by David Mellor
with original illustrations by James Mellor
At this time of huge disruption to business and personal lives, and as people develop significantly different routines, I sense from the conversations that I am having that many folk are carving out time for reflection re business life post Covid. If this includes you, then I would like to share with one way in which I believe I could be of assistance.
The purpose of this little book is to help people understand the realities of trying to transition from working full-time to achieving genuine semi-retirement. I am making this journey myself, and just wanted to share with other people what it is really like.
I have selected 30 lessons that I have learned thus far, and tried to balance what I have experienced with observations from 30 other people. I am extremely grateful to them all. My key objective is to present you with an opportunity to move forward with confidence and “eyes wide open”.
I hope that the list (and if you have read any of my other books, you will know that I love lists!) will help to inform your reflection, planning and resultant activity.
This book is for you if…
? you are contemplating transitioning from working full-time to easing into semi-retirement.
? you have made the decision to make the transition, and are trying to come up with a plan to make it happen.
? you would like to ensure that you make the transition with “eyes wide open”.
? you are keen to learn from others who have made or are making this transition.
? you don’t know what you don’t know in terms of considering all the options open to you.
Finally, if you decide to place an order for the book, you are welcome to take up an offer of one hour’s free telephone consultancy.
Over to you!