"Whenever something — anything — is to be produced, there must be a systematized method of producing it."? Toyota Employee Handbook [1]


Quality Is a Given

As a customer, you expect to spend your money on quality products. Many of us, for example, go to various consumer reports and review websites to select our next automobile — hoisting quality up to first place. We read news articles, ask friends, "How do you like your new car?" We seek out other indices of automotive quality, such as J.D. Power ratings and Consumer Reports repair records.

We expect quality and are shocked when our car doesn't start, our pen doesn't write, our smart phone goes blank, or our TV goes on the blink. It wasn't always like this. Before product companies adopted the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM), many goods didn't pass the quality test. As a result of the worldwide acceptance of TQM, everything from computers to automobiles now achieves impressive levels of quality.

When it comes to the production of goods, quality is king. Manufacturing quality is now the minimum expected to enter the competitive arena. But for knowledge workers, your customers demand more than just quality. As we noted in Chapter 4, "Creating Customer Value: Your Only Job," customer value ranges from product features to deeper needs for identity and meaning. Customers increasingly demand products and services that work, provide superior experiences, enhance prestige, and fulfill other requirements. The quality movement in manufacturing needs to be revisited to extend TQM.

An Inspiration

They couldn't believe what I was saying. At an SRI executive staff meeting, I mentioned that we would visit an automobile manufacturing plant. "Why in the world would we do that?" they asked. "We don't make automobiles; we conduct research and create new technological innovations and solutions." I agreed, but I wanted everyone to see an example of the power that comes from having a process for value creation in manufacturing.

In 1982, the GM manufacturing plant in Fremont, California, across the bay from Silicon Valley, was one of the poorest-performing plants in the country. Its products had many defects, and the employees and management needed to work better together. Before it closed, it had almost 800 union grievances pending and an absentee rate of 20 percent [3].

In 1987, Toyota and GM agreed to form a 50/50 joint venture (JV) and reopen the plant under Toyota's management. The first CEO of the plant was Tatsuro Toyoda. The JV was called New United Motor Manufacturing Incorporated, or NUMMI. The NUMMI team renegotiated the union agreement to accommodate Toyota's broad job classifications and flexible work rules. Of the original employees, roughly 50 percent were hired back as the core of a reduced workforce [4].

The NUMMI JV was formed when there was little understanding of the Toyota manufacturing system. One senior GM manager said, "Initially, we thought there was nothing to learn from our partner. When we first went to Japan, we thought our partners wanted a JV so they could learn from us. We were shocked at what we saw on that first visit. We were amazed that they were even close to us, let alone much better. We realized our production capabilities were nothing. Our partner was doing many things we couldn't do."

Several years after the NUMMI plant reopened, it had the highest quality and productivity in the GM U.S. organization. Total worker hours per vehicle averaged 21 at NUMMI versus 43 at the same plant in 1978. A Toyota plant in Takaoka, Japan, averaged 18, and the comparable GM plant in Framingham, Massachusetts, averaged 41. Absenteeism was down to 3 percent, and union grievances were down from 800 to about 15.

Toyota Standardized Work

How did Toyota and GM achieve such a remarkable turnaround at the NUMMI plant? Like the success of Engelbart's team in inventing the computer mouse and the foundations of personal computing, an achievement of this magnitude does not happen by accident. Later, we learned about some of the reasons for Toyota's success. Its philosophy is nicely summarized by this quote from the Toyota handbook given to all employees:

"Whenever something — anything—is to be produced, there must be a systematized method of producing it. Whether or not the people who do the actual production fully understand those rules, that system decides product quality, cost, safety, and all essential determinants of success or failure."

These are all important words, but the one that stands out is anything. That includes innovation. Toyota then goes on to tell all its employees: Toyota's mission is to provide to society:

  • The highest-quality automobile
  • At the lowest possible cost
  • In a timely matter with the shortest possible lead time
  • While paying the utmost respect to the humanity of workers
  • Through the use of Toyota Standardized Work and with the
  • Elimination of all Muda — non-value — adding activities.

