Changing and Improving to Achieve Your Goals
Aloysius Carl
Change Agent | Digital Marketing & Product Innovation Leader | Influencer | Start-up Pro | Speaker & Author
To Achieve New or Higher Goals, Change Is Necessary!
The feel for the need to change for many of us comes after we are “stung” by an undesired outcome.? Despite the pain, this is a good thing as change delivers many benefits such as:
Unfortunately, some never make the commitment to change and become stuck in a cycle of frustration wondering why things do not improve.? Life is ever changing and we need to be as well.??
“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always be where you’ve always been.” —T.D. Jakes
In pursuing new or loftier goals, we need to understand, be comfortable with and embrace change or new achievement will not be possible.
It is not Just About Setting Goals, It Is Also About Creating Supporting Behaviors
When we set goals, we also need to target behaviors, which will in turn will lead to our goals.? Your goals might include losing 20 pounds, being more productive at work, etc.? All of these might be good (as long as they are SMART goals ), but each of them involves a number of behaviors, which can lead to opportunities for failure.? In order to maximize the opportunity of success, we need to add behavioral changes that will develop into habits that will help us achieve our targets. For example:
The idea is to develop detailed supporting goals and then create small and simple behavior changes that will lead to habit creation that will lead to achieving the large goal.
“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” John C. Maxwell
Having goals is a fantastic start. However, the combination of large goals with supporting detailed goals and simple behaviors that become daily habits is much more powerful.? When we target routine behaviors and practice them regularly, they will eventually become habits, and this is where the power is because we practice habits effortlessly without thought.?
The Challenge
Change is hard.? We all should know this because each of us has at least one bad habit that we have tried to stop like smoking, over-eating, over-spending, etc.? Even when faced with life or death situations, change is difficult according to Dr. Donald Edmonson, Director of the Center for Behavioral Cardiovascular Health at Columbia University Irving Medical Center.? Consider the following:
While change is hard, we need to pursue it if we want to improve our lives.??
Growth is painful. Change is painful. But, nothing is as painful as staying stuck where you do not belong. - N. R. Narayana Murthy
The very good news is that science has learned quite a bit about personal behavior and change, and today we have a better understanding of what we can do to improve our chances of success.
The Formula for Success
While many of us stink at change, it is doable!? Let us look at what we can do to improve the likelihood that we will succeed in making our changes.
Develop Your Uncomfortable State – the Impetus for Change
According to Steve Olsher, New York Times best-selling author, “Before anything can change in your life, you have to shed light on it. There has to be a moment when you take a hard look at the truth and contend with the fact it is no longer acceptable. You must be uncomfortable to make a change.”??
One of the reasons we do not create positive change in our life is that we do not have a big enough drive and desire to do it.? Before you do anything else, feel the pain of the way things are right now on a level that makes you uncomfortable.? Really make yourself look at what is at stake, what would be if you changed.? Imagine every aspect of the pain in not realizing the future.? Focus on the loss of what “could be” from your inaction.?
According to the authors of the best-seller Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success, humans are much more motivated to avoid loss than to obtain gain.? Envisioning a life plagued with lost abilities due to heart disease or an early death is much more powerful for creating healthy habits than imagining yourself looking sleek and trim.? The authors conducted a study and found that Apple customers were 12 times more motivated by the fear of losing their new smartphones than in obtaining new ones.
Once you have felt the pain and realize powerfully why you need to change, then look at the positives.? After your change, what will your future look like? What is at stake?? One of your goals may be to increase your income by 20%.? Now go a little deeper and ask yourself, “What will you do with the money?”? It could be very important to your children’s future as it might allow you to send them to a better school.? This is not the time to work out the how, where, or what.? You should focus on your feelings.? If you can really feel and make a connection with the emotions, it will help you commit to the change and to stay on track.
Tie the Change to Core Beliefs, Values and Purposes
Sometimes our commitments to change fail because they are not rooted in our deeply held values, interests, and beliefs.? According to Jeff Zwiefel, COO Life Time “Commitment is the real driver and motivator behind lasting change.”?? In order to foster a deep commitment, a goal and behavior change needs to have importance and value.
According to Daryl Gioffre, author of Get Off Your Acid: 7 Steps in 7 Days to Lose Weight, “When the challenging times come up, you have a purpose wrapped around your goals so strong that you will find a way to obtain the goals, as opposed to abandoning them like so many do.”
I am going to share a personal experience to illustrate this.? Six years ago, I set out on a journey to lose 50+ pounds (there is no kind way to say it - I was obese).? My goal was to weigh less than I did when I graduated high school.? I was having some health issues (the undesired outcome/pain) that spurred me on.? One of the first things I did was to look at the reasons I needed to pursue the weight loss – “What will be lost if I don’t lose this weight and what would be gained if I do?”
Some of the reasons I came up with were that I would:
1.????? Have more time (more years) with my wife and children
2.????? Have an opportunity to potentially experience grandchildren?
3.????? Be able to be really active later during my retirement years
I was worried about losing productive years from my life.? I came to see the effort as re-setting my personal behaviors and habits for the final “push” in my life.? With all of this in my thoughts, the effort became a much deeper commitment than simply losing weight.? I was battling for my loved ones and my life.? I went on to lose a little over 51 pounds in 5 months and was able to keep it off now for more than 6 years with a few bumps in the road. Today I still weigh less than when I graduated high school. ?This journey hasn't been easy, but it has been easier to stay the course since I got in touch with the painful drivers and realized what I was really risking, and reminded myself of this every day
The deeper engagement and purpose really helped me as it drove a very serious level of dedication.? There was no option of quitting or giving up because of what was on the line.?
The Rest of the Formula
Personal and professional development is a $44 billion dollar industry.? This is probably because while we may know what we want to make happen, we usually fail to seriously plan, look for easy solutions or for something that will help make it happen quickly, or give up at the first bump in the road.? Anything we truly want in life that is worthwhile takes effort, a change in thought and behavior, time and perseverance? Adhering to these principles should help us to achieve the results we want.
“You are essentially who you create yourself to be, and all that occurs in your life is the result of your own making.” ― Stephen Richards