Changing the Story for Pets and Their People
Dr. Veronica Anderson Dedegbe, MD
Kolbe is Instinct. Human Design is Intuition. Chief Executive Officer at Rosewater Falls
Marcia Minunni has been living her passion for over 30 years working professionally with dogs, cats, and even a camel. During that time, she became disheartened by the diminishing health and well-being of our four-legged companions. Even her own dog Arno, a Katrina survivor, fell victim to cancer after 8 short years. Connect with Marcia at
I refer to my story as a classic tragedy dating back to 2013. Hmm, tragedy - the word seems so severe and victim like. Let’s update that to “an awakening”. Yes, an awakening. As a proud, self-employed business woman, I found myself in the (lucky) 13th year of my second business in the formidable pet industry. I rarely walked away from a challenge or refused a misunderstood pet.
Those close to me would say, “she works like a dog” – both cliché and appropriate. You see, my business had me going 60+ hours each week taking care of our furry companions. If you’ve ever been successfully self-employed, you know this is not uncommon. And, very typical in America to associate hard work with prosperity. Others would recognize what I now know as “burn out”.
During this time, my soul was yearning for a deeper meaning, but I did not make the time to reflect. In addition, I “felt” the pain as I witnessed our animals suffering each day. Chronic illness and cancer were becoming as pervasive in them as with the humans chosen to be their guardians.
My emotions were torn. I stood as a pioneer in the mobile pet grooming industry; however, the exhaustion (both physical and emotional) was taking over. Each day grew more mechanical - not honoring my self-worth, my well-being, or my dedication to our beloved companions.
I recall one day in particular becoming so upset, feeling extremely exhausted and approaching utter confusion. I dropped to my knees and pleaded within a silent space, “IS THIS IT?”
While I personally suffered, I also lost sight of those most close to me. Left behind after hurricane Katrina, our beloved pit/mix ARNO (named after an adoption group: Animal Rescue of New Orleans) was falling ill right before my very eyes. Unfortunately, as I slept-walked through life, I barley recognized the signs that he so clearly presented to me.
With over two decades in the pet industry and 10 years of that spent in a conventional veterinarian office, how could “I” have missed the signs? The thought was devastating.
I remember that very day. As my husband and our loyal companion strolled in front of me, I “woke up” to Arno’s lethargic walk, his bloated belly, and general lack of enthusiasm. I rolled the facts around in my head: never a normal bowel movement, neutered at a very young age, traumatized from abandonment, and harboring fear following the massive hurricane. Yet, I loyally followed the accepted protocols: Arno was vaccinated annually, provided “preventative” care for heartworm and potential parasites, fed the most expensive name brand kibble, and walked daily. And yes, given lots of love (Bravo!).
I was crushed when I heard the diagnosis: Hemangiosarcoma – aggressive blood cancer. It started with removing the substantial growth along with his spleen. We were then left with a grim diagnosis – 2 to 6 weeks best case, maybe 2 months with chemotherapy. The vet suggested chemotherapy. My husband and I thanked her for all she had done - then went to work.
We already believed in natural prevention and complimentary healthcare for our own lives. Clearly, I was missing the boat in regard to my personal self-care. Although at the time, I started acupuncture in an effort to return to well-being, but I was far from healthy. And here I felt a great responsibility for not extending these same principles and opportunities to our four-legged “wonder boy”. My stress levels and feelings of inadequacy were at a peak.
Fortunately, we discovered a nirvana of sorts with a veterinarian known fondly as Dr. Marty (Dr. Martin Goldstein). He had established a practice named Smith Ridge Veterinarian Center – a holistic animal hospital on the border of New York and Connecticut. Amazingly, we were directed through a completely new approach combining a raw diet (real nutrients), oxygen therapy (for circulation), glandular supplements (supporting the compromised organs), energy work (to help calm and balance), an intravenous vitamin drip (to boost the immune system) and loads of fulltime love (for him and us).
After a week’s stay at a very supportive B&B in the area (forever grateful to our new friends Natasha and Barbara at Green Rocks Inn for their unwavering empathy and care) we walked away invigorated for both “our boy” and ourselves. And, we were accompanied by a very energetic, shiny-coated, smiling “stubby” Arno - with normal bowel movements for the first time in his life. I could not have been more encouraged.
Six months later to our dismay, Arno choose to leave his body and cross the well-traveled rainbow bridge. At first, I fell into the natural emotion of sorrow and mourning. But my guilt soon triggered my fire energy asking myself, “What changes can I make?”. This became both a journey and a personal quest.
Fast forward to 2018, I am no longer on the verge of collapse. Actually, I have been certified in Reiki, Donna Eden Energy Medicine, Healing Touch for Animals, Aromatherapy, Mediumship and Animal Communication. And, I continually add to my healing toolbox expanding my knowledge on gentle ways of creating balance – both for myself and our pets.
My love for animals (both two and four-legged), my curiosity and never-ending desire to learn and teach is a constant motivator. I discovered my “gift” for Animal Communication (think a psychic medium for pets) which opened my eyes to endless possibilities. The animals are speaking through me, and I am obligated as an Animal Communicator and Wellness Coach, to continue sharing their “tails” of healing messages, and guided wisdom for each of us to make a conscientious change. Often a change to both help our pets and heal ourselves.
This ever-evolving path has been eye-opening, moving, and even humorous. Most importantly, animals are teaching me what we need to let go (what is no longer serving our best interest) and to recognize nature’s balance has been challenged leaving us responsible to make the needed changes.
As a result of this exploration, I created my next pet venture: Tails Of Wellness. My business is about helping pets and their people become more balanced and expansive in their lives. I allow the animals to guide me through their voice… to discover the underlying core reason behind imbalance within them, their environment and their guardians. Whether it is an unrecognized change in behavior or perhaps their physical signs of ailment, we work as a team towards discovering a solution.
It is my mission to tell Arnos’s story and how, despite our loss, he continues to spread his gentle love while building awareness through my wellness business – and life.
Burning out is the universe’s way of nudging us to take heed of the path we are walking. I am pleased to acknowledge I listened. My soul is once again being nurtured by inspiring, teaching, and empowering people and the amazing creatures surrounding them. I will continue to build awareness and speak to those that walk in silence to recognize the healing benefits that come when we just “be”.