Chapter 10 / The Formula for Riches / The Difference Between Rich and Poor / by Dr. Hannes Dreyer.
Chapter 10.
The question then remains, how is it possible to invest 11 cents and turn that into $142,000 in less than 40 weeks (or more than $1,428,000 in less than two years and three months)?
In this chapter, I will show you how I applied The Formula For Riches regarding the financial challenge I undertook in 2004.
I will also concentrate more on the application of The Formula For Riches. In earlier chapters I explained the basis of the formula, to recap is always a good thing and I will do so in this chapter – but the process I followed is even more important.
Let’s Begin.
The Amazing Formula for Wealth Creation? is based on four pillars:
By applying the different strategies in relation to one another in a proven system everyone can become successful. In order to manage it, you need to know that there are only four elements you can manage. These are what I called TEM$.
People differ and therefore reach different outcomes even if they apply the same system. The main difference is the individual talents and gifts you have received from God. By developing your gifts and talents and applying them to the Amazing Formula for Wealth Creation? you keep your individuality.
M is for Mindset.
Another absolutely central issue is mindset (M). I hope by now, especially after reading the truth about paper assets, you are starting to see that our perceptions shape our reality, and our perceptions are shaped by others, not for our own good.
We have to control our mindset, and while this is not the central subject of this book, I strongly recommend you read “thinking” books on the subject and search for appropriate tools and workshops to help you grow and develop greater awareness.
The importance of mindset cannot be overstated. Without a different attitude, you simply do what everybody else does. So you get much the same results. And we know what those are.
Already in this book, your mindset has been challenged, and I recommend that you ponder these challenges and your response to them.
I would like to set down here a list of the ways in which we resist change and challenges. See if you can find yours here. If not, if your response does not fit into any of these or combinations of these, I would really like to know about it – you are welcome to let me know.
The First Response is the “Who is this guy?” Reaction.
“Who is this guy? Hannes Dreyer ... never heard of him! Why should I listen to him and not all those household names out there that everyone knows and feels safe with? Those trustworthy banks and life insurance companies with their warm, caring adverts? All those expert spokesmen quoted in the media, warning us of scams? Maybe he’s a nut. Maybe he’s a con artist. Who knows? I’m on my own when I make this call because nobody’s heard of him!”
If this is what you’re thinking, then you probably feel safer with names you know and trust, such as blue-chip financial institutions; commentary in the media; your own personal financial planner; friends, and family. In this case, unless you are getting fantastic growth on your money, ask yourself...
Ultimately the test is does their advice work? The statistics say no, but take a good look at your own portfolio. Remember that just beating inflation is not good enough, not if you want to create the kind of riches that make you comfortable and help you retire quickly.
Then, test out my system. Unlike anything anyone else is likely to offer you, I give a guarantee. And you can start without a cent, so there’s no risk.
The second response: this is so way out it can’t be right.
The school trains us to be good “soldiers” – to march in step, to think in step. We hate what it does to us and so most of us swear never to go back to learning.
Often, we never touch a book again either, if we can help it. From the moment we leave the formal education system, our education comes almost entirely via the media, public relations, and “free” financial planning, so we have cut off our chance to keep an independent mind.
But our brains don’t switch off, even if we have chosen not to learn anymore. Every time we turn on the television, we allow a bunch of people to march uninvited through our brains, telling us to want things, telling us what to want, telling us what will make us happy, telling us what to do.
So we absorb the point of view of people who want us to think their way, for their profits. We aren’t even aware that we’ve become their servants, working hard to afford to buy the things we think we want because they tell us we do.
According to their doctrine, what I am saying here today is irrelevant and even dangerous because it threatens their profits. So they do not tell you the truth. And so the truth, when it comes, can seem strange, odd, and even bizarre.
The Third Response: This is Tiring, it’s Bending my Brain, I’ll Think about it Later.
Good soldiers don’t think, they obey. In order to be good soldiers in the cause of consumerism, we must not get into the habit of thinking. Thinking leads to questioning which is a threat to corporate profits because questioning has a habit of leading people to answers, to the truth. And the truth is not compatible with easy corporate profits made off ignorant people.
For this reason, we are not trained to think – we’ve been out of the habit since early childhood. Anything we’re out of practice with is hard work when we try and do it again. Your mind is in many ways very like a muscle, and scientists have found that exercising it actually keeps it young and strong.
Learning a new language, for example, protects you against your mind “softening” with age because it actually creates new nerve pathways and connections in your brain.
Mind exercise is thinking. Thinking is not what consumers are supposed to do. So we are never normally called upon to think, or not beyond a narrow range of topics, and in fact, independent thought is often subtly discouraged or punished outright.
The end result is that we are lazy thinkers and we don’t even know it. Yet thinking is not hard once we have developed the habit. My suggestion is to treat it like a fitness program and build up slowly, give yourself time to digest the changes, and build new mental muscles.
This is such a great thing you’re doing, because not only are you setting yourself free from financial slavery, but you’re doing something good for your brain health and your life as a whole will benefit.
How do you get into the habit of thinking? Ask questions about all your assumptions. Test them, explore them, find the “fuzzy thinking” in them and clear it out, find out who benefits from your current thought patterns. Think out of the box, think, and ask questions in all areas of life. You will be amazed at the results!
The Fourth Response is: Maybe he’s right, maybe not, I think I’ll Play it Safe.
Thanks to all those advertising dollars, we are conditioned to think that our money and our futures are safe in the hands of banks and other financial institutions. We are discouraged from taking responsibility for our own financial futures (we are “not qualified”) and we are warned away from “taking chances”.
Now let’s pretend for a moment that these companies never go bankrupt (which of course they do). Say you can be absolutely sure that when you need to cash in your pension, it will be there. How safe is that? Let’s take a look!
I can prove (see the calculations in www. retire that in order to preserve your current lifestyle when you come to retire, depending on your age now, chances are good that you would have to save your entire salary.
That’s because most institutions are only going to give you a percentage point or two above inflation. And of course, there’s tax to consider, and even if you don’t pay it on the proceeds of your pension, you certainly pay it on the installments. So essentially the tax cancels out the puny growth, and inflation takes the rest.
You did not read this wrong: I said, chances are you have to save your entire salary to maintain your current standard of living after retirement.
And because that is usually impossible, most people are guaranteed to take a big drop in lifestyle when they retire, or they have to rely on help from their children. Or they have to go back and try and get another job in a few years’ time, when they should be retired, and are no longer very employable.
How safe a future is that?
Now that you know how Important Mindset is, how do you go about Managing your Mind?
Ever sworn to give up smoking only to start again days, weeks, months, even years later?
How many “last ever” cups of coffee have you drunk?
How many diets have you gone on and gone off again?
These questions suggest another line of resistance to change, and this is purely internal. This is when your subconscious mind, of which you have next to no conscious awareness, overrides your conscious goals and sabotages you.
The subconscious mind is not rational, it is irrational, and it is driven by emotions and distant memories which may have helped us once but hinder us now. And because we are scarcely aware of our subconscious minds, we do not work through and discard old patterns which do us no good anymore.
Learning to fear the unknown may keep a toddler from getting bitten by a dog but fear of the unknown as an adult just keeps us in our place.
Learning that sometimes he is “bad” keeps a toddler manageable and starts molding him to become what society expects of him. But if he is bad, does he deserve to be successful? Or must he fail, so that he does not disturb this self-image?
So, to oversimplify terribly, vague, and scarcely conscious fears and other conditioning may keep us from exploring new avenues which would free us financially (and otherwise).
To get to know what lies buried in the subconscious, many people who have difficulties in life go for analysis and this way they shed light on why they get stuck in bad situations. There are many people whose lives have been radically transformed by this kind of personal growth.
There are other techniques as well, a very quick method to make sure that your subconscious and conscious minds are working together and not against one another is a technique I call Powermorphing?.
Not only does it align your conscious and subconscious minds, but Powermorphing? goes much further – it actually harnesses the immense power of your subconscious mind and puts it to work on your goals. This “supercharges” them and helps you reach your goals incredibly quickly.
It all starts with what you want to achieve, and how much you want it.
First Things First.
You must have the intention of becoming rich. In this challenge, I decided that if a person knows how to build at least $1,500,000 in less than five years starting with less than $1 they will have the tools and systems to become as rich as they want to become.
So my first goal was to invest less than $1 and turn it into $1,500,000 in less than five years.
It is really important that you must decide what you want and when you want it before you do anything else.
I find the Powermorphing? process the best system to program the goal (my intention) into my subconscious mind because it is an easy and very effective way to reach your goals.
Powermorphing? is a scientific process whereby a person can consciously program their subconscious mind to give them what they want.
(Powermorphing? is a subject on its own and does not fall within the scope of this book but it is one of the best self-development tools which are available to the program and achieve any goal or PowerGoal? a person may have.)
Unless a goal is converted to a PowerGoal? the chances are less than 0.5% that a person will achieve his or her goal.
So the first thing I did was to take the challenge and change that into a PowerGoal?.
In order to qualify as a PowerGoal a goal must have:
A desirability ratio of 100%.
A difficulty ratio of 100%.
100% Desirability.
Unless you truly want to achieve your goal it will never happen. It is vital that you write your goal down as a PowerStory? in such a way that you (both your conscious and subconscious mind) understand the importance of achieving the goal.
The reason why I use the PowerStory? to define The PowerGoal? is simply that unless I can discover and eliminate all resisters which are embedded in my subconscious mind, it will be impossible to achieve my goal no matter how hard I try.
