Changing the Way We Approach Technology - It's not a Millennial Thing
Maybe you are like me and you are tired of the constant categorization of people. Try being born in 1965. Some people put me in the baby boomers; others place me in Gen X. I am on the edge. In the end, does it really matter. Then there are the ranks regarding income level: low, medium and high. At one time in my career I lived in one of these levels over the course of my life. Then there is the whole notion of age. What age makes you an old person? Is it 40, 50, 60, 70.
The truth is we are living in a time right now where the internet technology is really starting to have an effect on all of us. Some people have embraced technology and others not so much. Some people are really into social media and others not so much. It's time to stop categorizing people and really focus on what is happening around us. It took almost 20 years, but internet technology is really making an impact on our lives, especially in the way we use our time and access information. There has never been a time that I can remember where age, technology and time are coming together and people are seizing opportunities to incorporate the internet into their daily lives.
Think about the impact of technology in the last 10 years.
Think about smartphone technology and its impact. Do you get annoyed when someone calls you? At least with a text, I get to control my response and send it back on my time.
Thing about television. I really like my DVR because I can watch shows when I want to watch them. Now, television is adapting and we can watch shows live or on demand. I purchased my first Smart TV. I am enjoying watching YouTube videos on TV because I can control the content I watch.
When was the last time you paid for gas for your car with cash? It is a much longer process. So much easier with a credit card.
Look at gyms today. I really like the gyms that offer free WI-FI. Also, when will we be able to watch and listen to television with our blue-tooth device headphones.
These are just a few examples of technology affecting our lives. What is the impact on marketing?
- Right now social media sites are flooded with people and getting through continues to be harder.
- Are the days over for driving people to our websites organically? Yes, it still works, but how much time do you really spend searching for information on your smartphone?
- Where are people spending their time online? (Games, shopping, reading, entertainment)
- At trade shows, people are picking up fewer and fewer brochures and whitepapers. Are shows losing their effectiveness?
- Do websites need to create a better experience more than just providing content?
Here is where I am focusing my time:
Developing exposure personally and professionally. I would not be maintaining this blog site if I did not think there was value in creating exposure for myself and Midwest Laboratories. At some point, I may need to use more tools like video to continue to be relevant in an ever-changing world.
Evaluating the need for promotional materials: brochures, white papers, hand-outs. People do not want to carry paper with them. Look at newspapers. Many people have moved online and really are annoyed at pamphlets and magazines. Incorporating this type of content into a website as part of an overall experience is what I am working on. Look for more in 2017.
Get out! - People are all about meeting with others. There is a strong movement toward moving away from television and computers and taking our (TV and Computers) with us all the time via smartphone technology. How can people take our information with them? How can we make in an impact in a society that is migrating toward more mobility each year?
People who can integrate knowledge with technology are the leaders today. This group is growing more and more each day and the quicker we can get connected with this group the better.
Time is real. People are trying to maximize the time they have like never before. These areas are getting harder to separate and it takes a lot of work to be strong in each of these areas: (Work, Leisure, Family, Personal)
As I stated in the first paragraph. Too many opinions are made with respect of associating people with a particular group. Through this process, I am seeing less emphasis on these groups and more emphasis on connecting with the right people based on knowledge, integrity, expertise and ability to socialize. Continue to find great people out there and look at the value each person brings to the table. Technology is making tasks simpler, but we still have a long way to go with respect to educating people. In my mind if you can share knowledge in the area of marketing and technology with respect to your business, you will have a better chance of connecting with other people. We can't change people, but we can show them simpler options if we work at making those options easier to access.
Thanks for reading...I welcome your comments and insights on this topic. Please share if you have a thought on this topic. ~Brent
Originally posted at