Changing Bad Attitudes
It’s easy to recognise ‘bad attitudes’ in other people. Most of the time we just grin and bear other peoples grumpy, opinionated, selfish attitudes and behaviours. But if it all gets too much, we may explode and order someone to “change your damned attitude!” But that never works. So, how exactly do you change an attitude?
If we’re self-aware enough, we notice our own bad attitudes too. What?! Surely only other people have bad attitudes, don’t they?! Well, no. We’re all human and (if psychologically healthy enough for Coaching) we can discover the mental blind-spots that hold us back from being the best versions of ‘us’. We can discover a bad, erroneous, or just plain un-useful attitudes lurking in the backs of our minds.
Finding it in ourselves is one thing; changing it in us or someone else is another matter! Wouldn’t it be great to be able to change our own or another person’s bad attitudes? It’s doable but takes critical thinking and mental resilience.
Attitudes have a big emotional component (often hidden), and that’s the key to changing them. First, we have to understand how attitudes are formed. We are emotional creatures. Emotions lock things in place in our minds, are essential for memory and shape behaviours. However, most people don’t really understand all there is about emotions. An attitude is described as a ‘person’s manner, disposition, tendency or orientation of the mind’ and can be simply described in the formula; Emotion=>Mood=>Attitude
Basically, if we experience the same emotion strongly and consistently over a period of time it becomes our general ‘mood’. This mood then starts to become a ‘perceptual filter’ in our mind – we literally see the world through the lens of our mood – and how we filter our experience of life develops into our attitude. This is a much more involved process than described here, but you get the idea, don’t you?
So how do you change your negative attitude? Change the emotions! If you find you have an attitude that doesn’t serve you well, identify the habituated emotions that drive it, and change them.
How do you change someone else’s negative attitude? Instead of just demanding they change, do things and behave in ways to help their emotions change. After all, living with a negative attitude – yours or someone else’s – isn’t exactly fun, is it?
So, it sounds simple, and it is, but... changing emotions requires an entire systemic change of the frames that hold emotions in place. This is why Meta-Coaching is so powerful as it’s ‘Coaching to the higher frames of mind’, not just remedial or behavioural coaching.
To find out more about coaching and training for change and emotional mastery, find a Neuro-Semantic Trainer or Meta-Coach in your area. Or contact me for 1-to-1 coaching, in person or virtually, anywhere in the world.