Changelog | 14th June 2024

Changelog | 14th June 2024

For this week’s changelog, we have some small but powerful upgrades ???

???Fix your data

Ever added some data, only to see no chart appear on the left. With our new ‘Autofix data’ feature, we will fix it for you so that you don’t need to spend far too much time trying to figure out how to.

???New ghost state

Sometimes getting started with an empty table can be confusing & overwhelming, even if you have created charts in the past.

Introducing a new ghost state to help you understand how to visualize your data.

?? Dashed lines [Plus users]

When it comes to telling clear stories with your data, dashed lines & hatched bars are a fantastic way to communicate data that is uncertain or has the potential to change.

Some examples include:

  • forecasting
  • reporting on a time period that is not yet finished



