Changing Mindset with Pooh - Part 2
Prasanna Lakshmi Jonnalagedda
Senior CXCRM & Conv. AI Technical Manager. Member of ewit - women empowerment.
In our life, whether we work for living or we are our own bosses, we have tasks.Typically, we have a boss, who gives us tasks, we do it. There is no personal profit or loss involved. We do not think of it that way. We just do it especially if we are not our own bosses. Lot of times, it becomes mundane or something we just do. That mindset needs to change for adapting ourselves for the changes that are happening all around - clients, customers, corporate world.
"A fish can't whistle and neither can I." There's nothing wrong with not being able to whistle, especially if you're a fish. But there can be lots of things wrong with blindly trying to do what you aren't designed for." - Tao of Pooh
Everyone cannot do everything. Each of us is like an uncarved block or rock. Each of us can do lot of different things but not necessarily the same things. Imagine how boring it would be, if everyone was same!! We just need identify our passion and do what we can do best and give it the best.
If we did something for fun like paint or play soccer or cook a meal we love, we put our absolute best in it. We are so proud of it. We do not think of politics or what nots or doubt our self one bit.
Each of us have each of the characteristics in Pooh book.
Like Owl who seems wise but also has some things he does not know about. He learns and keeps learning or reading for sake of knowledge but is rarely seen sharing it or doing anything with it.
Eeyore is a complaining part of us, finding excuses or faults to sit in our comfort zone. Eeyore does not like getting out of comfort zone. He likes to have a gloomy cloud on top of his head.
Rabbit is clever and rarely seen reading for knowledge. Wise know their limitations as it is explained in Tao of Pooh book. Being wise and being stupid has a thin line in between diving it. Knowing when to talk, knowing when to listen and knowing when to shut up is key to success. We all need to know it, practice it.
For example, Tigger does not have limitations, he gets into all kinds of trouble and all his friends have to help him out. Tigger also knows the way out of lot of things and is a rescuer says Benjamin in his book.
Piglet though the smallest knows his inner strength and capacity. He is one of wisest in group when it comes to tao and zen part of life. Each of us have to know our inner core strengths and what we can do and cannot do. We have to have our own scales of measurement on what we can do, when can we do and whats our moral compass.
We all have inner nature which we need to recognize and tap into it.
Last but not least - Pooh - My favorite of all. He just is. He is like Buddha of Zen encompassed as a small cute thing which we can all love and relate to.
Each of us has something unique in us, identify it, tap into it. That is your card of success in life.
“While Eeyore frets ...
...and Piglet hesitates
... and Rabbit calculates
... and Owl pontificates
...Pooh just is.”
― Benjamin Hoff
Live each moment of life like as if you are living it best with your unique you. Believe no one is like you. You bring in different palette of colors in this world and to your work.
Now do your tasks given to you, do it best you can. Imagine it gets you best price in world. You are drawing a Monet, or building something that will live in this world long after you are gone. Cherish that, embrace yourself.
Ask yourself if you are getting profit or loss for each task or thought you have.
We can adopt this technique for anything we do, especially work-wise.
a. Think of everything you write or deliver as a product you are writing as if it is a masterpiece
b. Better - Think if you would buy something you delivered or wrote for 1 million dollars or even 50 dollars !!! That is an eye - opener. No one else can do it.
c. Have you got profit or loss ? How does your sheet look like end of day or month or year?
Think and Ask at every point - "Will I buy something of this quality ??" If not, you would know that you are not doing what is required. If yes, you can give a hug to yourself or a raise :) - a cookie or an ice-cream treat.
Do everything as if you are creating something beautiful in this world. Be proud of your work. Be your own customer first then you will see you will deliver what your customers love !!
Similarly, as a person - do I make something better than it was or do I make it worse? Each moment? Can I think of it? I know a great man who wants to make someone happy all the time he has. I really am awestruck by that. I am not a master at this, I learnt that sometimes spending too much time thinking of task as task, we miss out on life as fun and not enjoy it.