Changing the Dynamic of Your Life
The Journey Within
If you really truly want to change the dynamic of your life, there is only one place to begin, the journey within.
This is where we are headed and it’s some rocky territory, and some fine pebbled beaches, and some death defying cliffs and some smooth sailing oceans.?
We are travelling around the world and every stage of the journey starts in your mind’s eye.
So let’s begin our exploration for the next three weeks simply by saying,
“I will try something new every day whether that be a new food source or a new idea. A new way of carrying my body, or my clothing. Or sorting out the puzzle pieces into shades of colour, and then mixing them all back up again and doing it by shape and order of tone.”
Change it Up!
There is a lot more you can do with a puzzle than build a picture. You could flip it over and paint the whole thing white or blue or green and turn it into your memory building machine.?
When the world starts to look like it has more dimensions than one; it will start to seem like you are looking through a stained glass window instead of a plate glass window. This is where real change begins to happen; as the depth of your colour field advances, so too will your body and rhythm in motion.?
And so, for a little while, give yourself freedom to play and colour outside the lines of the box in big swooping patterns and ways. That damn box has had you trapped inside your own mind for so long you can barely see the scene on the other side of the window as you look out at it and explore.?
Broaden your View into a New Neighbourhood.
This has been my latest joy of exploration. Over the summer, I’ve been exploring new experience and colour through my new home decorating scheme. In my home, I have a new scene to look at that has brought a new measure of colour and vitality into my personal environment. I’ve also had the joy of driving through new neighborhoods and seeing new sights, different fields, different playgrounds for my children to explore. I bring my daughter and she gets out to a new play ground and I ingest a new view of my city. It broadens my comfort of community and it makes me see that everywhere I look people are looking just like me.?
But as I turn my view a little I can see a new potential that I hadn’t thought of before or explored in a new way. Ahhhh inspiration!
This is life. This is joy. This is fun.
And however you lure yourself out the door into a new and unpredictable routine of experience seems like a great idea to explore. And if you find a new way to explore your world, give me a shout out or make a comment below.
It’s where we live that matters most and this my friends is just the beginning of the story.
So grab that brush and start colouring outside the lines in shades of blue and orange and green. And purple and pink and yellow. Give your drinks a dash of mint and try a hit of pepper. Think about all the ways you could move into a new exploration of your colourful world through the dimension of taste and touch and sound.?
Let your senses overlap, and regain, and explore and watch what it is you are doing when you go to store.
Try to see a new and challenging way to hit that grocery list.
What are you wearing that could be different? What are you seeing that could be more joyful? What are you looking at in your mind’s eye? The same old habitual thought or a bright, new, shiny idea? There is no one sending you to the grave with a full look of boredom on your face.?
What makes your eyes bright and shiny? What makes your nose run? Is it the smell of pepper or fresh cut grass? Or too much laughter or too much gas?
These are all challenges you can set for yourself but you will never find them if you plop your mind in the same comfortable position every day.?
Your mind reaches for new experiences and you pull it back into position like a string on a corset simply by saying, “That’s not how it is done”.
It can be anyway you want it to be and that is a simple freedom you may not have ever given yourself. Why does it have to be the same? Because your mother said? Because your father did it this way? Because that way is annoying or not what you are used to??
You can have rhythm and change all at the same time. It’s up to you, it takes you making new choices. Just remember that each and every time you explore the landscape of choice, you plant new terrain in your mind.?
ACTION: This is your Challenge.?
How are you going to plant new terrain for your mind to navigate through over and over again? We all have the mileage of living to go through but you can spend every mile on the same pathway to life or you can broaden your horizon and navigate the globe of the earth. You can be in a new exploration in a split second. Why fondle the same old musty thought? Plant a new one and watch a new breed of flower grow. It is time. Time to begin to enjoy the beauty of your inner landscape. The journey of your mind’s eye and the planting of a new field of dreams.?
Go on now, start plumping your view with a new thought or a new word. Or a new taste or a new sight, or a new smell, and watch the explosion of delight begin filling your mind’s eye with a kaleidoscope of colours and patterns you’ve never seen before. It’s all lying right there painted in the dreary routine of habitual thinking. Move just a little to the left or right, or spin in a random circle and see what happens to the barometer and altimeter of your life. There is more than you have ever imagined. It’s time to get out the drawing paper and paint a new path of freedom and joy in your life. With every brush stroke the landscape changes.?
And so, this is the world you live in now, a fine painting of truly beautiful awareness.
Live on Purpose with Grace,
~ Janice
The article 'Changing the Dynamics of your Life' was written by Janice Brown and originally published on September 21, 2021, at .