Changes to Construction Contracts in WA are finally upon us!
Andrew Vinciullo
Partner, HopgoodGanim Lawyers | Dispute Resolution | Litigation | Construction | Resources | Law
Change has arrived
After five years of legislative reviews at Federal and State levels, industry consultation and set-backs to the Parliamentary agenda thanks to COVID-19 and a State Election, Western Australia has finally passed long-gestating changes to the laws governing construction contracts and security of payment for contractors in the construction industry.
On 25 June 2021, the Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Act (New Act) received Royal Assent in Western Australia. After commencement the new Act will serve to:
The purpose of the New Act was for Western Australia to draw closer to harmonisation with security of payment legislation across Australia, adopting the "East Coast" model for payment claims and adjudications. However, the New Act goes further by introducing new protections for contractors that are much greater those legislated anywhere else in Australia.
Highlights - What you need to know!
More than giving us a more complicated legislated name to work with (the BCISOPA doesn't quite roll off the tongue like the CCA), key changes arising from the New Act include:
What you need to do!
With commencement of the New Act ever-imminent, it is vital that businesses in the construction industry:
More Information
Back in 2020, when the draft legislation was first circulated to the industry, HFW had a Two-Part series, highlighting the important changes that were proposed.
Remarkably, no changes have been made since the New Act was in draft form, so I encourage you to revisit HFW's articles for more information on the changes under the New Act.
The links are set out below.
If you have any specific questions about the New Act and wish to discuss what the changes mean for your business, please do not hesitate to contact myself and the HFW construction team.