The Channelling. 13th December 2017
Rachel Clissold
Helping game changers find balance and create more waves of impact in the world!
These words were channelled by me on the 13th December 2017. They revealed themselves recently and I felt compelled to share the power of them with you today.
I invite you to take a moment to breathe, read, reflect and receive the intrinsic wisdom that is energetically infused behind these words.
Big Love,
My heart to yours,
Rach xxx
Does it feel like we are done…?
F*** no -we haven’t even begun, you had your amazing adventures around the world, now its time to give back what you learnt. ?To show the world whats really possible when you follow your heart. ?That’s where the magic lies, when you truly follow the feeling, no matter what the story is saying - that’s where life shows up because YOU have showed up!?
Access a more subtle level of information
Just cut the bullshit and stop playing it small! ?Accessing the infinite wisdom is far from?scary - it is who you are. ?Stop. ?Just stop ?? giving your power away to people, no one deserves your power, no matter who they are! Reclaim your power. ?Now. Not tomorrow, not in half an hour. ?Now. ?Let go all the attachment that you’re holding onto and just move forward. ?You are here for a big purpose and you keep looking outside for?fulfilment. ?Fulfilment comes the?moment that you can surrender your?attachments. ?And to open up and express whats dying to be expressed through you. ?Fulfilment comes through doing what you love, through joy, through living life to the max. Just keep moving. ?It will come to you when you least expect it. ?Yet, It comes the moment you move?through all judgements and just live your life in the?moment, doing what makes you happy!?
What makes me happy?
Who?bloody knows, it’s a?massive transition for us all, as we move into a new way of being. ?So you’re feeling a little lost, a little lonely and a little confused! ?I’m guessing you know?what you don’t like. ?Well thats a good bloody start. ?Start from there and bring your awareness into each moment and FEEL again. ?Feel what makes you feel light and feel what makes you heavy, that’s pretty damn good indication right there!?
Remember back to when you?were a child, carefree and alls you wanted to do was?play! ?Remember that energy and reconnect in?with your playfulness. ?Life is just way too short and precious to do things that just simply make you?unhappy. ?Forget the?money, it will?show up. ?Just know you have so much value to add to the world and it’s?crying out for you to express yourself in the unique way that you are here to! So please… please.. just start. ?Start from?where you are at. ?Ask for support, the people you love are here for you and the right support will show up in the moment, as you require it. ?So just take that leap and go for it!!
The Mind
The mind can be a tricky SOB, making you think you are going mad, when you really aren’t. ?You’re just not present to the?moment and what’s happening in front of you. ?Disconnected from the Source of who you are as a human being. ?A?spiritual being dressed up in a mere mortal suit. ?You forget who you?actually are, you get so caught up in the?thoughts of the mind, the Ego, the distractions. ?The distractions ?from the Truth. ?The Truth is, you know. ?You know deep down, right to your core why you’re here, yet you keep avoiding it. ?You keep dancing with the devil, better the devil you know. ?Time to cut it out. ?Stop dancing?with the devil because you’re scared to stand out from the crowd and be truly happy. ?You’re scared of just how damn powerful you are. ?There’s so much beauty and joy beyond the devil you know. ?There’s so much magical sh*t that happens on the other side of fear. ?So stop, please stop, playing it small and dare to start living!?
What are you interested in, how do you want to express it -
I leave this question to you?… soak up all the wisdom from above, and let it?ferment in your being. ?Let it work it’s magic and then move. ?You don’t even need to share it with the world, the simple fact is, it’s there. In the?moment. ?Moving through you. ?That’s part of the joy, part of the?beauty of you, through that expression is where you light up. ?Where your alignment drops in and everything starts to flow from that space. ?So trust it. ?Trust it to guide you and move you through each and every moment. ?That’s joy, that’s bliss. ?The art of expressing.
What else…?
That feeling that moves me, it’s like a pianist on the piano. ?My fingers start moving on the keys at an?uncontrollable speed and?I can’t keep up with the words that are moving through me..?My body starts to buzz, like little electrodes going off and new pathways?lighting up with new?possibilities. ?To the untrained eye, it’s madness. ?Yet this is the space where everything is?possible, remaining Open to?what is rather than the?judgment of what is or was. ?Not knowing what the?next word will be as?I?close my eyes and just trust the flow of whats moving through me…?feeling the flow of life guide my finger tips across the keyboard. ?Feeling the dance and the rhythm of energy as each key is stroked. ?Beautiful.?