This is because your subconscious mind and conscious mind are often in conflict and this means most people never achieve their goals. If the subconscious and conscious minds are in conflict the subconscious mind will always win.
The desirability must have a 100% ratio. In other words on a scale from 1 – 10, it must have a reading of 10/10 (100%) in order to become a PowerGoal?.
There are too many things that occupy the mind. Our lives are filled with distractions and other people’s agendas. Unless it is clear (focused) on the goal it will not be possible to achieve this goal. It is also vital that the mind understands the importance of the goal on a conscious and unconscious level.
In other words, it must be clear and programmed into the subconscious mind without any resisters which will prohibit you from achieving your goals.
Over the years I have found that desirability is the most important aspect when it comes to achieving your goals. Unless you really want to achieve a goal you will not achieve it. This is why the Powermorphing? process is so vital.
This desirability can also be expressed as intention and this intention is what I refer to as the “$” in The Formula For Riches.
100% Difficulty Ratio.
A Power goal will always have a 10 out of 10 difficulty ratio. This simply means on a scale of one to ten where ten is the most difficult a PowerStory? must always be a 10/10. The Power goal must be formulated in such a way that it is going to be very difficult to achieve, but it must not be impossible.
Although this specific challenge would not rate normally as a 10/10 for me I wrote the PowerStory? in such a way that it eventually did – because I had to find the time and energy not only to meet the challenge but also to mentor my students at the same time.
(I keep a kind of diary of the process of achieving this challenge and week by week my students follow it, to learn how I do things. The mentoring fees do not form part of the challenge.)
Once your goal has a 100% desirability and 100% difficulty ratio you can start to convert the goal into a PowerGoal? by formulating the PowerStory?.
This is a short summary of what I did.
In order to get to the PowerGoal ? one has to create a PowerStory? first.
In order to check if this wealth challenge goal could become a PowerGoal?, I followed the following process first.
First name your goal so we know what goal we are working with. Now describe your goal. Check to see whether the desirability is 100%. Check to see whether the difficulty rate is 100%. Once you know what you want you must turn that goal into a PowerStory? before you can morph that into your subconscious mind.
Now write a PowerStory? and include as much of the following as possible:
What do you want to achieve with this goal?
What is the purpose behind this goal?
Then turn the list into a goal by asking and answering the following questions and motivate them to the best of your ability (on paper or on a computer):
? Q1: Do I really want this?
? Q2: Is this in conflict with any of my other goals?
? Q3: Will this goal be in conflict with my personal beliefs or situation?
? Q4: Can I get others around me on board without losing control?
? Q5: Is the goal story stated in positive rather than negative terms?
? Q6: Is it expressed in detail or is it rather vague?
? Q7: Is it realistic?
? Q8: What qualities do I need in order to achieve this goal?
? Q9: What class experiences will be achieving the goal (or the process of achieving it) give me?
Will it feel good and what can I do to make it feel even better?
Is it good for me?
Is it good for others?
Does it contribute to the greater good?
Then list all benefits you can think of.
List all the negative consequences you can think of.
In the case of a normal goal, you set out your strategies. If this is a PowerGoal? you do not have to set out any strategies simply because you will unconsciously attract what you have to do in order to achieve your PowerGoal? In order to achieve your PowerGoal? you need to be flexible.
Next, you will plan out your problems if it is a goal. Just like a PowerGoal? this step will not be necessary.
Relate your goal to time frames.
It is vital that your PowerGoal? has an endpoint date.
You will then formulate how you will know if and when you have achieved the goal.
For a PowerGoal? you do not need a master plan – it is amazing how the “master plan” will unfold before your eyes on a day-to-day basis. I do not have a business plan for any of my businesses but I do follow the Powermorphing? process which is infinitely stronger than any business plan I have seen.
Maybe you should see this statement in context. I have a Masters's degree M.Sc.(Econ) so from a professional background, I know that we are taught that it is vital to have a business plan. The truth is if you are working with normal goals it may or may not be a good thing to have one, but when you are working with PowerGoals? a business plan will actually limit you.
The last thing you should do with normal goal setting is to create a belief system. Again with a PowerGoal? it is not necessary simply because what you want to believe is “almost” impossible. The moment you have put the PowerGoal? into your subconscious mind the belief system will be in place. It takes only minutes to create an unwavering belief system when you follow the Powermorphing? process.
When I look around me, I do not see many rich people. So let me ask you a personal question that may change your life forever.
What’s holding you back from having the wealth, the success, the riches, and the life which you’ve always aimed for?
Is it something that can be addressed at a conscious level, such as improving your education or changing your career, or perhaps beginning an exercise program?
Or is it some habit or attitude which is so ingrained that you are not even aware of it, something that needs to be changed at the subconscious level?
Let me explain what I mean.
Do you know that all financial limitations are what I called learned limitations? You were not born with them – you had to learn them – and even more fascinating is the fact that more than 95% of these limitations were embedded into your subconscious mind before the age of seven.
These limitations form part of your belief system. And your belief system dictates the outcome of who you are and what you will achieve in life. In other words, without knowing it, you create your life according to what you believe.
These self-imposed limiting belief systems are called resisters.
I’ll give you an example. A common belief system is: life is hard and money does not grow on trees. You may believe this without even knowing it because you learned it early – before you were old enough to question it.
And guess what happens when you grow up?
Life IS hard.
Money IS scarce.
It is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Without even knowing it, you make choices that mean you find life hard and money scarce. No matter how hard you try.
If you are like most people, you are not even aware of the fact that someone else has programmed you about finances – it may have been your parents, your school, your church or even an aunt or a friend or whoever – but chances are someone else has programmed you incorrectly.
Because it happens at a very young age we are often not aware of it at all.
So what happens is that as we live our lives day to day, not getting the results we want, we feel like failures – all the time not knowing that we are sabotaging ourselves! Our own subconscious ideas about money are working against us, undoing all our hard work, wasting our effort.
And all this is simply because most of the programming happened before we were seven – before we were even aware of what was happening in our lives on a conscious level!
Even though our “financial programming” had nothing to do with us – it was not our choice - this “programming” dictates our financial success and outcomes for the rest of our lives.
The good news is, once we know this, we can do something about it, and we can do it now! And it’s easy. And you will feel results immediately.
The funny thing is that most people never do anything about it. I think it’s because they don’t even know what is getting in the way of their dreams. And this problem is almost universal! You can see this if you look at the statistics.
According to the calculations of the financial instructions and their actuaries, less than 1% of the population will be rich when they retire. If less than 1% will be rich, then 99% will be poor, or struggling! This tells me that most people do not know what is really going on.
Think about it - 99% of people will be poor or struggling or have to work beyond retirement age.
To me this is frightening – but also it makes me so passionate to teach people like I’m doing now because it does not have to be that way! You can escape the statistics, but it does mean you will need to look at things differently to the way most people do ... otherwise you will get the same outcome as they do.
Unless you find a way to discover what your belief systems are and how they keep you from having the wealth, success, and happiness you’ve always aimed for, you will never get what you want in life no matter how hard you try.
This is because what you want on a conscious level and what you believe on a subconscious level are in conflict with one another. And most people don’t even know this because it all happened before they were seven.
So there’s a battle going on inside that they don’t even know about. And the subconscious always wins because it’s much stronger. Also, how can you fight an enemy which you can’t see and don’t even know exists?
As a result, people feel frustration, anger, resentment, tension, bitterness, and envy.
I do not like to see the stress on families and the damage to our health and the world around us that is the end result. And all for no good reason! All because of incorrect programming.
The thing is, most people never question their belief systems. Most don’t even know they run their lives according to a set of beliefs.
Although the signs may be obvious from the outside – we all know people who never have enough money, are unhappy, ill, you can name it – the person in question simply doesn’t “get it” because they do not know any differently. It is all perfectly in line with what they believe deep down about life.
“Life is hard”, they’ll say, and everyone nods. “Money is scarce” – more nod. “You must have money to make money” – more nod. These are very common and very powerful beliefs! And they are keeping you poor!
The thing is you will never discover this unless you become aware of your own belief systems and how you are programmed. After that, you need to be willing to change and let go of that false belief system.
Funnily enough, a lot of people are not prepared to let go of their limiting belief systems simply because they are so attached to what they believe in. They are in a comfort zone, a rut. It is familiar, and things that are familiar are comfortable. Even prisons can get comfortable.
Letting go of those beliefs may be uncomfortable because those beliefs are part of who you are and therefore they give you your identity.
So it’s possible to be a bit at sea for a while when you give them up, of course, there is no question it’s worth doing. What would you rather have, poverty or wealth? Frustration or joy? Dreams come true, or lost hopes?
If you can delay gratification for a little while, and ride out the process, you will change your life beyond your wildest dreams. Everything you dream of can be yours – with ease! I know. I’ve done it. And so have many of my students.
But first, you need to look at your limiting belief systems. Here are some of the most common ones.
Can you believe that I have identified more than 320 of these belief systems? 320 commonly accepted but completely wrong, damaging, limiting belief systems? I am sure there are plenty more, but I think 320 is quite enough to get on with, don’t you?
They are all excuses, based on a false belief system, for not being happy, successful, or having a life of absolute abundance. And all of these wrong beliefs are the direct result of wrong programming at a very young age.
And the power of your subconscious mind is so great that your conscious mind will not challenge your belief systems – it simply accepts them as the truth.
And then life is a battle. And you do not think there is anything wrong about battling because you also have the attitude that “Everyone battles - we are supposed to battle – that’s life!”
