Changes in Windows 10 build 18317
Anthony Zschusschen
Long Term EU resident seeking job opportunities in Belgium and / or The Netherlands
Start Menu finally separated from Shell
I guess the guys at our development team have finally heard my prayers and have decided to seperate the Start Menu from the general Shell experience. The start menu finally receives its own service StartmenuExperienceHost.exe instead of being part of ShellExperienceHost.exe. This will make it much easier for us to trouble shoot both start menu as UI issues.
Cortana and Search finally go their own paths
Its been a long time coming, but cortana will now finally get to spread its wings and become a fully grown personal assistant. Seperating this from the normal Windows search and Indexing function will expand future AI functionality for Cortana
Reserved Storage
Finally system builders will be forced to keep at least 8GB of storage space available for updates and system functions. I have been struggling too long with customers purchasing computers with less than 30GB of hard drive space available. Come on guys, even my mobile phone comes with 128GB of storage space... Why would you build a computer with less than that?
Delay updates
Even though I agree that updates are necessary, sometimes you just want to wait it out and see if they can fix any bugs that come with new updates. This option gives you the ability to delay the update with 7 days (feature available in all versions of Windows 10)
And many more...