Changing lives - one person at a time, one family at a time!
Kia ora
We now have monthly driver licence workshops in Papakura, Pukekohe and West Auckland to assist with any driver licence problems and establish individual programmes to achieve licences.
Three prisoners passed their Learner Licence tests in prison last week. That brings our prison passes total to approximately 100.
Our total for young offenders on probation is nearing 180. As our overall driver licence passes nears 2000 looking back the bulk (approximately 800) were referrals from Counties Manukau Police who helped to create this programme.
A large number of high school students and unemployed people have also achieved driver licences along the way. Below is a recent success and some interesting successes from 2014 which highlight the benefits of driver licence training and important part the NZ Police play in referring people in need of assistance.
Awhi is Maori and Cook Island and has 5 kids (ages 16-22) and 1 grandkid all living under her roof. She also recently took in her brother, his partner and their child too.
Awhi was booked to sit her Restricted test. She came early and we asked for her licence but there was a major issue with her licence. She needed to supply her photo ID to resolve the issue and had left it at home. We tried to get it before her test but when we arrived back at VTNZ it was pushing it really close.
Before we got out of the car, we told her there was a possibility she may not sit today but not to worry, that we would help her sort it. We worked it out and despite having to overcome the initial barrier we managed to get her onto her test.
But by this point, Awhi was shaking because she was nervous and the barriers didn't make it any easier. She said she was going to be late for picking up her daughter and our tutor said, "Well, you're ready to go now.
You can get your licence today or wait even longer. It's up to you." She said, "I've been sitting on my learners for 25 years. My kids are all sitting on their learners too. Its' now or never." And off she went!
When they came back, the Testing Officer gave her the news that she had passed!
Awhi said that this was going to break the cycle that she's been living in, since her Mum kicked her out of the house at 15 for wanting to work instead of stay at home to look after her brothers and sisters.
Awhi was so grateful at now obtaining her Restricted licence that she has given herself a goal to get her Full and then get her truck licences. She first learnt how to drive in her Dad's massive hauler truck when she was 15.
Now, 25 years later, she can for the first time see herself becoming a truck driver -- her original goal when she was 15!
A mother of eight boys was referred to our Learner Driver Licence classes by the NZ Police. She had been driving for fifteen years without a licence.
In the classroom she received assistance to understand the NZ Road Code rules and last week she sat her AA Test and passed.
A very young father came late to class and explained, " I am sorry. I had to wake my baby, feed him, change him, dress him and wait for the babysitter".
A formerly disqualified father of nine is attending classes to study and regain his Driver Licence. He is improving his reading skills and literacy as he studies to pass the AA test.
A mother and father of young children are sitting side by side in class and preparing to sit their Learner Driver Licence tests together.
They have employment and mobility dreams but require some literacy assistance to pass the tests.
Our most hardworking student in 2010 had previously stolen a principal’s car and burgled his school. He faces many challenges in his driver licence theory training because of his reading level but continues to persist with it and work very hard. The sheer ‘guts’ and determination he shows is quite remarkable.
Another student who also burgled a school is now scoring perfect scores in his learner driver licence practice and is preparing to sit his theory test. He seems to be more settled in school.
A young student with thousands of dollars owed to the court for driving offences has been passing his practice questions consistently and is preparing to sit his driving test.
One of our top students was arrested prior to a class. This young person had been scoring perfect scores in his tests but unfortunately ‘went off the track’. Part of his rehabilitation is to complete his training and achieve his learner driver licence.
Two students struggled so much through the training and caused the tutor a lot of enturbulation with their attitude but they persisted and with assistance greatly improved at the end of the course and passed their learner licence tests on the first attempt. They actually achieved higher scores than most of the other students on their programme.
A Year 10 high school student had been consistently doing well in driver licence lessons. His attendance at school was very good. Out of character he started ‘wagging’ classes (truancy) and ended up in the Dean’s office facing suspension from school. When asked,” why were you wagging?” He replied,“ I can’t do the work. I want to repeat Year 9.” The school Dean saw the honesty in what he said and decided on assistance for the student instead of punishment. Later when the tutor searched for the problem in his school work it was discovered the student was studying algebra in his mathematics class and didn’t understand it and thought it was too hard. The tutor explained the meaning of algebra and some basic exercises were completed.