So although you see that the results you are getting in life are not what you want, you prefer not to change simply because this will upset your belief system and make things a bit uncomfortable for a while.
I want to share with you one of the mysteries in life: some people want to change and others do not – and whatever you decide is right for you, is right for you.
No one has the right to tell you what you should or should not do. It is your decision.
However, if you do want to improve and discover yourself and your incredible potential, I may be able to help you – on the condition that you want my help.
I have developed a program to help you. It’s easy, and it’s quick, and it’s incredibly effective. It’s called Powermorphing?. It has the ability to help anyone who really wants, to discover their own true potential and live a life of wonderful abundance.
If you want to have the life you’ve always dreamed of, and if you don’t want to be disappointed and give up, then you need to change.
Nothing will happen unless you make that decision. You have to want to change.
If you refuse to embrace change and continue along the same path you’ve been walking for years, you can’t expect the world around you to change. It won’t.
You’ll meet the same obstacles, the same responses, the same financial hazards, and possibly even the same health challenges which you’ve always faced.
But I can promise you, once you make it a priority to embrace change and improve your own life, healing becomes almost second nature in your life.
By healing, I mean being well in every aspect of your life, from relationships to physical health, and also, of course, financial wellbeing, most people are in desperate need of financial healing and restoration – and many also need to heal their relationships, their bodies, and their spirits.
Powermorphing? will give you all the tools you need to heal any aspect of your life - but more specifically financial healing.
You see, I have found that you already have all the tools that you will ever need inside you. You should not feel that you are lacking. You should never feel that you must depend on someone else for something.
All that happens is you then do not take responsibility (the “Re” in The Formula For Riches) for your own life, and you cannot succeed that way. In fact, our society’s reliance on financial “experts” comes from this feeling of inadequacy.
And who does it serve? The financial institutions, not you!
How do we overcome these resisters?
One of the most effective ways to overcome self-imposed resisters is a technique called Powermorphing?.
Powermorphing is a scientific process for identifying self-imposed resisters you have unconsciously created and reprogrammed your subconscious mind for unlimited success in any area of your life.
How do you know you are encountering a resister?
Your subconscious mind communicates with you through thoughts (ideas) and feelings.
The feelings can be either emotional feelings or body feelings. Listen to them and immediately when a negative thought or belief comes up, take action and address it by following the Resister Removal Process.
You must always remember, you can choose to let these resisters control your life or you can take control of your own life.
The choice is yours and yours alone.
Friend, Foe ... or Family?
It is important to notice that you can also get resisters from outside.
These types of resisters are normally hidden and can come from your friends or family. People you are well acquainted with. They can activate the resister feeling or think or even sow the seeds for resisters to grow.
Be careful of these people.
Never discuss your Power goals with them in the beginning. They will do everything in their power (subconsciously) to build resisters so that you will not achieve your Power goals.
Unless you can identify the resister and deal with it, it will keep you from achieving your full potential.
Familiarity is the enemy.
It is also important to know that sometimes it is difficult to identify some of the most common resisters simply because they are familiar. They feel so good because you have been practicing them for a long time.
Negative attractor fields.
Weak (or negative) energy flow is caused by resisters, and the more negative (or weak) the energy flow; the more resisters are in the path the energy should naturally flow in.
The way to identify negative energy is if you are experiencing any of the following:
In short, if you feel anything other than inner happiness you are encouraging a resister.
Here is a list of some of the common resisters as expressed by some of my students:
? ‘You think this is the best you can do and do not demand excellence.’
? ‘I am always settling for second best.’
? ‘This is good enough.’
? ‘I can’t have what I am after.’
? ‘I can’t have everything I asked for.’
? ‘Feeling unable to make my success image a true 10.’
? ‘I just can’t see myself being truly successful.’
? ‘I feel the 10 I have set to my difficulty or desirability ratio is unrealistic.’
? ‘I feel achieving the Power goal is unrealistic.’
? ‘I can’t do this.’
? ‘This is impossible.’
? ‘No one can achieve success.’
? ‘I do not really want this anyway.’
? ‘It may work for them but not for me.’
? ‘It is too easy. I am wasting my time.’
? ‘It won’t work for me; I may just as well give up.’
? ‘This is not for me.’
? ‘My goal does not interest me anymore so why should I continue?’
? ‘This does not make sense. Why should I find out more ?about the topic if it does not make sense?’
? ‘I do not understand how it will benefit me.’
? ‘I always fall asleep when I work with my subconscious mind.’
? ‘I am overwhelmed.’
The one I am getting the most when I conduct the Property Pro Investment course is:
Another Way to Experience Resisters.
In short: anything which makes you less than fully enthusiastic about achieving your PowerGoal?.
Your Intention.
The moment you decide you want to apply The Formula For Riches you must first decide what you want to achieve. Let’s say you want to make $1 million. This now becomes your intention.
The moment you put any money into The Formula For Riches it is not your money anymore simply because first of all, it is a surplus. And secondly, it is not your money it is your investment’s money. Your job (and only job) is to allocate the surplus plus the surplus’s growth, till the investment reaches the goal - say $1 million.
The Key to Unlock the $1 Million.
The first time that you can take the money out of the investment is when you meet your intention. If you say I will be rich when I have $10,000,000 within 10 years for example, and you get to the $10 million before the five years your investment becomes yours and you can unlock it.
But remember, you must know yourself because look at the law that comes before any other...
The Zeroth Law.
You must want to.
Unless you want to, in other words – unless you have the intent ($) to become rich you will never succeed.
I wanted to succeed with the challenge. Why was I desperate to succeed? Simply because no one is teaching The Formula For Riches and what impact it will have on all the nations in the world to improve themselves financially.
The Formula For Riches is true empowerment. There is no other way to empower people financially.
When I started the challenge I also believed that by showing that it could be done, millions of others would follow and in doing so improve themselves.
When Rodger Bannister said he was going to run the mile in under four minutes, everyone said it could not be done. In fact, a scientist proved that it was humanly impossible to do so.
Within a month after he broke the four-minute barrier, others started to follow and today thousands are doing it.
When I started, all the financial gurus said it was impossible – yet on their investments. Some even get more than 1,000,000%!
It all depends on what you really want – what is your intention (The ‘$’ in The Formula For Riches)?
Now you know what my intention was, let’s look at the rest of the Amazing Formula for Wealth Creation?.
The First Pillar – Wealth Creator Laws.
The Laws of the Wealth Creator? are about educating and improving yourself. Unless you know and apply these laws your chances of becoming successful in life are very slim.
Before you can become a Wealth Creator you must want to be one. Unless you want to change, these laws will have no impact on you. Once you have made up your mind the journey can begin. And it always begins with you, with your mindset, your attitude, your emotions. It is about how you manage TEM$? (time, effort, mindset, and money).
The problem with not having a system is that your money, time, and attitudes will be managing you. The moment that something or someone else is managing you – you will never be able to live a life of abundance and happiness. You will never reach your destiny because you are not in control and you cannot manage the process.
People, in general, are uninformed when it comes to making money; they are ignorant mainly because they were trained to think that it is very difficult. Making money is easy if you do it the right way, and incomprehensible if you do it the “expert” way.
The reason the experts keep it as difficult as possible is that it’s the only way they can keep financial control over us. We then have no control over our financial destiny.
Experts learn everything there is to know about money – but they never learn how to make it. You will not learn how to make money in any school or college or through any financial institution. That’s the bottom line – look around and you will see that it is true.
On the other hand, The Formula For Riches is about how to make money. It is about how to learn to create money and then about learning how to invest it and make it work for you instead of you working for your money through your job or profession.
The moment you work for your money you become the slave to money. If you know how to let your money work for your money becomes your slave.
So how can we practice what we know?
The First Law states that we must first invest in ourselves before we invest a cent in any investment.
Ignorance is the only risk.
Most people do not grasp this basic law. They think they can use an expert to help them.
The problem with this is the fact that when it comes to your money there is no one more qualified to look after it than you are. It is your money and you need to take full responsibility.
The moment you hand your money over to an expert what are you doing? You are breaking The Formula For Riches. According to the formula, you must take the responsibility to manage both the risk and the growth of your surplus.
By taking all the risk – without the ability to manage it - you are breaking The Formula For Riches. And that is how it goes when you rely on experts and financial institutions. That peace of mind they talk so much about is an illusion that will be shattered when you try to retire.
The Formula For Riches says that if you have a surplus you must be able to calculate the risk and the growth on your investment in order to manage both these variables. But, if you hand over your investment (surplus) you immediately keep all the risk.
Add to that the fact that you can do nothing to decrease the risk or increase the growth, and you will understand why most people stay poor.
Let me take it one step further. Most people are confused when they hear the word ‘investment’. They think that if they invest money with a financial institution they become investors.
This is simply not true. What you are doing is you are saving your investment through the financial institution. Saving is not investing.
To become an investor you must actively manage and control your investment. The only way to do that is to minimize the risk and at the same time increase the growth. This is the complete reverse of what we were taught by the educational system and in our professions.
My Application of the First Law.
The only reason I could accept the Wealth Creation Challenge was that I know The Formula For Riches. I have seriously invested in myself and my “financial education” during the last twenty-five years.
In this specific investment, I had two risks.
The first was the risk of losing my investment which was 11 cents. In the worst-case scenario, the risk was $14.28. In other words, the maximum I could have lost if it didn’t work out was $14.28.
But here is another interesting fact. The moment I can calculate the risk and know how to manage it, the risk disappears.