This list is one of the best mission statement we have seen. The first three bullets define value to the customer based fundamentally on quality and speed of production. The following three bullets say how it will be achieved.

At the core of Toyota Standardized Work is the idea of Total Quality Management (TQM). In a conversation with Tatsuhiko Yoshimura, former vice president of quality for Toyota, he emphasized that TQM is the foundation for all activities at Toyota. He drew a picture for us with TQM as the base that firmly holds up all programs and initiatives. He said, without such a strong base, major strategic initiatives would tip over and not succeed.

Ford, Deming, and Ohno

The last hundred years have seen two revolutions in the processes used for manufacturing innovation. The first was when Ford pioneered low-cost assembly-line manufacturing with the Model T in 1908 [6]. The second was the introduction of Total Quality Management (TQM) to manufacturing by Deming, Ohno, and others in the 1950s [7]. Ohno's lean manufacturing system went beyond Deming and was the basis for the Toyota Production System. These innovations by Deming and Ohno added high quality to low-cost manufactured products. Manufacturing companies must focus on quality because it is the most essential element of a product's value. If your car is constantly breaking down, you will be miserable no matter how luxurious it is. Today, all manufacturing companies use some TQM version to continuously increase quality and reduce costs.

NUMMI demonstrated the power and efficiency of having a disciplined quality process. NUMMI's success was based on best practices focused primarily on quality and cost, the core attributes that a manufacturing facility must deliver. In the exponential economy, manufacturing quality represents the "table stakes" required to enter the game. In many areas, manufacturing is becoming almost a commodity that can be purchased. Successful enterprises must go beyond quality to continuously create new customer value in the shortest time and for the minimum investment as the overarching organizing principle.

We are now firmly in the global knowledge age — the exponential economy. There is currently no equivalent of TQM for knowledge workers. For knowledge workers, the right metric is customer value, which explicitly encompasses all product's attributes, including quality, service, experience, and emotions. It is also a metric that applies to every function of the enterprise. By analogy to TQM, we believe that the proper foundation for all knowledge enterprises is Continuous Value Creation (i.e., the Five Disciplines), where every enterprise function is dedicated to creating the highest customer value in the shortest possible time.

Five Disciplines Is Overarching

Continuous Value Creation develops an enterprise-wide culture that unrelentingly focuses on rapidly creating new customer value. The Five Disciplines provides for both continuous improvement and the development of significant, transformational innovations. Because creating customer value is an enterprise's primary function, the Five Disciplines includes the overarching family of value creation practices into which all others fit. TQM best practices, such as Design, Six Sigma, and ISO 9001, are more specific and apply to selected parts of an enterprise, whereas the Five Disciplines is at the core of innovation best practices.

TQM and Five Disciplines have complementary properties:


  • Objective: Consistent incremental improvements
  • Focus: Quality, efficiency, and cost
  • Metrics: Statistical measures of quality
  • Leverage: Continuous process improvement through rapid iteration and compounding.?


  • Objective: Continual customer value improvements through both incremental and breakthrough innovations.
  • Focus: Increased customer value (benefits per costs better than the competition), efficiency, and speed of innovation.
  • Metrics: Customer value created per time per resources invested (i.e., all elements of value).
  • Leverage: Continuous value creation through rapid iteration and exponential compounding of knowledge.

Bottom-Up and Top-Down

Continuous Value Creation allows for both top-down and bottom-up initiatives. Organizations must do both. Bottom-up is essential because your employees are the most knowledgeable about customer needs, business model changes, and technological revolutions. Top-down is essential because significant new initiatives are also required, such as Applied Materials creating a program to build solar cell manufacturing equipment.