A grandmother, her daughter and partner are in the same class preparing for the Learner Driver Licence test. All are studying hard and firing friendly comments around the classroom.
A new Restricted Driver Licence student advised he learnt to drive by climbing out his bedroom window at 2am and taking his brother’s car for joy rides. Now he is in a proper class – thank goodness!
One of our students had to postpone her Restricted Driver Licence test because she went into labour the morning of the test. The latest news is she is now a happy mother of a bouncing boy weighing in at 7lbs. Mother and son are both doing well. Dad is a former student and is also doing well (probably still smiling). Driver Licence test can wait.
A new student started Learner Licence class this week. He has been charged 28 times for drinking and driving in the past and has served his sentence. He wants to regain his driver licence but has to start again at the theory test. Other family members are also in the class. Personally, if someone sincerely wants to change I am happy to assist. I have met many people who have experienced a wild life and reach a point where enough is enough and they just want to change. At that point there are services which can help and we are part of that network. Many people are driving without driver licences in our communities but when they pass the test and finally get a licence it can be a precious thing to hold onto. This is even more important to someone who has been disqualified from driving and then gains the right to have a licence again.
In 1966 at the age of thirteen she was expelled from school. Shortly after that she stowed away on a ship bound for the Cook Islands. Our student was then educated on the island of Aitutaki and returned to New Zealand in 1974. She later married and was forced to get in a van and drive for the first time in order to get her possibly dying husband to hospital. He survived but was later transferred to Greenlane Hospital in a distant suburb. The day came to pick up her husband so our student drove to Greenlane (at 80km/hr ) in the left lane of the motorway for the first time. She arrived at the hospital and her husband asked,” who is your driver?”. The answer came back, ”I am”. After he settled down she drove him home at 80km/hr.
She is 61 years old now and after fourteen years of driving without a licence she is attending our Learner Driver Licence classes. This lady is also a wonderful creative person who has inspired many people with her dance training and art.
After discussions and a notice from the NZ Police she decided it was time to confront getting a driver licence but felt she needed some help so was referred to Rule Education Trust.
A local police officer has even visited her house to make sure she is attending classes.
This vibrant, determined lady wanted me to share her story in the hope that others who are driving without a licence will wake up and study and get their driver licences.
Our classroom has never been the same since she started. What a personality!
Comments from some of our 2014 students on driver licence training:
‘Major confident now because tutor is able to boost and improve my expectations of myself’
‘This course was great. It took me from almost no knowledge to knowing a lot’
‘Made lesson interactive, fun. Overall a good learning experience’
‘I’ve learnt a lot from this course and it made me gain a lot of confidence’
‘This course is ‘off the hook` (great). The tutor actually wants us to get our licence’
‘I feel like I can pass by doing this course’
‘The tutor understands some people learn slower/faster than others’
‘Hope to see you next year for the Restricted Licence Programme’
‘I feel I’m capable to achieve anything if I knuckle down and practise’
‘Thanks for being positive’
‘With all your help I think we can pass’
‘I’ll put my best effort when I’m doing the test. I will respect the people coming on the road’
‘Good explanations, good feedback, fun and enjoyable’
‘It made good, clear sense with the examples given’
Onwards and upwards towards happier and healthier communities and a better New Zealand.
David Rule
PH: 021-292-8961
(Students pay for AA/VTNZ Tests)
OTAHUHU LIBRARY, MASON AVENUE, OTAHUHU, registering interested people.
SANDRINGHAM DRIVER LICENCE CLASSES – 10.30am Mondays,Wesley Community Centre, Sandringham
GLEN INNES DRIVER LICENCE CLASSES – registering interested people.
PUKEKOHE DRIVER LICENCE CLASSES – registering interested people , Nga Hau E Wha O Marae, Pukekohe North, Pukekohe
Contact: David Rule, [email protected] or 021-292-8961 for more information or to enrol.