There are only two risks when it comes to money. If you eliminate them you will have no risks. They are:
?Financial Ignorance - This is the First and Biggest Risk
?The Second Risk is to Lose Capital because of Ignorance
In other words because of the first law “invest in yourself,” I can eliminate the major risks which life throws at me. If however, I do not know how to manage risk, the risk will manage me. This is a very important reason why people stay poor.
The most difficult thing to do in The Formula For Riches is to invest in yourself. It takes TEM$? (time, effort, mindset, and money – although as you will see very little money is needed to start an investment, and the less money you use the smaller the risk will be).
There are no shortcuts.
It gets more complicated because by now, you know that investment, as taught by the financial institution, does not work. Ignorance will keep you poor. If you do not want to invest in yourself and learn how to do it, you will ask for advice from an “expert”. Who teaches the experts? Can it be the financial institutions? What do they teach the experts? How to sell their products??? Is this not a recipe for disaster?
Let us take a quick look at the training system. The world’s economy is based on an outdated and false system that is based on a scarcity mentality, yet this is what most people believe. What am I talking about?
Remember Thomas Malthus’ scarcity theory in Chapter Three? Today most of the world still accepts this concept as the truth even though, in my opinion, it is an outdated module.
Can you see where all of these sayings and belief systems have their origins?
Now, why do people not query this limited resources belief? One reason is that we have been trained to believe the “experts” - the professors and doctors and chartered accountants and financial planners who advise us, and are considered by most people as “experts”.
We were trained never to question them, and so we just accept what they say as the truth. That is how the educational system works too – so we have been trained from a young age in this way of behaving!
Please do not get me wrong. I am not saying you should not use experts to implement your strategies because that is why they are there and this is what they have been trained to do, but when it comes to giving you advice on how to get your money to work for you, you should be careful.
We do not know how to ask the Right Questions.
Add to this the fact that we do not know how to ask the right questions and you will quickly understand why we have to invest so much time and effort in educating ourselves.
We must break this limited belief system first before we can begin to really learn about the economy, money, and finances.
Unless we take action nothing will happen. Why then do the majority of people not take action?
I think one of the main reasons is that they do not know how to ask the right questions. They have never been taught how to ask the right questions.
Another reason is the limited beliefs people have. We all know where these ridiculous ideas originate: “There is not enough” or “Money does not grow on trees” or “It is difficult to make money”.
At the same time our belief systems flourish on inaccurate information like: “If you really love me – you would do ……” or “No one cares about my needs” and so forth. Thinking like this is sloppy, immature, and most of all distorted, leading to a lot of unnecessary problems in our relationships and other important areas in life.
People are sometimes so afraid to make mistakes or to be rejected. They are afraid that they will look stupid. They will never admit that they do not know something and therefore they do not ask questions.
I have seen in my workshops that professionals often keep a low profile and do not ask questions in front of the class because they are afraid to appear ignorant. But unless we ask the right questions how can we learn?
Another reason why people don’t ask questions is a result of low self-esteem. “Who am I to stick my neck out and ask,” they think. Or “I’m sure my question is too stupid to ask.”
The last reason why we don’t pose questions is pride. We don’t want anybody to think we don’t have all the answers. The truth is that we do not have all the answers. Nobody does. We never stop learning and we cannot learn unless we ask questions. Or perhaps I should say, we should never stop learning because it leads to growth and to a better life.
So we need to get into the habit of asking questions and not worrying about how we come across.
In other words, we need to put some serious effort into “re-educating” ourselves, to expand and overcome our limited belief systems and achieve our full potential.
In order to help you, I want to reveal a couple of traits of successful people.
Be careful of wanting to know and plan for everything in the smallest detail before you start. I have a surprise for you - you will never begin if this is your attitude. In fact, this approach can become a kind of unconscious way of putting it off, a way to procrastinate.
In real life, we learn as we do. Mistakes are part of the process. When I started the financial challenge I had no idea what I would do or how I would do it.
I just did it. And as my students have also found, it is liberating, exciting, rewarding, surprising. It puts the zest back into life!
Another False Doctrine – or is it?
The educational system teaches us much that is just plain wrong and amongst these lessons is the doctrine that people are the most valuable assets and investments of any organization. Well - perhaps that is true for the corporate world but from an entrepreneur's point of view, I am not so sure about this statement. Why do I say this?
As an entrepreneur, I have spent many hours and much effort training people to become extraordinary. But as soon as they have learned the necessary skills what do they do?
They become demanding – and this can cost money, time, and resources. Many times someone else (like head hunters) will offer them a better “deal” and your investment is gone. In other words, people are not always an asset.
I have also experienced from a professional point of view that you can train people, share trade secrets and as soon as they start to become successful, they go out on their own. Again your investment is down the drain.
So in this challenge, I decided to concentrate my time and efforts on building systems that are based on The Formula For Riches rather than concentrate on building businesses around people. It also means that you can do it too – and avoid the pitfalls of conventional business.
Unless you take full responsibility for your personal, real education, unless you take the time and put in the effort required to absorb this new information, you will not be able to do what I am doing.
As a Wealth Creator, you are a person who has the ability to make your money work for you, instead of working for your money.
What about the Future – Can I Predict it?
I cannot predict the future. I believe no one can - but I also believe that God has given us a wonderful gift – the ability to make decisions. We are free moral agents. We can choose.
If we choose the right actions and have the right system to guide us, we can make life a lot easier. If we want to become rich the same truth applies. We must make the decision and then start the process of becoming Wealth Creators ourselves.
I want to tell you what I am planning to do next in the Wealth Creation Challenge as I follow my proven system.
Last year my passive income from this challenge (before tax – and only two years after I started the challenge) was $285,000. Yet I did not spend on average more than five hours per week on generating this income.
(Note: due to space constraints, this has been an abbreviated introduction to my Wealth Creator Laws – not a comprehensive study of them.)
The Second Pillar – The Formula For Riches.
Unless you can apply this formula in any investment or business you will never get the return and results that you want. Unfortunately, I had to discover this formula the hard way – by trial and error, but you do not need to go through this learning curve because here it is!
$ = The desire to become and remain rich
S = Surplus
G = Growth on your surplus
Ri = Risk involved in the investment or business Re = Responsibility to manage the growth and risk nm = Time and personal effort.
Interpretation of The Formula For Riches.
$ = The Desire to Become and Remain Rich.
The greatest gift which we have been given is the ability to make a decision. Unless you make up your mind that you want to do something, nothing will happen. It begins with an idea. And only if you decide to become happy, successful, or rich will something happen.
The same applies to becoming and staying wealthy. Unless you decide to become wealthy you will not succeed. But a decision alone will not help you achieve your goal. It must take shape in a concrete form.
You must act. You must do.
Most people have no plan or strategy to reach their goals, so no wonder they do not get there. If you don’t know where you’re going, how can you possibly reach your destination?
The reason why I developed The Formula For Riches is to give you a guideline to help you achieve this specific goal. There is a proviso, however: I cannot help you unless you want to become rich.
If this want or need is strong enough you will do the impossible. For most people, it is impossible to become wealthy. This is backed by statistics. So what you as a Wealth Creator want to achieve will be impossible for the majority of people.
Once you have made up your mind to become wealthy, you can continue. The only way to become wealthy is to follow the formula and to act. Without action, an idea will stay only that – something in your mind, not in your day-to-day reality. In the Wealth Creation Mentorship Course? you will learn how to make your wealth creation ideas fly.
S = Surplus.
What is a surplus?
It is excess money you have leftover after you have paid your living expenses. It is money that can help you build your wealth.
There are two kinds of surplus:
Income: If your income is more than your expenses, the difference between the income and expense is an income surplus. Normally people will spend this surplus ... buy a more expensive house or car, and end up stretched to the limit again.
This is what we are encouraged to do as consumers, and it keeps us tied to the bank and our job, and vulnerable to the threat of losing our job. Wealth Creators make their income work for them, not the bank or the credit card company.
Capital: normally when you do not spend the surplus income it will become a capital surplus. In order to become capital, the income must vest in your name or in the name of the financial entity in which you plan to utilize it as a surplus.
Before the income can vest as capital, all taxes must be paid. There are different forms of taxes and the tax laws of the different countries will dictate how much of your income or capital will become or remain capital.
After all applicable taxes have been paid on the surplus income, the remainder becomes capital. By using the appropriate financial structures and entities it is possible to create more surpluses.
The right tax plan makes it possible to create a bigger surplus no matter what country you live in, even if your income and living expenses stay unchanged - because you pay less tax on your total income.
So a surplus has two facets, the first being income and the second capital.
The formula does not state what the nature of the income must be. It can be either capital or income or even a combination of the two.
The formula also does not stipulate how big a surplus you must have in order to launch your personal wealth creation drive. So it could be as little as ZERO or like in my case with the challenge 11 cents. This contradicts the popular belief that one must have money to make money – and that the more money you have, the more you will make.
As we have seen, this myth serves financial institutions, but it is not the truth. It is not what The Formula For Riches says, as you will see shortly.
What is the function of the surplus?
The first and main reason you need a surplus is to offset the risk which you may have in any business or investment.
The second is to determine the pace of growth. Usually in a business or investment, if you grow too fast in relation to the surplus that you have available, you will grow yourself or your business or investment into a position where changes in market conditions could cause you to lose everything you have built up or created.
By managing the surplus against the growth and risk you will find the optimum pace at which you can grow your investment or venture. Each individual or financial entity has its own optimum growth rate. This growth rate will be governed by the availability of income and capital surplus.
In the wealth challenge, I started with a surplus of only 11 cents. That is all.
