A Changing World
The advances in technology continue to amase me. Self driving cars, flying cars, self driving trucks, self driving planes. What is a poor boy to do. I have not heard of self driving motorcycles yet. I greatly appreciate the advances in medicine, people are living longer unless they voluntarly self destruct. The population is increasing at the fastest level in history. Most familys have gone from the husband alone working to everyone working three jobs. Salaries have to be increased for the majority by act of law. Health costs are out of control. So lets evaluate men and women competing for the same jobs and equal pay, Families working 2 to 3 jobs instead of one. The main employers who pay a decent wage with out of control pension costs the Government. The lines for civil service are 3 blocks long. Drugs quiet and kill at a alarming rate. And we bring in thousands of people from other countries to work here. Seems like a nice arrangement if you are on top. Small buisness has been squashed you need 500,000 to open a coffee shop and have to compete with Starbucks. And people wonder where are the high paying jobs? They wonder how people in government go in with low funds and come out rich. I wish there was someplace I can make a speech for 500,000. So how do we change? Everyone knows the problems but feel they have no voice and no one cares anyway, after all this is not a socialist country. Who will step up and give the working man a break? Bill gates just cured polio in Nigeria. The bosses show on TV show they have sympathy for the common worker while they steal from there own relations. The police are earning every dollar these days. The people in Government have the best healthcare and evacuation plan. So I hope there are people alot smarter than I am to address these issues yet I just could not help thinking about them as I sit at one of the 3 jobs I work as my wife works her ass of and my daughter fights to pay off her student loans. I am not complaing I do what I have to do. I do not ask anyone for a free ride. I will make it because I will work till I am dead. I am happy to work and thankful for what the Lord has given me. I helped a girl get home from school yesterday that made me feel good.