Changing Your Perspective is Key
Karen E. Peyton??
“You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.” ~ The Wizard of Oz ??
By shifting your perspective on reality, you can transform your life. Understanding the nature of reality is the essential first step in manifesting your desires.
Reality, as we know it, is a mental construct that resides in our minds and shapes our world. When we choose to change the filters we've imposed, or that others have imposed upon us, we begin to shape a new reality. And that newly shaped reality becomes our choice.
Consider this statement: "Whether I believe it or not, it's real." In other words, reality is what I declare it to be, without question. It's a matter of consciously deciding what I want my reality to encompass.
To achieve this, I must first remove the filters imposed by external influences, such as parents, schools, churches, and society. Once these are gone, I can begin placing the filters I desire. How do I wish to perceive the world? Do I want it to be vibrant or serene, expansive or intimate, dynamic or steady? What do I envision for my reality?
Furthermore, it's crucial to introduce balance into our lives. When I mention balance, I refer to how we choose to perceive obstacles. We often view obstacles as hindrances to our goals, but how we perceive and respond to them is key.
Obstacles can be seen as walls, restrictions, or limits, but there's a common misconception that you can overcome them solely with positivity. The truth is, you can only transcend negativity by recognizing it. Negativity is an inherent part of the universe's balance. However, by acknowledging it, accepting it, and devising strategies to navigate around it, it ceases to be negative. It becomes a conscious intention to choose a different path.
This way of thinking empowers you, as it diminishes the power of negativity and transforms it into the driving force propelling you forward.
You wanna talk about how my life has transformed since I realize how to use this s*** it's amazing.
"Changing perspectives," ~ I'd love to hear your take on these statements.