You can do the same.
G = Growth (on your surplus).
Unless you can measure how hard your money is working, it is impossible for you to know whether it is working at all ... perhaps it is even working against you. Most people do not know whether their money is working for them because they do not know how to calculate growth on investment.
Most investments are based on emotion. People base the decision to buy cars, houses, insurance policies, and shares on emotion.
For the past six years, I have taught tens of thousands of students how to invest in property. Before the onset of the course, less than one percent of all my students could name a method of calculating the growth and risk on property investment and NONE of those had a proven system to calculate the growth.
The rest bought property based on emotion.
How can you avoid investing based on emotion? Firstly you must appreciate that no matter what other people do and no matter what you are told, emotion is not a sound basis for investment.
Then you must find a system or program in order to determine the growth of an investment or a business venture. And then you must make your decisions based on this system alone.
Measuring Growth on Surplus (personal investment).
In order to measure an investment growth in an endowment, annuity, 401(k) plan, mutual fund investment, or any fixed contribution saving instrument, one uses the compound interest calculation.
We have discussed this calculation before. It works for the ‘investments’ discussed above, but for many other investments, it is not ideal. The main problem with it is that it cannot handle investments where there are many variables, or many inputs or withdrawals.
The IRR (Internal Rate of Return) is the preferred calculation to use for investments with many variables. The Property Pro Investment Program? uses the IRR method, in a very comprehensive way, by which I mean that it incorporates tax and all other variables related to property, making the ultimate result very accurate. It can be used for other investments too.
You can work the IRR out manually, however, you have to do a series of calculations to arrive at an answer. And one of the components of the Formula for Riches, time and effort (nm) can be made infinitely more effective by the well-chosen application of an existing system that someone else has worked out for you.
So you are not only following the formula when you make use of such a system, you are actually turbo-charging it.
This is what computer programs and systems can do for you if they work and if they are proven and if someone else has invested the time, effort, and money in them. Because you save a lot of time and effort and will almost certainly only pay a tiny fraction of the true cost when you buy yourself a licensed copy.
Just make sure that the system you use is proven to work. If you are interested in finding out more about the Property Pro Investment Program? or the one-day Property Investment Workshop, you are welcome to visit
How do I Calculate the IRR on my Businesses?
I take the financial statements at the end of the financial year.
If I withdrew any money during the year I enter it as a negative value in an Excel spreadsheet. If I did not withdraw any money it will be a zero for the year.
I then take the fair value of the business as the capital (or in the case of my challenge up to now, the cash plus net assets, without goodwill, etc. I am very conservative - I do not use any inflated values).
In my challenge, the investment was 11 cents.
The first year I took out no income or capital.
The second year I took out no capital or income and the total “cash” includes the value of the properties I bought or developed as part of the challenge at fair market value – which was more than $571,000.
The IRR (average compounded growth per year) over the two years was more than 227, 736%.
Ri = Risk Involved in the Investment or Business
Let’s recap quickly.
What is Risk?
Risk is the chance of losing your capital. It is highly detrimental to investment. Unless you can calculate the risk in any investment or business you cannot make an informed decision as to whether it will be a good or bad investment.
It is impossible to calculate the risk if you accept all the risks and you have no control over it. This sounds like an insanely irresponsible thing to do, but it is exactly what the majority of people do when they give their money to a financial institution to ‘grow’ on their behalf.
By doing this you are breaking The Formula For Riches. And yet this is exactly what all investors in paper assets do all the time. They take all the risks. The financial institutions take none.
This arrangement puts the financial institution in the driving seat because we accept unconditionally what others tell us we should think and do with our money. We do not want to take responsibility for our own financial well-being. We are too scared, lazy, or simply unaware that it can and should be an option.
The interesting part is that with a conventional ‘investment’ like an endowment or retirement plan, the investor carries all the risk of the investment but has no control and cannot manage it as the financial institution controls the investment. The investor has almost no say in where and how the institution is going to invest, except perhaps for a mandate as to a specific kind of portfolio.
As the most important factor in financial planning is to determine and manage the risk, how can we as investors be so blind and neglect this in our daily planning?
Probably because most investors were raised in an era where they were trained to believe that they have no say. And these days, financial institutions make a great show of their ‘risk profile’ which is supposed to give people a sense of having some kind of input into their investment. The investor completes a questionnaire and the information he supplies is used to advise him what kind of portfolio will suit him best.
These so-called risk profiles have no substance in my opinion, except to give investors the mistaken belief they have a say in managing their investment risk. This is an illusion. The risk profiles are based on emotion. And they give the investor only a kind of cosmetic or superficial involvement in his investment.
I have witnessed investors classified as conservative investors whose money was invested in a so-called conservative portfolio lose more than people classified as aggressive investors. The opposite also holds true.
Unless you can measure or determine the risk in an investment or business and have full control in managing the risk, it is best to avoid the investment until you learn how to do so.
The Risk Keeps you Poor.
Remember it is the risk that is going to keep you poor, not the growth.
What would you prefer – an average growth of 60% over a five-year term with a risk of 100%, or an average growth of 20% with no risk?
Let’s look at the two scenarios:
In scenario 1 you get 100% growth on your investment for four years in a row and in the fifth year, you get a minus 100% growth (simply because you lose all of your investment up to that point). If we look at averages you will find that at the end of year five the average growth from a percentage point is 60% (4 X 100% - 100%) But you will have no money left.
We know that ignorance is the biggest risk there is to any investor or business owner.
The financial risk is the loss of capital.
How can an investor eliminate all financial risks - 100% - guaranteed?
By applying The Formula for Riches.
The moment you use a surplus it means you do not need it (by definition). It is that simple. In other words, an investor must decide.
Before he enters into a transaction how much of his surplus he can “afford” to lose. Once the investor has determined that magic figure he should limit the investment amount he is prepared to lose to that amount.
In the challenge, I eliminate the risk to ZERO. Allow me to explain.
Worst case scenario.
I was prepared to “risk” $143 in the challenge because that was all I “had” as a surplus according to the formulation of the challenge. That was the amount that I settled on, that I was prepared to risk.
You have to take responsibility first of all in order to determine the amount of financial risk you are willing to take. Once you determine the worst-case scenario it now becomes your responsibility to manage that risk down.
In other words, what can you do by applying different strategies to lower the risk? The best strategy I am aware of is to invest in yourself. You must know everything you can about what you want to do and how it is going to work out.
I take the time to find people who can teach me what I need to know. Sometimes I pay a fortune for the knowledge, other times people are happy to share the information with me for free.
I limit my risk in all my business and investment dealing by applying The Formula For Riches.
Before I started with the challenge I asked myself these three questions:
Question 1 - Is it possible to invest less than $143 and turn that into more than $1,500,000 in less than five years?
The answer to the question is “Yes!”. I know this because I have done it before by applying The Formula For Riches. History is full of stories of entrepreneurs and investors who started with less than $100 of their own money and built billion-dollar enterprises.
These enterprises have an investment value.
Question 2 – Can I make it happen? I cannot base my future on what someone else can or cannot do, or on promises they make. The moment I rely on someone else to give me what I want I am breaking The Formula For Riches simply because I must take full responsibility to get the maximum growth on my surplus, taking risk into consideration.
I must put in the time and effort to manage the risk down and the growing up.
If someone else – an expert or financial institution – makes decisions on my behalf then I do not have any say in the return they are going to give me. At the same time, I am taking all the risks.
In life, if you want to achieve your goals or PowerGoals? you must be in a position to determine the outcome. You cannot expect someone else to achieve your goal on your behalf.
The same is true when you invest. It is your investment - you must make it come true because to become rich is your goal.
Question three – Do I have control over it happening? Unless you have control over the investment or the business it will not happen. It is your responsibility to put in the time and effort to lower the risk and increase the growth.
Unless I can answer all three questions in the affirmative I will not proceed to the next stage because I know I am going to break The Formula For Riches.
The next step.
So after I asked these questions, I took the responsibility of applying The Formula For Riches.
I knew the maximum risk which I could take was - $143.
The next thing was to manage the risk down. How can you do that? There are different ways, but let me give you a quick way (if you are willing to think outside the box).
Statistics show that most new businesses fail.
If I invest the whole $143 and what I invested it in does not work – then the challenge would be over. I would lose the $143 as well as my dignity and in the process lead people to think that The Formula For Riches is just another hoax.
So how can I manage the risk down?
If I can find a way to limit my investment (the surplus which I start with) to only $1 it will mean that I will have 143 chances. In other words, I could apply The Formula For Riches to 143 different investments. This gives me a far better chance of beating the new business statistics.
The trick is to manage the risk down. The only risk we have financially is to lose capital.
So how can I lower my risk even more?
I always work on the worst-case scenario in order to determine the risk. In the case of the challenge, the worst-case scenario was $15. That is what it would cost me to set up the financial structure in which I would run the challenge so that auditors could verify the outcome of it.
Because I invested in myself I could do it myself. All I had to pay was the actual stamp duties of the trust.
So the worst-case risk was 10.49% or the $143.
The next step then would be to see if there were other ways to reduce the risk even more.
How can you lower the risk even further?
What if you start with an investment of only 11 cents? If you have $143 but you start with only 11 cents you will have 1300 chances to make it a success.
This is compared with the usual way which is to put all your money into a business – in this case, if I invest the full $143 and I fail the risk would be 100%.
I hope you are still with me because in understanding this basic truth you will discover how powerful the application of The Formula For Riches really is.
The question then is how can you actually do this?
