The Chaos & Collision...
OH MY... I have had my share of chaos & collision in this adventure that's Midlife so far. That combined with the experiences of the humans I've been blessed to work with over the years and I found that we all tend to lean into one of these three categories when we haven't got our sh*t together!
AKA, our nervous system, wellbeing and resilience is out of whack and we seek to soothe through fixing, fleeing or falling!
I powerfully step into FIXING! And in all honestly have done since I was in my 20's (and maybe forever).
With doing some real hard, deep and honest work on myself I realised that the punishing exercise schedules, mounting books of self development work and endless bookings of weekends away and adventure might just make me feel a little bit better, or fix the relationship issues (with myself and others) or create the life reimagined I desired…
BUT, it didn't.
The self development work, whilst ESSENTIAL, in my obsessional application became MORE of a stressor and stole away from my bucket of wellbeing.
The exercise schedules, that were beyond ridiculous and completely ineffective, found me exhausted and in an endless battle of needing more to feel the highs.
The weekends away and holidays, whilst incredible, became escapes from a reality that I wasn't ready or willing to face in my life; and ended up creating more divide rather than any form of fixing…
So what can we do?
How on earth do we get out of this cycle, especially if you are, like me a fixer who does heaps of self development work (we know that this is important right?).
For me, it was all about foundational work first.
Awareness, acceptance & grace of the reality - of how I was feeling, doing and being as a result of being in the chaos and collision without judgement or criticism.
Creating space - by working on the wellbeing & resilience big 3 (Positive Food, Positive Move, Positive Mind) as a non negotiable, simple habit based must have daily practices.
Finding SACRED self care - easy, simple rituals that were not more 'fixing, fleeing or falling!' that suited me as a human and created calm and ease in my trigger fest of a nervous system.
And once this was in flow and I could think a little more clearly, and a little less coco loco - beginning the work on Midlife Re:Imagined (this is what I call emerging into SPRING in coaching) and working on what I wanted and therefore deliberately creating the feeling, doing and being of THAT…
This is a big part of what underpins my work as a Holistic Coach and Consultant.
Balanced & Blissed - Where the chaos & collision, become the catalysts for empowered change. Rather than the vehicles of impulsive crashing realities…
Curious to explore yours?
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Love Katie xoxo