Chanting of Om Namah Shivay Mantra
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
"Om Namah Shivay" Shri Adi Shankaracharya in his Nirvanashtakam says..
Na me mrtyu shanka na mejati bhedaha
Pita naiva me naiva mataa na janmaha
Na bandhur na mitram gurur naiva shisyaha
Chidananda rupah shivo'ham shivo'ham
The true ‘I' has no fear of death, no caste or creed, Has no father, no mother, for ‘I’ was never born, Has no relative, no friend, no teacher no student, ‘I' is in the form of consciousness and bliss, ‘I' is eternal Shiva... You don't need any Guru for chanting…“Om Namah Shivay” The self in you is Shiva himself. It has no Guru.
"Om Namah Shivay" Means: - {Salutation to the Auspicious one} Om – Before there was the universe, there was a void of pure existence and vibration-less. Out of this void came vibration, which is known as Om or Aum. Then slowly, the creation of the universe began. Namah – Literally, it means to bow or adoration Shivay – Shiva (Supreme). But if you only want to chant the Holy Name of My Dear Lord Shiva then take these into consideration: -Firstly you have to wholeheartedly believe that Lord resides in the name itself. If the Name is chanted with pure love and pure mind, then it gives rise to Dearness,Devotion and also salvation. It destroys your sins and make you a better person.The Name can be chanted Anywhere, anytime throughout the day.
The above Shloka states that: -
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~By chanting the Holy name of Lord in Kaliyuga, a person gets the Phal/Fruits of the Pooja, Yagya/homa and yoga performed in Satyug, Tretayug and Dwaparayuga. Mantra chanting can be done randomly “n” number of times, on finger tips, finger lines, counting by numbers and Mala/beads. Know the basics before chanting the mantra on a Mala/bead.
And you can mentally chant the Panchakshari manta “ Om Namah Shivay” anytime and anywhere. Shiva, Bholenath accepts whatever his devotees offer Him with love. Since Shiva is the only God , who din't set any protocol for His worship. Just chant Shiva or Namah Shivay in your Chitt / mind / thoughts, it pleases Shiva. During the initial days of spiritual growth, people in general need a place and a form to concentrate, so people sit at a place and do chanting in front of the Shiva linga.
Later when you realize that Shiva is present everywhere including you, then you don't need any place and form to worship Him. Since when you close your eyes, you connect to your inner self, Shiva. The part of your life that changes depends on the mantra that you are saying and the deity that you are praying to. For example, some mantras bring you career success. Some bring you good health. Mantras definitely work. If you find one that is right for you - and you should speak to a Guru about the right mantra for you - it will change your life through this chanting. Through mantras, I have attracted a love relationship, more money, and better health. With the grace of God.
No other mantra can compete with this mantra why i am saying, because it is my personal experience and reading from shiva puran both. According to shiva puran, this mantra contains Shiva, Shri Vishnu, Maa Durga, Shri Ganesha as shiva contains all universe, so he is the highest power. According to Shiva Puran, if you chant it 110 crore times, you will be next brahma , yes this mantra can make you lord brahma himself.
There is whole chapter on this mantra in shiva puran, you can understand how important this mantra is. This mantra contains whole universe, if you constantly chant it, all powers of universe will help you as no power can overrule lord shiva. Chant it 10 crore times, and you will get enlightenment. I know a person, who chanted it 5 million times, his rival did black magic on him but he remained unaffected because of the power of this mantra, otherwise black magic can do anything, from death to mad anything.
I was like most of the guys in Graduation class, although I always pure had heart that's why I got shiva. I was full of jealousy, ego, hatred, lust and other bad qualities, I was selfish, and 99% people are like this. I started to chant it from Mahashivaratri, it was the day when Shiva unlocked the door of devotion for me. This mantra has burned all my bad qualities, now I love everyone, because of this mantra i came closer to shiva, this mantra to best way to come close to Lord Shiva. If you are chanting this mantra, you don't need any spiritual guidance, shiva himself will guide, this will deeper your faith in shiva, this is most magical mantra, even I can not express this in words. Now when I chant this mantra 10 minutes straight, I feel like wave of love is coming from my heart, i know he is shiva but still i am away from him, it's a long long process.
This mantra will purify you both materially and spiritually, no other god can give you moksha faster than my shiva, no one can love you more than my Shiva, people don't understand him, they are worshiping him but they don't know him deeply. Om Namah Shivay is beyond words it is impossible for me describe its importance. I always say people, devotion do not come easily, people want favours from god, so i advice them to chant this mantra constantly , this will make you selfless and pure and then you will feel Shiva. Right method is, inhale as Om Namah and exhale as Shivay, mental chant is most powerful. ?? ????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ??, ??? ????? ??? ???? ?? ??, ?? ?? ??? ?????? ???? ??. ??? ????? ?? ???? ????, ??? ????? ?? ?? ???? ???. ?? ?? ?? ???? ???? ???? ?? ????? ?? ?? ???? ???. Om Namah Shivay
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