An early American contribution to management was the development of top-down strategies driven through the whole organization. Henry Ford, who obsessively organized his company from the top down, with employees as "cogs" in his low-cost, mass-production assembly line, represented one extreme approach. He did not want his managers to make decisions. Their job was to implement his rules and orders. If you did act independently, you were fired. He was fixated on achieving low cost and thought this was the best way to achieve it. He only offered cars in black because one color simplified production, and black paint covered best. While he did produce the revolutionary Model T, he also initially had a 40 percent per month worker turnover rate from bored, burned-out employees [8]. People didn't like being treated like robots.? They were not fully engaged, and undoubtedly, quality suffered.

Top-down organizations can be responsive but are based on specific rules to produce the required results. Ultimately, they fail because the organization's collective intelligence is grossly inadequate to keep up with the external pace of innovation. When GM offered cars in different colors plus other innovations, Ford almost went bankrupt.

In contrast, total quality management (TQM) begins by focusing on the quality of work produced. Since it is aimed at continuous improvement throughout the enterprise, all workers must be involved. In the Japanese application of TQM, top management provides leadership by articulating mission statements and a total commitment to TQM as the basis for all activities. Typically, in a Japanese TQM enterprise, you hear phrases like "to bring delight to our customers" or "the imperative to continually contribute to the development of society while focusing on corporate responsibility" [9]. Responsibility is distributed throughout the enterprise, but new initiatives must be extensively socialized before they become accepted.

The Japanese have a wonderful term for this form of socialization, nemawashi, which means "going around the roots." The concept comes from growing bonsai trees. With bonsai, you must ensure effective root binding for the plants to thrive. More time is spent developing the roots than pruning the tree's top. In management terms, this means engaging people and bringing them to a consensus [10]. The concern in these enterprises is whether the enterprise will respond quickly enough to seize the rapidly developing opportunities of the exponential economy.

An enterprise based on the Five Disciplines works to harness the power of both top-down and bottom-up. In Five Disciplines organizations, creating customer value is the core around which all other activities are built. Further innovation best practices, such as TQM, are included throughout the organization as appropriate to the task.

With the Five Disciplines there is room for strategic initiatives from the top and new ideas percolating up from the bottom. Value Creation Forums provide a common organizational structure throughout the enterprise to bring forth both types of initiatives. For example, Value Creation Forums can be run at the lower levels of the organization, focused on improving today's products and services. Alternatively, the upper levels of the organization can form Forums around new strategic initiatives based on transformational technologies or business models and place them correctly in the organization. However, the central driving feature for all is the focus on delivering the highest customer value in the shortest possible time with the minimum resources using core value creation practices. New initiatives—from the top, the bottom, or the middle — all must pass this same litmus test.

First Steps

Moving to SRI's headquarters in Silicon Valley to become the CEO of one of the premier technical enterprises in the world was a dream come true. There was just one problem: The business model that had been so successful for SRI over the previous fifty years could not keep up. The vitality and speed of the exponential economy required SRI's teams and partners to work together in new, more productive ways.

It is always a mistake to walk into an enterprise and assume you understand it. I certainly needed to understand what was essential to SRI's employees. When I arrived, I prepared a questionnaire with Alice Resnick, our communications vice president, which we gave to all employees. It asked everyone:

  • What is our vision, strategy, and values?
  • What is vital about SRI and our work?
  • What are our strengths and weaknesses?

The hundreds of pages of responses I received were impressive. The staff cared deeply about SRI. Unfortunately, there was little agreement about our vision or strategy. But fortunately, there was almost universal agreement on basic values.

  • "We are customer centric."
  • "We do important work and positively impact the world."
  • "We work with outstanding professional colleagues."
  • "Respect and integrity are fundamental to everything we do."

I summarized the comments and shared them with all the staff to ensure I understood their feedback correctly.? I received more feedback and we continued.

