The chaos in the Digital Space
Upprcas3 Elements Pvt Ltd
We are an Integrated Marketing Powerhouse where the creative magic happens #GetInTheElement
Anyone who has been in the digital space, be it handling an account or creating content, would agree that it can be taxing at times, especially on one’s mental health. When we talk about mental health, online bullying and criticism is a completely different side of digital platforms which is a discussion for another day. Besides the things that happen after content is posted, the first half of the process right from planning, to execution can take a toll for anyone.?
A digital content creator goes through things like planning the content, looking out for trends, editing, the posting time, and most importantly , having insights on what content is working for their audience , what is not and having engagement and number of likes as per their expectations. For a digital media agency, things go a step or two beyond that. A digital media team has content planning which starts months ago sometimes when they have campaigns going on. Keeping their clients happy is as much of a priority as is keeping their audiences happy. Not only creating content in-house to be delivered to the client, even getting content done from influencers is what the agency works on day and night. And not to forget, the ever changing client changes, one word briefs at times and EOD deliverables are just the peak of this iceberg that agencies have to deal with.?
If all of this seemed like a lot to take on, we have our beloved Instagram and Facebook glitches keeping not just the creators but also the agencies on their toes. Just when you think you figured about losing followers, you will find out you are losing engagement as well. And just when you think you have figured a way to get that resolved as well, your page won’t get trending audios in the explore page. Or your ad isn’t performing, or just as simple as that one post you had so much belief in, didn’t do well because something as random as kacha badam started trending.?
The volatile nature of this space sometimes takes out the fun and becomes stressful and at times frustrating. Not that digital marketers do not enjoy their job. Of course, we enjoy every second of planning, making and executing content. But in a creative field like ours, where Content Is Everything even your brain burns out and all you are left with is a big pile of NOTHING!?
For times like these, it is important digital media agencies take active efforts to give their employees a much needed break and relief every once in a month to say the least. At Upprcas3 Elements we have our HR organise fun activities for us, on the last working Saturday of every month. The best part of these activities is that it helps all the employees unwind, relax, and forget their frustrations and tensions for the time being. The added benefit is that we all bond together, and in the fun and laughter, we forget our positions as? executives or team leaders or even the CEO at times. All we do is indulge ourselves in the moment, shut off our laptops and use our phones to only take our pictures to post on our instagram accounts.?
We have seen influencers and creators take their “social media detox” breaks, where they go completely MIA from all platforms and just come back all refreshed and pumped with creativity. Now unfortunately for digital marketers like us, we cannot really leave our jobs and take a break and go on beaches to relax. And no matter how much we take a break or think of relaxing, there is always this one call or that one email or this one google sheet that needs your urgent attention and then bam! It's been 4 hours since you are working on a holiday! The platforms may go on breaks, but the digital space will still be working, making content on #Instagramdown or #Whatsapp down only to upload it when it comes back on!?
It is of utmost importance that an agency that works 24x7 on platforms that do not go to sleep, that you treat your employees with some relaxation. With the everyday running behind likes and comments and engagements and trends, the most that any digital marketer wants is peace of mind! To keep a creative brain working, it is important that it takes some inspiration from somewhere else. And that will only happen when they are relaxing and chilling, not stressing.?
How an agency makes efforts to keep the creativity fuel flowing without burning out lies not just on the working environment but on how much calmness the company offers amidst all the chaos!?