Changing times of teaching –learning .The Paradigm shift from traditional mode of teaching to online

In these two months of stay home and stay safe, I came across numerous webinars in pharmacy stream. Most of the webinars were crowded with too many attendees, but gradually lost its charm and glory when a multitude of players banged in to the stream. I ensured my seat for as many webinars as possible and as a participant and learner I got exposed to a multitude of knowledge and ideas. I was impressed when I saw my inbox filled to the brim with certificates and overwhelming responses from my students. Many veterans taught us the new concepts and stratagems in online pedagogy. Good indeed- But what next? As teachers, do we have to prepare and equip our self with new technologies? ZOOM, Google classrooms, Microsoft teams and many virtual platforms offers tremendous possibilities before everybody. Online courses like MOOCS, Course era has flourished on their own space. A quick recall to my initial years of teaching, there existed times, where I had been over vigilant to make sure my students never ‘cheat’ whilst their exams. During this pandemic season, I conducted N number of exams though Google forms online without even having an invigilation duty. Students were happy at the other end and some assured me full cooperation and assurance claiming that they won’t present a facsimile of their text books. Thanks to Corona – as the change abouts and circumstances issued by this pandemic have taught us many realizations.A Classroom is a heterogeneous pool of students from different background with different dreams and aspirations. Every student is different and their enthusiasm and desire to learn further makes the teachers focused  and makes their journey an aspiring one. Teaching has many dimensions and thus teachers have many roles in the life of students in shaping his /her destiny. A true teacher is like a philosopher who preaches his ideologies to disciples and identifies the hidden potential in each student  and channelize him/her to the right path. Does the Google class room and zoom do that? A question of concern that repeatedly pops up in my mind. The holistic way of moulding the students into a responsible citizen should be the true aim of education. Today’s students are tomorrow's hope and hence students should be handled with care. Does the online courses alone can mould them? Whether a bag full of webinar certificates without skill set will prepare our students for a better future is something to ponder over and over.There are many limitations for the online platforms compared to traditional teaching and learning process. However the teachers should not underestimate the possibilities of online mode of teaching and must be prepared to evolve with the changing times. Newer technologies are emerging and both the teachers and students are struggling hard to acquaint with the technologies. It is normal to feel stressed and tensed in this situation, especially for the teachers who try to cope up with the modern times and ever changing technologies. Many new self-claimed technocrat stalwarts have emerged during COVID 19, promising people about the solutions of online management.

   Covid pandemic has catapulted the normal life of human species and restoration of the same is a herculean task worldwide. During these pandemic, every morning I wake up hearing the loud noise of my neighbour who is a primary school teacher, who struggles with her voice to convince the primary students through online mode. A paradigm shift has happened everywhere throughout the world.  WHO has alarmed that the virus shall not subside immediately and has suggested all to get along with the situation and move forward. There is no option left out in this situation other than moving forward keeping in mind our limitation and circumstances. However I am having the opinion that traditional teaching methods should go hand in hand with online teaching hereafter to certain extent. The teachers should be proactive and get involved in different online activities to enhance their skills and should be prepared to integrate online education as part of their academics. In Kerala, recently a video record of a teacher has become viral since some antisocialist has made rude comments on the teaching methods despite the teacher has done exceptionally well. Kerala govt has booked case against few who has disrespected the content online. Those who make negative and funny remarks of teaching videos should remember that, they are playing with their own child’s life. Nobody should dare to attempt such practices that shall demoralise the teachers. Society has a whole should discourage such practices that questions the enthusiasm and dedication of teachers. Embarrassment exists for many teachers, since the concept is new and everything happened all of a sudden. Still their love and dedication and concern for their students motivates and strengthens them to face the sudden upturn that happened to the teaching methods, and we all are sure this shall definitely mould and shape the teachers to much more bold personalities.The uncertainty period should be undertaken as a turnaround time for self upliftment. Meanwhile all the educational institutions must have plans and new strategies to build robust IT setup to back up the teachers and new generation students. Every stakeholders have to change with the changing times and those who are not willing to swim against the current will wash away for sure. Teachers can devise new formula of integrating technology with traditional ways there by having a blended teaching learning system in future that can be adopted where the traditional and online mode of teaching should go hand in hand.Let us not overthink on the future possibilities of the online mode of teaching. It is beyond everybody’s control, be active and get involved in different activities and undertake it as a turnaround time and upgrade yourself. We shall together overcome this pandemic.

However, as a teacher I felt something missing amidst all these chaos. Missing element was the life we instill among our self when we teach inside the class room.


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