Changes coming to the PMP? exam
I don’t know if you have heard, but the PMP? Certification exam is changing early next year.
Now is the time to take the exam with the proven materials and methods of Milestone Management’s PMP Exam Prep course. With the end of the year fast approaching our classes are filling up rapidly.
Why is it important to take the exam before the change?
Once the new PMBOK? Guide version 6 is published, it will take time for trainers and exam preparation services to update study materials and testing aids for the new exam. Right now we know that our PMP preparation course provides Project Managers with the best tools and practice methods to help them pass the exam the first time. As a charter member of the PMI? Registered Education Providers, our tried and true methods and materials are custom designed to help a Project Manager understand not only what they will see on the exam, but understand the deeper fundamentals of why the PMI finds these principles and practices so important to certification.
Give us a call at 801-679-3930 or email [email protected] to register for the course.
We will be holding classes in our Sandy, UT Campus on:
October 9th – 13th | November 6th-10th | November 13th – 17th.
In order to facilitate the best learning environment, class size is limited.
If the above dates don’t work for you, or you can’t travel to Salt Lake City, we also offer an online self-study course you can take at your own pace.
Register for an in-class course: See Upcoming Courses
Register for online only: Online Courses
Why PMP Certification?
PMP Certification offered by the PMI is an internationally recognized standard of excellence for project managers. PMP certified Project Managers have shown an understanding of core project management principles that apply across all fields and all industries. PMP is the gold standard for Project Management and Project Management Professionals.
Beyond the prestige, many large companies and government contracts require that all project managers hold a current PMP certification. This unified standard ensures quality and consistency across all projects. When you are PMP certified companies know they are getting the most dedicated, knowledgeable and experienced project manager around.
Looking to Improve Growth and Expand your Business Profile?
Beyond the personal and professional development offered by obtaining PMP certification, enabling and encouraging your project managers to earn their PMP certification opens your business to increased opportunities for growth. As an internationally recognized and accepted certification, the PMP designation immediately tells your potential clients and partners that your business holds the highest standards of competency, ethics, risk mitigation and time management.
By helping your project managers become PMP certified, you open the door to growth, innovation and increased efficiency. Simply put, PMP certified Project Managers improve the bottom line.
To help your business achieve their goals, we offer on-site PMP preparation classes for groups of 16 or more.
Please give us a call at 801-679-3930 or email [email protected] for pricing and other details.
You can read about the changes coming from here.
PMI, PMP, PMBOK, and the PMI Registered Education Provider logo are registered trademarks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.