagine that a huge army is attacking them.

Praise and worship, and daily devotion to Jesus Christ is vital for an Armored cyber defense / offense. It is not about how many SOC members you have. It is really about the numbers that can be used in the cyber battles to conquer your enemies. You need dedicated Christian members in your company with SOC capabilities who are effective in warring against the enemies. Again, this not about SIZE matters. But, quality of your candidates that know Jesus, that matters. Please keep in mind that you have unlimited angel armies on your side, when you believe in the True God.

  • Break pottery jars. The jars serve two purposes: (1) to hide the light of the torches until the right time and (2) to create a great deal of noise upon shattering in order to confuse the enemy.

We are facing cyber battles everyday. When JesusSec is on your side, you are bulletproof and you are a Giant at the same time. No spiritual bullets can penetrate the one who holds on to the Holy Scriptures of God.

  • Raise the torchlight. Torchlights suddenly appearing all around the Midianite camp underscore the impression of being surrounded and induce panic.

Although His (Gideon's) army was small against the ten thousands, Gideon knew that He had God's angel army on His side (the number of that could be in the hundred thousands).

  • Shout a battle cry, "A sword for the LORD?and for Gideon." 300 men shouting a battle cry from diverse directions adds to the fear and panic of the enemy.

Although men seem to be great with their elements of cybersecurity, God's initiatives were greater. Brands and companies can be great. But, remember companies like Mandiant and Microsoft were great but also had been breached (literally, as mentioned in the news). Knowing who is on your Side matters (the hundreds of thousands of angels matters), because true Spiritual size matters.

Hands-on / Technical Spiritual Applications To Cyber:

  • Great courage and faith to carry out God's battle plan with a skeleton force of only 300 men.

You can have a small SOC team in cyber and if they are ALL equipped with God's people, then you will succeed.

  • Follow-through and persistence to pursue the enemy until he is completely defeated.

Christ is your Big Sword in your Line of Defense. Note here -- that a sword can be used for defensive and offensive lines of operations. One needs to follow through all events before they become incidents bearing in mind that His faith will lead Him to win battles.

  • Single-minded focus to concentrate on the most important task and not be distracted.

When victory in Yours, you know you can complete the most amount of work and put God to auto-pilot in your network.


Remember, the LORD your God, your Defender of your networks and all the good things he has done. Ultimately, you will be made accountable to Him for your good works, because your life belongs to God. Your line of defense if not implemented properly will leak when your confidence and faith in Christ is not well-built and could falter because of sin living in your life.

Your spiritual line of defense is only good as your relationship with Christ.


God, I believe that you will protect my networks, not because I am believing in my own strength or am like a navy seal to protect my network, but believing in your Might and Power to obliterate all evil within my network. Banish all evil in this world, one day at a time, while good men of Christ are protecting the networks and equipped to do their daily battles. In you, there is no mistake.

In Jesus' name I pray,



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