I will try to structure the deal so my risk becomes even smaller. There are several ways to do it and I explain them all in the Wealth Creators Mentoring Course?, but let me show you my approach in a quick and simple way.
What if I go to a friend (or bank or solicitor) and pledge my $143 as security (with interest) and borrow the $15 with interest?
Let’s assume the interest from the time that I borrow the money till the time that I repay the money is 11 cents. What did this investment cost me, in other words, what was my investment?
You’re right, it is 11 cents.
What was the risk? It is $15 plus interest, but was it a risk? No, because I had a $143 surplus to start.
I did what you would call financial structuring to lower my risk and therefore my investment.
Is this how most people go into business? I hope you’re learning because this is an approach you will not find in a textbook. This approach does not make the banks rich and it does not keep you in your place, as a quiet and well-behaved consumer who never sticks their nose out. This approach frees you. It works. It builds riches!
But it even gets better – let’s go back and look at Responsibility (Re) and why it will exponentially affect your investment.
Re = Responsibility to manage the growth and risk.
It is impossible to manage the risk and growth potential in any investment or business unless you can identify it.
Once you have identified the risk and growth potential of any investment it becomes your responsibility to manage it. No one else can take that responsibility. The moment you give the responsibility away you lose control and in doing so you break The Formula For Riches.
A formula for responsibility is:
E = Event
R = Response to the event
O = Outcome
In other words, if you do not get the outcome (growth) that you want on the surplus then you can:
a) Change the event (the investment medium); or
b) Change the response to the event (different strategy); or
c) Change both the event and the response.
In short, it boils down to taking action when it is needed to reach your goal. If you do not have control over the management of the investment you cannot apply The Formula For Riches.
With paper assets, you cannot change the response to the event and therefore you cannot take responsibility for the growth of the investment. Someone else (the financial institution) will always control the outcome of the investment.
The only control you have is to decide whether you are going to invest in the first place, or whether you will withdraw an existing investment with a financial institution.
Your responsibility then is to manage the risk down so that it is as small as possible and to manage the growing up so that it is as big as possible, in order to optimize your investment. You can’t do this with paper assets.
You already know how to manage the risk down but how do you manage the growth up?
The quickest way to get the growth up is to manage the risk down!
The answer is so obvious most investors will overlook it.
Let me give you a practical example.
Let’s take the challenge again. If I invested $143 to make let’s say $100,000 in the first year, what was the risk and what was the growth on my investment?
The risk was 100% on the $143 if the investment did not work as planned, as I explained already.
What was the growth of the surplus?
The net profit was $100,000 - $143 = $99,857.
Divide this by the investment and times it with 100 to get the percentage growth on the investment. ($99,857 / $143) * 100 = 69,830%
Mind-boggling growth you would say but there is still the question, how do you get to the $100,000 you need? At this stage don’t worry about it, I will show you how to do it, and I will show you different ways regarding how you too can get incredible growth!
Let’s see how we can manage the risk down.
In the worst-case scenario, the investment would be $15 (in the case of using financial structuring, as I explained earlier). I would still get the $100,000 in the first year – so let’s see how by doing the calculations.
The risk was 10.49% as calculated before on the $143 surplus. ($15/$143 * 100)
Because the risk decreases, the growth will increase.
The net profit was $100,000 - $15 = $99,985.
By lowering my risk to 10.49%, I have increased my growth by 596,737% (666,567% - 69,830%).
So you see that the lower the risk the higher the growth! And do you see also that this means the less money you put in, the better your growth? Which means that the myths “It takes money to make money” and “The higher the risk the higher the reward” are 100% wrong?
I think you may be getting the hang of it, so let’s take it one step further. The assumption is that I know how to get a $100,000 profit in a year.
What if I can structure the deal so it will cost me only 11 cents?
The risk will go down to 0.0769% as explained before. (.11/143 * 100)
Because the risk decreases the growth will increase.
The net profit was $100,000 - $0.11 = $99,999.89.
Divide this by the investment and times it by 100 to get the percentage growth on the investment. ($99,999.89 / $0.11) * 100 = 90,908,991%
So by lowering the risk to 0.0769%, I have increased the growth by 90,839,161% (90,908,991% - 69,830%)
What if I use a paper asset to give me a $100,000 return on my investment?
If you look at conventional investments and you want to get a $100,000 return on your investment, how much must you invest?
You must invest $1,000,000. This is because you can expect to get a 10% return, which is considered to be good (and in fact any figure that beats inflation is considered to be a good investment). This is the assumption most people make because they have been trained to think this way by the “experts” and their employers, the financial institutions.
Do you understand now why they will never be rich?
So what is the risk? If you said $1,000,000 you are wrong because you had the $143 surplus. The risk would only be $999,857 which is 99,915,870% higher than on the $143 investment. This is the true price of not taking responsibility!
To make it even simpler – which would you prefer? Would you rather invest 11 cents to make $100,000 - or $1,000,000 to make $100,000?
The next question will be but how do you make the $100,000?
Again if you know how it is simple and easy, if you don’t know (in other words are ignorant) then it is impossible.
I will show you at least two strategies later on in the book which you can follow that will give you at least 1000% growth on your surplus but for now, I will summarize the answer by saying you must apply the Accelerator principle.
What is the Accelerator Principle??
In my Universal Formula For Riches, I make use of the symbol ‘m’.
n = time.
m = effectiveness.
This symbol stands for effectiveness and it represents a formula within a formula.
m = PTq
P = physical resources (including your specific talents and gifts)
T = technology
q = power of the technology, system, or process you use
m = PTq where P is physical resources, including your specific talents and gifts. ‘T’ stands for technology. The ‘q’ next to the T represents the power of the technology or system you use.
Unless you know how to become extremely effective in what you are doing, it becomes difficult to sustain growth over time. The better the systems you build, the easier it will be to sustain growth over time.
What is the effectiveness factor ‘nm’?
It is the relationship between time and effort. If you are close to retirement or have little time left to reach your goal the only way to achieve wealth creation is with more effort.
So you will have to work harder and more efficiently.
There is a big difference between working hard and being efficient.
I teach my students that they must learn how to enhance the power of PTq.
T = technology (system or process).
The better the system you use, the easier the work usually becomes. At the same time, the power of your system (or technology) will decrease the time needed to complete a task and so increase effectiveness.
To optimize a business or an investment it is vital to discover and develop the optimum application for the PTq formula in a given investment or business.
In any business or investment, it is the lack of adequate effectiveness or efficiency which leads to the ceiling of complexity. The ceiling of complexity is discussed in detail in the Wealth Creators Mentoring Course?.
Effectiveness is the last part of The Formula For Riches. This is the process of optimizing the relationship between time and effort.
A fact most people ignore is that with Wealth Creation there is no such thing as a quick solution. It takes time and the more effectively you use your time and resources (effort) the more dramatic the results will be.
But people forget or never notice the time successful people spend in preparation. They focus on the results, not the process. Warren Buffet, the world’s greatest investor, has been working diligently for more than 50 years to build his empire. It is important to note it takes time and effort (work).
Most people do not want to wait that long. They do not want to put in the effort and they don’t want to work. In the process, they hop, skip and jump from one investment to another hunting for a quick solution. This costs them money and they lose time.
If you have a surplus and you can identify the risk and growth potential in an investment and you have strategies in place to manage the growth and risk but you do not have enough time, you will not become rich.
It is however sometimes possible to buy time. If you can be more effective, you can increase your results.
Personally, I never forget to ask these three questions before I invest money or time in any venture to ensure I will be able to manage it effectively:
If the answer to any of these questions is “no” it means I will not be able to manage it and I may lose a lot of time and money or both in the investment or business.
I believe that by asking and answering these questions a Wealth Creator or investor will be able to control and manage the effectiveness factor of the investment or business.
Please note that nowhere in this list of questions does it stipulate that you must be able to do the work yourself. Most people associate work with effectiveness. This is simply not the case.
In fact, it leads to major mistakes when people who are used to doing the actual work in a company think that they are qualified to run the company as a whole. These are two different things and should not be confused.
By taking and managing the responsibility and by creating systems you can manage a company without doing any physical work yourself.
The saying goes: “He who controls the money makes the rules”. With Wealth Creators this is true. Once you have systems in place to control the cash flow and the people, you are managing your investment or business.
The outcome must be positive.
If you cannot apply the formula (in other words, if you are breaking The Formula For Riches) then you know that the asset type or class will not help you create financial riches.
The biggest difference between a Wealth Creator and an investor is the application of the surplus in The Formula For Riches.
A Wealth Creator must learn how to create a surplus. Unless the business gives the Wealth Creator the ability to generate a surplus, it will never become feasible and sustain the Wealth Creator.
An investor must have a surplus as defined in The Formula For Riches otherwise he cannot become a Wealth Creator. It is interesting to note that you do not need to be a Wealth Creator in order to become extremely rich.
You can create riches by simply following The Formula For Riches strategy. I choose to be a Wealth Creator because it means a life of abundance and fulfillment in all areas – relationships, spiritual health, physical health, finances, making a contribution, etc. It’s your choice too.
You can be an employee and still become rich - on condition that you have a surplus and apply The Formula For Riches to the surplus.
It is also possible to be an entrepreneur and remain poor. The reason is not hard to find.
Unless you learn how to apply The Formula For Riches and learn how to get your money (surplus) to work for you, you will remain an entrepreneur who will have to work for your money.
There are two ways to be an entrepreneur.
1. The conventional way. This is where you buy or start a business but you have to keep working for your money. If you are not physically there to do the work the business stops.
