Changing Ways of Life in the Arctic and Beyond–New Podcasts–Press Release
Robert Lundahl Filmmaker, Journalist
Nature’s Touch: Climate Change is Here Podcast Series Explores Changing Ways of Life in the Arctic and Beyond
Villages must move, cultures and life–ways are in jeopardy
When we think of Alaska and the Arctic, we may imagine a place far away, forbidding and bleak, which is a misunderstanding of the people and the land. Yup’ik, Inupiat, Aleut/Unangan, Diné, and other Alaskan Tribes face daunting challenges that inform the global community from New York City to Zambia, yet as land has sustained the people for over 10,000 years, it remains the center and the soul of the Alaskan Indigenous Experience.
When Robert Lundahl began his involvement with the Greenbelt Society at New York’s Hunter College, a part of City University of New York, CUNY, he didn’t initially think the experience would take him so far. But pandemic lockdown changed his perspective and engendered a new way of thinking. The podcasts emerged.
“I thought, ‘Let’s go to these places, that we otherwise wouldn’t normally have access to, and ask people to tell their stories, including all the complexities of their lives, in the age of Covid– in the Winter. Cold. What is it like? How are you doing? And what are you seeing? On our planet, our mother planet. Earth.”
-Host, Filmmaker, Journalist, Robert Lundahl.
In particular, guests provide observations from personal experience of natural conditions, bird and mammal behavior, and biodiversity. All the while sharing music, ideas, creative solutions, and understanding the structure and dimensionality of Arctic, marine, and indigenous environments.
Natures Touch: Climate Change is Here can be heard on Apple Podcasts at
Learn more about the series at
Underwritten by The Remediators, Inc. “We Clean Toxic Soils Using Fungi"