the changing role of the "CEO whisperer"
Konstantinos Konstantinidis, M.D., Ph.D.
Director - ExCtu - addressing the Health Tourism Sector "Builder Class" (a.k.a. the "growth makers" and “developers”) by providing the infrastructure supporting economic activity and enabling the system to function
…who still needs to provide unique expert knowledge - not available within the company they are called upon to advise
The message in this article is that the Consultancy which knows the Sector "best" (through originated knowledge) – and better than the “machine” - benefits its clients the "most".
To illustrate this article on the "CEO whisperer", I chose a picture of the book titled “The Horse Whisperer” by Nicholas Evans – a used edition of which can be bought through Amazon for £2.81 (? ).
having the ear of the CEO
…and exerting influence
The Economist – amongst others – also refers to consultants as “CEO whisperers” (presumably because these experts manage to have the ear of this top-level C-suite executive).
the corporate world’s “know-it-alls”
…valued for their “exclusive” knowledge
The Economist also refers to consultants as “the corporate world’s know-it-alls” – clearly indicating that these professionals are valued for their knowledge – which is not available within the corporation they are called upon to advise.
I have written articles on the subject of consultants and consultancies with regards to Health Tourism – but this present one started out as a draft waiting for a trigger to elevate it to the status of finished article.
The trigger was provided by two related articles in the “March 30 – April 5 2024” issue of The Economist.
“help” you achieve your desired objective
…from a “charitable act” to providing a Remunerated Service
In the realm of Contemporary Health Tourism and its 8 Segments (ht8), consultants are not commonly known as CEO whisperers, but have monikers such as “expert”, “advisor” “specialist” and even “professional speaker”, who offer to “help” you achieve your desired objective – but mainly to become the top:
·???????? destination
·???????? provider
The emphasis is on “help” (a term I have learned to “abhor”, because the phrase “I can help you” means “help me make money”).
More specifically, the term “help” is used disingenuously – suggesting a “charitable” act – when it is clearly a matter of providing a Remunerated Service.
On this see (if you want):
·???????? the difference between (the verbs) Help, Assist and Enable - ? ?
·???????? from "Helping" to "Enabling" (in business) - from Charity to providing a Service - ?
consultant in the age of the “chatbot” and “knowledge originator”
…the human who knows more and better than the machine
In Health Tourism, the consultants (in essence, “knowledge-providers”) clients want so see (and engage) are those who know more and better than the machine.
Not an easy task – unless the knowledge is originated and not merely, routed (i.e., copied and pasted).
And this is where the difference between “architect” and “router” comes into play.
See: passing on what has been originated - not what has been copied and pasted - the architect vs the router -? .
the Consultancy which knows the Sector best
…benefits its clients the "most"
It should be obvious that the Consultancy which knows the Sector "best" (through originated knowledge) - benefits its clients the "most".
Which is also why it is time to reconsider the role of “speaker - consultant” in the age of generative AI.
See, if you want: those who have done and know best - and better than the machine - ? .