The organization's senior staff and working groups began to explore SRI's external environment and how we needed to respond. We started by working to understand our customers' needs, our overall business environment and ecosystem, and our specific opportunities. We asked questions like "Are we in the right markets? Do we have the organizational structures to deliver on our opportunities? Do we have the people to succeed, and do we have the appropriate support infrastructure?" Out of this work, we began to develop a new vision for where we wanted to go and the work that was required to get there. The senior staff was asked to take on new roles to move us toward the new vision. Additional support teams were formed to create the missing initiatives, organizations, and infrastructure and to modify those that were no longer appropriate.

Speed was essential, but staying within the entire organization was critical: we needed the staff's input and buy-in. Enterprise-wide talks, focus groups, team meetings, and e-mail were used to involve others and solicit feedback.

The DNA of change (Desire, New vision, and Action plan) not only applies to individuals, it plays out in organizations, too. In the beginning at SRI, there was little agreement about the need to make any change. People would say, "Our team is fine. Just get that other group to shape up." But slowly, the enterprise began to understand the unique issues we confronted in the exponential economy and why we needed to change. After a while, people stopped talking about the Need to change and began talking about SRI's New vision and where it should go. Eventually, the discussion moved from the New vision to the Action plan, using the steps described below.

We started with two overarching principles: The first was a commitment to creating and delivering the highest customer value in the shortest time. The marketplace demands this. The second was to achieve this goal using core value-creation practices. Our test was to consistently determine whether our practices would move the enterprise toward creating greater customer value. If they did, we kept them. If they didn't work out, we tried others. The process was one of continuous improvement of our value creation practices through discovering and creating, applying and measuring, and iterating and learning.

These two overarching principles where the most significant acts of commitment toward achieving the ?Five Disciplines. We see hesitancy and procrastination about making these commitments all the time in other enterprises, perhaps because the ramifications of these decisions are unfamiliar. But we sometimes paraphrase a well-known quote by asking, "If not this, what? If not now, when? If not you, who?" [11]. We often get blank looks. These commitments take great courage and commitment from the CEO and the senior management team. But what is the alternative to being explicit about creating the highest customer value using the value creation best practices?

The Card

One of our first deliverables in aligning SRI around customer value and innovation best practices was the “SRI Card,” which we developed with our staff. The card would articulate SRI's vision and strategy along with our values and critical value creation practices. Working groups began developing the Card. Periodically, versions of the card were placed on the internal SRI website to get a company-wide response. Some of the e-mail responses were initially argumentative, suspicious, and even antagonistic. But all the reactions were helpful. They indicated that we still needed the right messages and that we needed to do more work.

Iterations continued. The goal was not to produce a card in record time but to involve all the employees in a joint vision that would work. The SRI Card was a conversation starter and vision clarifier. Finally, e-mails started coming back saying, "That's who we are." "This fits." At this point, we published the card.

After finishing the SRI Card, we continued our working groups. We focused them on key innovation issues, such as the roles of Champions, how government work differs from commercial work, and the appropriate quantitative goals for SRI. We created new organizational structures like Value Creation Forums and a ventures-incubation group. We added new people to our staff, and a few who didn't share our values left. We created the Five Disciplines of Innovation workshop to make these innovation skills available to our staff, partners, and clients.

SRI Card

The SRI Card was an early sign of our commitment to alignment in creating the highest customer value using value creation practices throughout the enterprise. But alignment in an enterprise, where everyone understands what customer value and innovation practices mean and can act on them, is a long-term project [12].

First, it means that the entire enterprise is aligned around the Five Disciplines of Innovation and has a deep commitment to them. Second, it requires that all functions of the enterprise be designed to allow the creation and delivery of the highest customer value. As is often quoted, "All organizations are perfectly designed to get the results they get too well " [13]. Like the challenge at SRI, to be effective all key elements in the enterprise must be aligned, as listed below.


