Chapter 13 and 14 ... and lesson from 7 Habits
Angus Patterson
Managing Client Partner at FranklinCovey, Director at Commuter Learning & occasional children's book author
Every time Scotty thought he had hit the ball past him, the goalkeeper in the old clothes would snatch the ball out of mid-air with a large “thwhack”.
After a while they swapped sides; Scotty wanted to see how well he played without his yellow shorts. As soon as he was ready, the other player whacked ball after ball towards Scotty. Unfortunately, Scotty was unable to stop any of them. As he bent down to pick up yet another ball from out of the net, the other player looked over at him.
“Do you know, if I was playing in a cup final and I had lost my shorts.” he said, “I would just try to do my best. After all you don’t really believe the shorts are magic, do you?”
Scotty was amazed. How did this person know about the cup final and the magic shorts?
He picked up the ball from the goal, turned around and was just about ask the other person how he knew all about the shorts when he realised the other player had vanished into thin air. Where had he gone? How did he know about the shorts and more importantly who was he?
Scotty didn’t know what to do so he headed home he ran up to his bedroom. All of a sudden, he had a thought. He grabbed the old box of Hoots Hock Jock McBlock and opened the secret drawer.
He reached inside and took out one of the photos. There, staring back at him, was the same person who have been practising with him at the park.?It was the ghost of Hoots Hock Jock McBlock himself!?
Scotty almost fell over. This could only mean one thing! Good luck. He decided to go back to bed for a quick nap, happy in the knowledge that everything would be alright. After all he know how to friend to look over him.
An hour or so later his alarm clock went off with a ring-a-ding-ding. He got dressed, had breakfast, grabbed his soccer gear, and hopped into the car with his mum and dad to go to the match.
When they reached the football ground, they noticed that a large crowd had already gathered.
The animal cop was a great event for all the spectators. Scotty ran inside the changing rooms, pulled on his match kit, and run out onto the pitch to warm up with his teammates.