

Effective Communication is Visual, Verbal, & Written. Please click the video link for the audio associated with this thought process.

The Great Resignation was brought forward by a great catalyst.?We called it Corona, or the Rona Virus.?Worldwide, we were challenged beyond our capacity to shelter in place, cut out our social lives, lose live concerts, work, bury friends & family, and more.?Some people washed their groceries before bringing them inside early on.

Some people did as they were told, and some revolted.?Sometimes the Government knew what was right but might have also been wrong. Who can say??

Each experience was different, I’m sure.?The pre-pandemic data I had on clients looked very different compared to the new data I had on them, and what I was getting from new clients looking for answers, for clarity, something certain.?

We are all going through changes.?I see you!

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Behavioral Science & Psychology have a special way of taking a pulse.?People Analytics takes the data & visualizes for easy consumption. People have been on the move.?(Empathy seems to be a huge factor.?Socio & Psychopaths are doing great.?With a 80%/20% population split of people looking for change.)?

While it’s been great to understand, it would be better to make the experience more comfortable.?In my efforts to do that, I extend unlimited psycho metric tools to the professionals I meet.?I provide them, because so many other pros here on LinkedIn, lack the access, training, resources, or funds to do so themselves.?

The goals I have for every person I meet include the following:

1. Better sense of Agency: Know where you’re in, & out!

2. Ability to Gain Favorable Attention: To get the Interview!

3. To Create certainty of their fit: To Secure the Offers, & the life they want/need.

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Human Beings have a Subconscious state of mind, and a conscious state that is triggered when people look at you.?Subconsciously, you’ll be who you want to be 88% of the time, & only change when someone looks at you.?That 12% becomes a thing with your role awareness & roles with the people looking at you.

For Adaptive Behavior, there is a 2-hour time limit in a day before the real you bleeds through.?This fit would appear inauthentic if you had to fake it till you make every day.?Everyone equipped with empathy, has changed a lot during this time.?They usually have unresolved questions about who they are now, after these riptides of change, leave a different landscape.?

Below is a recent vision of both of my states below, and a scale: January 2022 (September of 2016 below it, to show my change.) (2022 Scott H: 56 D: Competitive, 60I: Sociable, S46: Predictable, & 32C: Balanced)

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September 2016 Scott: (99 D: Demanding, 99I: Gregarious, S46: Steady, & 17C: Rebellious)

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One of the best things about my work is being a witness when people get it all together, see themselves for how they are, & stop worrying & misdirecting energy.?So much has changed, the disconnect has often been understanding & catching up to ourselves.?

So many people had it “All Figured out,” before the world turned upside down.?With War, Economic uncertainty, and so many things in our news cycle, the world hasn’t stopped spinning yet.

If you’ve been going through changes, it’s pretty easy to catch up to them.?I’ve done my part, by providing access to the tools used for this, at no cost.?We usually seek to understand a persons What, Why, & how.?

DISC Plus is your How, & Why.?A link for your own is here:

The Attribute Index is your What, but it’s not one size fits all.?I prefer to tailor those to the individual for the best fit.?My LinkTree has buttons for 9 different options to best fit you.?My offer extends there as well.??

It uses the Genius Process to help identify what talents you should be trusted with, & what you should delegate to others.

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Thanks so much for your time!

Make it great!




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