Changing Lanes
?Some people appear to have it easy, don’t they? No obstacles in their way, no difficult situations preventing them from moving forward, no one causing trouble in their life. It’s the snapshot of what we don’t see or hear, what is not said and what is concealed. I’m not telling you anything new, however, the younger generations feel the need to compete and compare their lifestyles, while racing to the finish line. The process is in the journey, specifically tailored for each person. (Though I write he/him it can easily be a she/her.)
The Stormy Road
For me, the storm ahead is only temporary, a rough road littered with potholes, crumbling concrete, with foreboding dark and cloudy skies. The lesson is perseverance through difficulty, proceeding slowly forward, being cautious. It is about taking my time, being extremely patient. Maneuvering over difficulty carefully, without making things worse. It's seeing what is ahead, making plans, so I am prepared. Not far ahead of the storm is a blue sky, the clouds disappearing and the suns rays casting a golden glow over a smooth straight road without obstacles. I will see clearly after the storm has ended.
The Obstacle
My neighbor to the right of me has a paved road, his car riding easily over the concrete road. It’s sunny in his lane. Looks good to me! So, I jump into his timeline/universe for a smoother ride. What I didn’t see, was the looming grey tractor trailer - larger than life - blocking the roadway. It’s so large, he can’t see around it, under it or even over it. The person in this lane is stuck. He is learning patience. With my 007 skills, I jump on top of the tractor trailer to see what comes next for him, a massive tornado. He is about to lose his job, his career and life… or wife? There are lots of objects being tossed about in the tornado – people or things? The tornado is an interrogation in which he is, “answering to his whereabouts,” and facing “…an embarrassment to his family,” after “living a lie.”
3 Other Lanes
At the same time, I see what is ahead for the next three lanes a bit further past this guy's tractor trailer. It's the consequences of three persons past actions. A criminal enterprise? One is going to jail, another back to prison and one to the penitentiary.
Bridge Collapse
The guy in the lane next to the criminals is standing on a modern, but brand new white bridge. He is about to make a bad business decision.?The bridge spans over a green lush deep valley. Unfortunately, just 2 steps ahead, a large section gives way falling in many small pieces. It’s cut clean off. In the valley, there is abundance there, prosperity. This person must choose to see it. Choosing to stay on the path of making better choices and decisions. “It’s a warning. He needs to change jobs immediately. He cannot continue on this path.” The person standing “on the edge” as if in a stupor, his plans disrupted to save his life. Though he may not see it that way. ?
Losing Everything
In another lane, there is a darkness so black that light cannot penetrate it. This person is experiencing a dark night of the soul – a term used to describe a collapse of the meaning and purpose of life due to an external event such as a sudden death from a friend’s overdose, the breakdown of a marriage, secrets brought to light, imminent business failure, financial collapse or immediate transportation to prison. It happens when an investigation returns with multiple betrayals and this person can no longer can make excuses for, explain away and/or deceive others. The illusion he’s been living, deconstructs. He loses everything.
Periodically, the scenario that you think is happening is not that bad. Yet, every so often, it’s worse than you could ever imagine. It’s the bend in the road, the thing you didn’t see coming. It’s moving into your next chapter without your friend, your entire family or your spouse. It’s the heart that shatters like glass with each piece of damning evidence that surfaces. It’s the preponderance (or amount) of evidence that is daunting. It’s the years that have thwarted the forward progression of a career, a family and a nonprofit agency. It’s the defiance of a juvenile that breaks your heart into a million pieces. Nothing can fix the damage that has been done.
Stay in your lane. It's where you are supposed to be. Take the blessings with the lessons. It's all a part of your journey.