2. The Wealth Creator’s way. This is where you build a passive?income without the need to actually work in the business.
The main difference between the conventional entrepreneur and the Wealth Creator is that the conventional entrepreneur is working in the business and the Wealth Creator is working on growing the business.
Unfortunately, many businesses fall in the conventional category where business people become slaves of their business.
A true Wealth Creator must learn how to let the business and his money work for him instead of the other way round.
The Third Pillar – The Mercedes Principle.
The Mercedes Principle is a strategy I developed over many years. I teach my students how to protect themselves, their time, their mind, and their assets.
Unless you can build a fortress around you it becomes very difficult to survive with all the negativity and marketing influences that we encounter daily.
On the financial side, this principle is about income and asset allocation. I teach my students that they do not need capital to make money.
The function of capital is to offset risk and to determine the pace of growth. If you grow too fast you can run into serious problems like cash flow. If you grow too slowly you will never become rich.
There are two kinds of surplus. The first is an income surplus. The second is a capital surplus.
The trick is to allocate these surpluses in the right proportion. In creating wealth there are three areas I concentrate on: growth, preservation, and enjoyment of life to my fullest potential. I am not going to explain this principle in this book but I will give you a short summary of how the principle works.
An income surplus as you already know is the difference between the income you receive (after taxes etc.) and your standard of living. Of course, if your standard of living is higher than your income you will not have a surplus – you will actually have a shortfall.
Amazingly I have found that many people who are running on a shortfall per month can very easily turn a shortfall into a surplus by just applying one or two financial restructuring ideas, but again because of ignorance, they do not know how to do it.
When I started on the road to riches I followed this principle in the way I allocated my surplus income in three categories:
A third of the surplus goes into any investment or business that can give me the best growth with the smallest amount of risk.
Risk and Security.
Another third I use is to eliminate risk and build security and protect myself. The way I started doing this was to repay debt. In other words, protect what you already have so that creditors cannot take it away.
Sometimes I do make use of the technique called gearing. But this technique brings different risks.
In the challenge, I repay the $15 as well as the interest of 11 cents on the first day of trading. The business is debt-free and from that point of view risk-free as well. I also use financial entities and structures to make sure my assets are protected.
How can you Build Security?
There are two ways to build security. The first is to identify all risks associated with the investment and then learn how to manage them. The second way is to eliminate debts. The more equity you have, the smaller the risk to lose your investment or capital.
The Second Law of a Wealth Creator states that income is more important than capital.
This is very important. Many businesses with lots of potential simply did not make the grade and the main reason was a lack of cash flow, or sometimes the cash flow was there but the business owners simply “stripped” the business of its cash flow - their personal requirements were simply too high.
Because I apply The Formula For Riches I will not take any income from the challenge. By doing this I build an investment rather than a business. Immediately I lower the risk by not withdrawing the income.
By stripping a business of its cash flow you set yourself up for disaster. This poses no problem for me. I do not need or want to withdraw any income from any business which I run in the challenge. I simply do not need more income. I already have more than enough passive income.
In the challenge, I first determined the risk and decided how much I was prepared to lose. The second thing I did was to develop a way to generate income.
The next thing was to build a business system that could incorporate the Wealth Challenge. The better the system you use, the smaller the risk and the more security you have.
Add a solid administration system and you can almost do without personnel.
Personnel imposes different kinds of risks.
The remaining third is allocated towards enjoying my life. We do not know how long we are going to live. But if you spend too much you.
will create a problem for yourself. So the “trick” is to balance, Growth, Protection, and Enjoyment of Wealth. This, in essence, is the Mercedes Principle.
The Fourth Pillar - the Accelerator Principle.
The magic is in how we optimize what we have and how we exponentially accelerate what assets we have to grow. This Accelerator Principle is very evident in the financial side of our lives because by applying it anybody can retire in less than five years on the condition that they know and apply the Amazing Universal Formula For Riches.
If we look at retirement planning, for example, there are only four asset classes that we can use in order to help us speed up the process.
As with financial planning, retirement planning is very easy but the experts complicate the subject. What you have to do to retire wealthy is to understand how to use the right asset classes and how to accelerate them so that you can retire in less than five years.
Before you can use the right asset class let me quickly tell you what they are.
Personally, I use three types of asset classes to achieve my goal:
The first of these are my gifts, talents, and experience. The second is real estate. I use the same principles and techniques I teach my Property Pro Investment students and they include The Formula For Riches?.
The third type I use is the direct response business which also incorporates The Formula For Riches?. (You can also use a conventional business but again it is vital that The Formula For Riches is included in the system you use.) Note that Direct Response in the sense I mean has nothing to do with direct response advertising and marketing.
The quickest way to start generating income is to use the direct response business. In any business and property, the most important factor is risk. Again: unless I can determine the risk and know how to manage it, I will not invest in that class of asset.
The only two classes of assets that allow me this luxury is real estate and the direct response business.
Practical Application of the Accelerator Principle?.
You already know how to get to the 11 cents but I’m sure you are burning to know how I can be so sure that I will make more than $1,500,000 in less than five years.
To understand how I apply The Formula For Riches and in particular the Accelerator Principle? it is vital that you understand another central concept – you start small and you take regular small steps.
It’s the same as the joke about how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!
The same is true in creating riches.
Once you know how to deal with risk your “job” becomes to allocate your assets so you can get the maximum growth.
You start small. Your only goal is to get your money to work for you. Once you know how to get your money to work for you, you can find ways, strategies, and means to make it work even harder.
The only way to measure how hard your money is working for you is to measure the growth.
You also apply the roll-in strategy in order to build as much financial wealth as you want to.
What is the Roll in Strategy?
It simply states that your investment’s money is not your money. If you make a $10 profit you cannot take the $10 out of the investment, what you have to do is to find ways to roll the $10 into becoming $100. Once you have $100 you must employ the $100 so that it becomes $1000 etc.
The roll-in strategy is part of the Accelerator Principle?. The moment you do not let your investment work for you by taking money out of the investment, you will break The Formula For Riches. Simply because you cannot apply the Accelerator Principle?.
So let’s look at how I applied the Accelerator Principle? in order to roll 11 cents into the first $18,400 with less than three hours of work.
As soon as I accepted the challenge I had to start the first business to generate income with as little risk as possible. Positive cash flow is the heartbeat of any organization.
Opportunity Property Investment Trust.
I followed my Universal Formula For Riches as a tool to start the first business, Opportunity Property Investment Trust (OPI).
OPI is a property-related idea that I was approached with about a week after I accepted the challenge. Although the business concept was brilliant, it did not work too well for the current business owners.
I negotiated a 50% stake in the business, and then I simply moved the idea onto one of my dormant websites.
Attached is an e-commerce engine to it in order to automate the business, and took over the marketing of the site.
You welcome to find out more by visiting us below;
to see what the business is all about if you want to. In essence, it is a way to find a motivated seller of the property – because the most important criterion when it comes to buying property is to find a motivated seller. This is what I teach in my The 3 Pillars Of A Master Property Investor Masterclass.
In total, the challenging business (Senbiz Pty Ltd) has a 50% shareholding in OPI. In the Wealth Creators Mentoring Course, you will see the actual week to week process, communication and setup, etc. of the business as well as the way I negotiated the deal with OPI, but for now, I just want to give you an overview of what I have done.
All systems were up and running at the end of October 2004 as planned and we launched the property investment school on 9 November 2004.
On the 9th of November (the first day of trading and the day I held a seminar to explain the concept and business to about 118 people), OPI made more than $36,830.55 after all expenses were paid. Senbiz has a 50% shareholding in Opportunity Property Investment Trust.) and therefore made $18,415.28.
It has cost Senbiz less than $15, which is borrowed from me to set up the financial structures – because I had the $143 surplus to start an investment. Senbiz borrowed the money from me with an agreement to pay me the interest and capital ($15) as soon as Senbiz made a profit. On the 9 thNovember OPI paid the $18,415.28 to Senbiz.
Senbiz repaid my credit loan account of $15 plus the interest on $15 for 32 days which came to 11 cents. Senbiz had $18,400.17 positive cash flow and money at hand to start investing.
From a cash flow point of view, it cost Senbiz 11 cents to start the business. In 32 days I had my initial $15 back and I received a handsome 11 cents “profit”. Because I had the surplus I could start the business risk-free.
You can also go to our main site here;
Which is where I record my movement towards my goal, week by week, you will find a value of $18,400.17 in Week One. This is Wealth Creation Trust's 50% share of the profit Opportunity Property Investment Trust made in the first week of trading, less some costs.
Once you have an income stream as well as cash you must decide on how to allocate the surplus cash. Your job now becomes to allocate the cash (surplus) so it will work for you as hard as possible.
Your Opportunities, Gifts, and Talents are your Greatest Assets.
Most people think they do not have any talents or gifts for making money. This is simply not true. What is true is that people are not taught how to develop their gifts and talents.
In the Wealth Creator Mentoring Course? I teach my students everything they will ever need to know about how to become a successful Wealth Creator and how to “discover” their specific talents and gifts.
Using the Accelerator Principle to Retire Quickly.
This is where you combine different asset classes in the right proportion so your money works for you in the right place at the right place. By using this strategy you could retire in five years instead of forty.
By now you must be wondering what the biggest secret of all is. How is it possible to invest only 11 cents and turn it into more than a million dollars?
Here is the only secret you will ever need to know to become extremely successful:
The Big Secret is - there is No Big Secret!
