Chapter 12: Don’t be afraid to fail
Source: Microsoft Designer

Chapter 12: Don’t be afraid to fail

At the very core of our existence, woven into the tapestry of our DNA, is the primal fear of the unknown, of danger, of failure. Historically, fear has been our ally, sharpening our instincts and driving our evolution. Yet, as civilization has progressed and our threats have shifted from the physical to the metaphysical, our relationship with fear, particularly the fear of failure, needs a profound reevaluation.

The Mythology of Success

Every era has its mythologies. In ancient times, there were tales of gods and monsters; today, we live amidst the narrative of unblemished success. Every Instagram post, LinkedIn update, or blog tells a story of achievements, of goals met, of milestones achieved. But behind each of these gleaming tales lies the shadow of countless failures, often unspoken, always lurking.

It's worth pondering: If every invention, every artwork, every breakthrough is built upon a tower of failed attempts, why is our society so averse to admitting, discussing, or even confronting failure?

Failure as a Pathway

Yuval Harari often dives deep into the stories we tell ourselves as a species. He deconstructs the systems and beliefs that have carried us forth. And in this journey of human progression, failure isn't just a pitstop; it's the very road we tread on.

Imagine a world where every misstep is seen not as an end but as a redirection, where every unsuccessful venture is a lesson learned, a nuance gained. This shift in perspective isn't just optimistic—it's evolutionary.

The Practical Realities

Our globalized, hyper-connected world thrives on rapid feedback loops. In the realm of technology, they call it 'iterative development'. In life, we might as well call it 'iterative living'.

The quicker we fail, the faster we adapt, reconfigure, and evolve.

Remember: At every juncture where you find the fear of failure paralyzing your decisions or stifling your creativity, ask yourself—What's the worst that can happen? More often than not, the worst-case scenario is just another starting point.

As we traverse the vast landscape of our lives, let's recalibrate our compass. Let's not be navigated by the fear of the unknown but by the thrill of discovery, knowing well that every stumble, every fall, is but a precursor to an ascent.

As we are in the mid of the weekend, I invite you to reflect on a few questions:

  1. When was the last time you failed at something and what did you learn from it?
  2. How has the fear of failure held you back? And conversely, when has it propelled you forward?
  3. What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?
  4. How can you transform your perspective on failure to see it as an integral part of growth?


. our journey through the ever-winding corridors of existence, let's not be daunted by the closed doors…



…because behind each one lies not just the potential for success but the promise of a story worth telling - so what is your story?




--- Stephan / September 30, 2023


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