  • Assuring a shared understanding of the vision, mission, strategy, values, and goals.
  • Delivering the highest customer value in the minimum time with minimum cost.
  • Committing to continuous improvement of value creation and other organizational practices.
  • Creating organizational structures and processes that make the outcomes wanted inevitable.
  • Assuring organizational transparency, including communication, knowledge, and intellectual property.
  • Providing shared recognition and rewards.
  • Adhering to the highest ethical standards: respect for others and absolute integrity.
  • Modelling of all values and practices by the CEO and management team

Our objective was to implement the Five Disciplines across SRI. In a Five Disciplines enterprise, all employees create and deliver new customer value. This expectation respects the importance of each person's activity. In addition, consideration is given to all stakeholders to ensure that they are in balance: customer value, company value, shareholder value, partner value, employee value, and public value.

Measures of success for a Five Disciplines enterprise include:

  • New customer value created, resources spent, and speed of innovation.
  • Customer satisfaction and repeat business.
  • Growth, profitability, and return on investment.
  • Employee development, loyalty, and retention.
  • Community responsibility.

Alignment means ensuring the enterprise is constructed to deliver the highest customer value. If organizational issues are in the way, they must be removed. Your goal in a Five Disciplines enterprise is to use value creation best practices to make the delivery of the highest customer value inevitable.

Early Adopters

Employing Five Disciplines throughout the enterprise is like any other initiative: not everyone will join on day one. Start by finding those who share your passion for the new vision, like establishing a beachhead in the marketplace. Help them transition, achieve new performance levels, and celebrate their successes. Nothing builds credibility more than having respected members of the organization embrace the new vision, master the new skills, and succeed. These early champions prove to the skeptics that the Five Disciplines is valuable in a way that talking cannot.

In addition, if you want the principles of customer value and value creation practices to stick, you must continuously reinforce them. As we have mentioned, you must say things ten times more often than you would ever believe because only some listen, the words used are unfamiliar, and there is skepticism at first. It also takes time to understand and internalize new concepts. For example, understanding how to create an NABC quantitative value proposition is challenging and never fast. Since different people learn differently, we used diverse approaches to engage everyone, such as all-staff meetings, working groups, and training, while posting our results on the SRI Internet.

Your Five Disciplines Road Map

We are often asked, "How do I begin?" The following overall road map is one way to glimpse your enterprise's entire movement to Five Disciplines. It gives specific steps you can use to bring Five Disciplines into focus. Of course, you will have to adapt these steps in your enterprise, but this overall road map will point the way for your Five Disciplines migration. As the elements of the enterprise become aligned around the Five Disciplines, they mutually reinforce one another, and progress will accelerate:

  1. Deeply understand the exponential economy and its impact on your enterprise.

  • Take an inventory of where you are.
  • Create a vision, mission, and goals for the enterprise to thrive.
  • Select your important customer and market opportunities.
  • Create support groups to ensure that the enterprise realizes the new vision.
  • Involve your team and get buy-in.
  • Educate and enroll others in the vision.
  • Use every effective vehicle to communicate the new vision and value-creation strategies.
  • Create an NABC Action Plan for your team and organization around the new vision.

  1. Launch your initial Value Creation Forums.

  • Select a business theme, prepare Champions, and invite key contributors.
  • Run the Forums and educate participants about value creation while removing obstacles.
  • Encourage others to develop value propositions and conduct Forums.
  • Create momentum through short-term wins.
  • Recognize and reward people for creating new value and supporting the vision.
  • Find and coach other Champions and keep others informed of the progress.

  1. Align the enterprise with the new vision and institutionalize core value creation practices.

  • Consolidate gains and produce still more change: leverge early adopters.
  • Use credibility to change systems, organizational structures, and policies to fit the vision.
  • Educate and train Champions and others on value-creation principles and practices.
  • Create support structures such as a seperate function for venture creation.
  • Document and share lessons learned and other best practices.
  • Align rewards and recognition programs with the vision.

Five Disciplines, like all organizational approaches, must be continually reinforced. It is a journey that takes time. Look for opportunities to make headway and return to it repeatedly. We all think it will happen sooner than it does. It takes time for even a positive virus to infect the entire enterprise.