In books and articles on finance one continuously reads there is a “secret.” The truth is there are no secret ways to move ahead financially.
All you need to do is to apply the correct strategies and principles to your investments in order to increase your personal wealth.
All these so-called secrets are attention grabbers. Unfortunately, this “hype” sells. The reason it sells is that people are all searching for the secret of a quick fix that will make them rich immediately.
Life does not work that way. Unless you follow a proven strategy you will not become rich.
What is a “Strategy,” “System,” “Formula” or “Recipe”?
These are all words for the same thing. All of them mean a procedure or plan for implementing a set of rules that lead to a predictable outcome.
The trick is to find a good system that has been proven, reliable, internationally applicable, and gives you the outcome you are looking for. And the formula for creating financial wealth can be broken down into these steps, reflected in The Formula For Riches:
Step 1. Have or generate a surplus.
Step 2. Learn how to make the surplus work for you. Reinvest the principal (surplus) plus the growth on the principal investment in order to build a bigger surplus.
Step 3. Repeat the process until you meet your goal. Follow the roll-in system in order to do this.
Step 4. Take control of the investment and stay in the driver’s seat. You decide what the return (growth) on your investment must be, as well as how much risk you are prepared to take.
Why is the growth of investment so important? Growth is expressed as a percentage return on investment. There are two things which we can do with the growth.
Firstly we can reinvest it. By following this method we can also say that we compound our interest or growth.
The second option is to take the growth (interest) and enjoy it. It is also known as simple interest because you do not reinvest your growth on the capital.
By reinvesting the growth on the capital you are compounding it. Let’s look at the effect different compound growth rates (12%, 100%) will have on your investment over a period of time.
The reason why I take 12% and 100% is to show you the difference between saving (12%) and investing (100 %+).
When you become an investor you must learn how to determine the risk and growth in an investment, and you must learn different strategies in order to increase the growth and limit the risk.
At the same time, you must have full control of your investment. If you do not get the results you want, you can apply more effort and time to the investment (in other words, improve the effectiveness of your investment to get the required results).
If you invest $1,000 at different compound growth rates over different periods this will be the result:
Most people are startled when I show them what the difference is between saving (using a traditional financial institution) which means you can expect to get 12% growth or thereabouts if you are lucky, and taking full responsibility (becoming an investor), and finding out how to get a 100% return.
Over a 10 year period, there is a difference of more than $2,000,000, and over 11 years the difference is more than $4,000,000. That is a lot of money.
The “secret” is to take full control of your investment by becoming an investor.
Investors do Not Break The Formula For Riches.
Unfortunately for most people, this is easier said than done, because they were never taught how to take responsibility and how to grow their money. Luckily, there is The Formula For Riches which can help people who really want to learn. But you have to invest time and energy in order to understand and apply the principles which are incorporated in The Formula For Riches.
In my Wealth Creation challenge, I determined my goal: to turn a $143 investment into $1,500,000 capital. I also determined the risk I was prepared to take and the kind of growth I wanted to achieve my goal: I wanted more than 537% compounded growth on my $143 investment each and every year.
The next step was to break this goal down and determine under optimum conditions what the growth on my investment had to be over the next five years in order to reach this goal.
Other factors to take into consideration include taxes. My goal of $1,500,000 is after all taxes have been paid.
Remember we are fighting a mindset here. The wrong mindset keeps us poor. Is there a voice inside telling you that 537% growth is impossible? If so, you are in good company. Most people’s reaction is the same.
However, if I told you that I wanted to make my investment grow to $911 in Year One, how would that sound?
Sounds okay, doesn’t it? Yet that is a 537% growth rate! And if I use the roll-in strategy and do not withdraw any of the capital or the growth, and if I continue to manage the growing up and the risk down, and if I look for ways to get technology to help me, then I am on track to get the same 537% growth the next year. And that is how you reach your goal.
If you get just this point, you will have a tremendous opportunity to create riches like never before!
Don’t be fooled by those negative voices that sound like “common sense” and “conventional wisdom” because they are just plain wrong. And worse still, they keep you stuck.
Over a period of 32 days, I have proved that you can achieve far better results than those illustrated above because after 32 days my 11 cents was worth more than $18,400.
Two years and three months down the line it is worth $1,428,571 according to the auditors.
If you would like more info on these statements, you are welcome to join our free webinar here;
But in real life you will find the values differ from the projected values – why is this?
Life and business are not 100% predictable. What if I invest $1,000 in one project and it does not work? I will never achieve my goal. In other words, I have to make provision for the risk factor. That is why I structured the investment so it only cost 11 cents.
There is another reason why there is a difference between theory and practice in creating riches. I call it the ceiling of complexity.
The Ceiling of Complexity.
Contrary to general belief you do not need money to make money.
In fact, the more money you have the more difficult it becomes to make your money grow (work) for you.
This phenomenon is explained in the Wealth Creators Mentoring Course?.
So my yearly targets look a little bit different:
One way to overcome the ceiling of complexity is to build systems to make life easier and more manageable.
In my Universal Formula For Riches, I make use of the symbol ‘m’. This symbol represents effectiveness and it represents a formula within the formula.
m = PTq
Where P represents physical resources and includes your specific talents and gifts.
The T represents technology.
The q next to the T represents the power of the technology or system which you use.
Unless you know how to become extremely effective in what you are doing, it becomes difficult to sustain growth over a period of time. The better the systems you build, the easier it will be to sustain growth over a period of time.
Over the last two and a half years of my challenge, (recorded in the Mentoring Course) I concentrate more on the importance of creating systems than on any other aspect of building riches.
The reason is obvious. It is easy to make the first hundred thousand dollars. It is a different story to maintain this growth due to the ceiling of complexity unless I have an effective system (technology) to help you in the process.
Why was it easy for me to turn 11 cents into more than $1,000,000 in less than two years?
Practice makes perfect. The more I apply The Formula For Riches the easier it gets.
The fact is that you do not need to take risks to become a Wealth Creator. I think this in itself was the greatest revelation when I realized that in order to become rich one does not need to take any risks and in fact, one should not take any risks.
You do not need to relinquish surety or take a chance to become rich.
I have done this before and I know that The Formula For Riches works. So in a way it is easy for me.
My advice to you would be:
Start small, with little risk, grow slowly, and learn as you grow, and before you know it, the little financial victories will mount, and they will motivate you to keep going and set higher goals!
Let us return to fundamentals.
In order to become rich what are the steps to take?
Firstly, make up your mind whether you really want to be rich. A lot of people think they do but they’re not prepared to do what is necessary. These are the kinds of people who look for “secrets” and quick fixes. Their approach is full of wishful thinking and it is really not far off from a gambler’s mentality. There’s nothing wrong with this. But it will not create wealth. This is why you need to know yourself.
Next, follow the most important law: invest in yourself first before you invest in anything else.
Thirdly, know the application of The Formula For Riches:
Tip: Never split the risk and growth because then you cannot take responsibility or invest more time and effort in order to improve your investment.
Once you know how The Formula For Riches works and you know how to apply the different strategies, you will find your investment growing at an incredible rate.
At that stage, you must change your strategy and switch financial gears. I call this the “Accelerator Principle?”. Unless you know how to implement this strategy you will find it very difficult to become rich.
It is simple but not easy.
I hope this book will motivate you to become a Wealth Creator yourself. I often tell people it is simple to become a Wealth Creator but not easy.
It is simple because there is a proven, working system - if you adhere to it. There is no magic. If you follow the system you will get the results.
But why is it not easy? It is because it requires effort and responsibility. People want quick solutions to their problems.
Unfortunately, real-life work differently. You have to invest a lot of time and effort to learn HOW to do something. And then YOU must take full responsibility for all your actions and go out and DO IT. Most people will not apply what they know. They hope and pray but lack the ability to take action.
By applying The Formula For Riches there are thousands of ways to generate wealth. I demonstrate it in my challenge as I have already launched eleven businesses (and streams of income). I have also bought two properties.
My hope is that once my students become familiar with sound financial principles and strategies they will have enough confidence to explore different ways to become Wealth Creators for themselves.
Be wary of “financial success” formulae and secrets. They may require considerable advice and support and the element of risk may be higher than you can tolerate at this point in your financial planning.
What is the test to see if these “success formulae” work?
Simply ask the question: “Must I depend on someone else for expert advice or will I be able to take full responsibility for the investment?”
There is a big difference between teaching a person how to fish and catching the fish for him and letting him pay each time he wants to eat.
If you accept responsibility you must answer the following very important questions:
If your answer to any of the above questions is “no”, there is a 100% chance that you will break The Formula For Riches and the formula will not work.
The main reason why I put the effort into the Wealth Creators Mentoring Program? and into writing this book is to teach people that it is possible for everyone to become a Wealth Creator.
Plan your Work and Work your Plan.
To reach my first million I used a set of what I know as “soft skills”. Without knowing and applying these skills it would be difficult for anyone (including me) to truly become successful. Here are some of the skills which I teach in the Wealth Creators Mentoring Program?:
What must you do to become as successful as you want to be?
No one is going to do it for you. No one is going to take responsibility for your financial success. You have to do it yourself.
I have had the opportunity over the past 25 years to watch many people succeed.
How do they do it? It is not by waking up every morning with a smile on their faces and winning attitudes. It is waking up each morning with a definite plan to achieve success.
Unless you have a plan and work your plan it is not going to work. There is nothing that motivates us more than knowing that we have a way to be successful. Success breeds success. One little success leads to another.
A wise man said; “Inch by inch life’s a cinch, yard by yard it’s kind of hard.”