The Chaos in Coaching
The coaching process is chaotic, athletes come with bundles of emotions and behaviours, founded in beliefs and values, cultural and personal. They each come with baggage, goals and egos – what is a coach to do?
It begins with you the coach, the energy and image you’re presenting. Being truly you, in life, not just before getting to the pitch. Qualifications and experience are important, coaching reaches another level when being delivered authentically.
I’m not talking here about coaching skills; this is about getting the best mentally from your athletes. Behaviours are a result of a mental process, first thoughts, then emotions then actions. Emotions and behaviours influence games, as a coach how do your emotions and behaviours influence the team and game?
Turning up as the best version of yourself will have the best impact on the team and that’s a coach’s goal. When the emotions rise and there can a few on the training pitch or side-line, anger, frustration, fear, pride, disappointment even joy our focus waivers. Our logically and critically processing becomes cloudy when an event triggers our emotions. As a coach having the ability to control emotions so the message gets across is critical to performance.
Emotional Mastery is part of Mindset Empowerment and finding the authentic self.
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To be the person you need, to become self-aware, you need to enhance your internal processes of, emotions, relationships, concentration, goal setting, and how you see the world. What value can I bring, and what value will you see, if like to explore your potential let’s have a chat:
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