SRI is full of brilliant professionals and they have their own views on everything. But the one thing everyone agreed on was the importance of real achievement making a difference. All my talks and meetings started with that as our goal.

Jim Collins has a beautiful metaphor for organizations that move from "good to great" [14]. An enterprise is like a massive flywheel. When you first push on it, it barely moves. But every little push builds momentum, and eventually, the wheel will spin. Great companies are the ones that align the enterprise and keep the "little pushes" going in the right direction. Failure comes from thinking that one or two big pushes will get the flywheel moving fast enough and keep it going.

We use another metaphor that helps us measure progress: "brick by brick." If you aim to build a solid wall, you do that brick by brick. We constantly asked whether we were adding more bricks each week, each month, and each year. At first, you don't see much progress, but eventually, everyone can see the progress that has been made. And once you get going, you will start adding bigger bricks.

We are often asked, "What percentage of SRI International's staff fully understands all these value creation principles?"? We say, "About 5 percent understand deeply, 20 percent have a good working understanding, and another 30 percent are conversant with the ideas. The remaining 40 percent are familiar with the core ideas, like NABC. ?When everyone in the enterprise knows that every initiaitve for others starts with the end-user's need, that one result is transformative.

It's like TQM that way; it took Toyota decades to get where they are. But you don't need 100 percent understanding of these ideas to make a significant impact and improve the success of your enterprise. You can never achieve 100 percent, but as the parts come together, they amplify one another, and the impact increases. Steady progress brings accelerating rewards.

Tests of Leadership Commitment

If you are a leader promoting Five Disciplines, your commitment will be tested [15]. As you begin discussing customer value, innovation, and how to create and deliver superior customer value, others will test your leadership. If there is any disagreement within the upper leadership team, including the CEO and VPs, it is a huge stop sign for the rest of the enterprise. People will think, "Why should I pay attention if they aren't on board?" The management team will be continuously tested. For example, you will be in a meeting, and someone will say, "Oh, come on, this is just another management trend du jour." Any hesitancy to respond appropriately is a failed test of commitment. The CEO and senior management team must be champions for the Five Disciplines of Innovation.

Employees will watch you like a hawk to see if you waver or are a Champion for the new approach. Do you have enthusiasm? Can you articulate the Five Disciplines of Innovation? Can you engage them in conversation, so they become convinced of its utility to their jobs? When you respond with clarity and enthusiasm, always considering individual and team concerns, you can incrementally enroll everyone interested in higher-impact innovation through the Five Disciplines.

Before others join you, they need to know you will continue to lead in the same direction for more than the typical half-life of most initiatives. If you change your mind yearly, they will just wait you out. Recall all the catchphrases that have appeared and receded in the recent past:

  • Management by objectives.
  • Strategic planning.
  • Management by walking around.
  • One-minute manager.
  • Zero-based budgeting.

There is much that is right with these approaches, but each one is only part of the puzzle that makes up the Five Disciplines of Innovation. And none focuses everyone on the needs of their customers, whether external or internal. If you keep jumping between initiatives, others will see you as too fickle to invest in. What is needed is a comprehensive, overarching approach where everything you ask of others makes sense to them. Creating and delivering the highest customer value, continuous improvement, and value creation practices, provides that framework. For all initiatives, we ask three straightforward questions:

  • Is this action moving us toward creating greater customer value faster and and more efficiently?
  • Is there a better alternative? If so, let's use it.
  • Are there non-value-adding activities — Muda — we can eliminate to make us more productive?

Employees will test your commitment by looking for areas of contradiction. As part of your Five Disciplines inventory, check for problem areas. Then, if you find any, put processes in place to address them. Common areas of misalignment include rewards — which must support productive teamwork — and senior management — will all exhibit the values of the Five Disciplines.

Steady Progress Wins

Can you do this? Yes. The key is steady, solid progress. As one part of the organization aligns with another, you will experience positive, compounding improvements. If NUMMI can rise from the dead, others can, too. After all, your customers are waiting.




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