Changemakers in Animal Agriculture
National Institute for Animal Agriculture
Your Source for animal agriculture information, education & solutions.
The phrase, “Vision becomes reality,” comes to mind when I reflect on the three- and one-half years since the board of directors for the National Institute for Animal Agriculture first dreamed of what would become the NIAA Advanced Training for Animal Agriculture Leaders Program.
The dream – an interdisciplinary program for demonstrated leaders in animal agriculture to further their professional and personal development, building on previous experiences.
In the spirit of the NIAA mission, the program is continuously improving. I do feel we can say with confidence the 2020 board of directors’ dream is now reality. In a couple of weeks, Cohort Two will present their capstone projects at the Annual Conference and conclude their 16-month experience. Cohort Three will begin work on their capstone projects and continue their experience. Several members of Cohort One will be on hand serving NIAA in multiple capacities – board members, panelists, session moderators, Council leaders, and more.
And, we already have leaders from throughout the animal agriculture value chain contacting the office to ensure they can apply for Cohort Four.
To learn more about how you can become involved in the program – as a Cohort member, session host, sponsor, capstone mentor, speaker, or more, contact NIAA Manager of Education & Leadership, Jessie Wadle.
While we won’t be resting on our laurels, I am pleased to report a strong program that is continually meeting the NIAA mission – convening animal agriculture experts and allies in collaborative settings to explore, discuss, learn, and develop knowledge that fosters interdisciplinary cooperation for the improvement and continuous progress of animal agriculture.
Not to get the cart ahead of the proverbial horse, but won’t it be cool when NIAA can write a book such as Ray A. Goldberg’s Food Citizenship?
Have you read it?
I have and I see similarities on every page to Cohort Leaders and NIAA members!