Change Your Thoughts… Change Your World.
Creating Our Best Future Through an OnPassive Culture
Thought could be understood as the seed of creation and creativity; the very first manifestation of the creation process. This means how and what we think have very real, and often dramatic, effects on our world. Each of us, as OnPassive Founders, have a certain expectation about the benefits provided to us by OnPassive just prior to launch, immediately following it, and for many years to come. On the other side of that, OnPassive has valid expectations of professionalism, loyalty, and support from its Founders. So how, as individual partners in such a magnificent adventure, can we best help OnPassive to become the greatest online marketing company in history? The answer: Shared vision.
This paper outlines how the creation process occurs and how we can produce what we desire from the thoughts we hold. Its intent Is to provide the understanding and tools needed to purposefully and objectively align our thoughts and future with a vision. It talks about our vision, mindset, how we are given what we want, and how to bring our wants into our lives. It also talks about our two minds, the two energy states that make the whole of creation, our self-image, and our personality. It will show how we can strengthen the momentum of OnPassive’s corporate vision through a positive, future-creating mindset and co-creatively shift and expand the global marketing paradigm. This paper powerfully provides a broad basis for understanding the Law of Attraction and outlines how we can use the information to create powerful, personal and professional momentum to consciously create a reality that matches our dreams and our aspirations for a life of freedom, growth, and joy.
Our aspirations and desires are flawlessly directed through our imagination according to our clear vision of them. You do know that God's Word says the people perish for lack of vision, right? God had Abraham go outside to look at the night sky. He had him look at the stars to understand how many descendants he would have. God gave Abraham a vision.
Each of us should have a clear, personal vision for our part, our growth and expansion, in OnPassive as well as a professional vision for OnPassive as a whole. Things are going to progress rapidly from here out so we need to all share a clear, unified vision moving forward.
To that end, the ONPASSIVE Vision is to operate the ultimate, complete and unique, Digital Marketing Platform that ensures everyone succeeds, regardless of their backgrounds or ability, by offering the simplest environment with the highest standards and the most value while sustaining the benefits of a Global Stimulus Plan.
Our Mindset
OnPassive is about to make the jump to hyperspace; so, to speak. We have identified a major milestone as we move into the final round of public presentations. By dating the last public webinar, we have set the timeline in motion that marks the beginning of the end of pre-launch. This is huge and it’s something we have all been waiting for. The order of events notwithstanding, the last public webinar will be followed by Founder Non-disclosure Agreement compliance, massive pre-launch "Founder-fetching" campaigns, and the beta testing of GoFounders following its migration to OnPassive, etc. The end of all pre-launch activity will culminate in the launch of the greatest smart, online marketing business solution in the history of internet marketing.
Think about it. We stand poised, ready for the birth of a paradigm-shifting, global market-changing, “Sparkle”; a baby unicorn. It will not be premature. It will be carried full-term, delivered healthy and lively, and able to stand on its own after only a few short hours. And, as with each and every live birth, it will be an incredibly awe-inspiring moment, full of power, promise and fulfilled expectation. This birth will be felt across the globe. That’s what’s coming.
Our Vision Statement:
OnPassive is the ultimate, complete and unique, Digital Marketing Platform that ensures everyone succeeds, regardless of their backgrounds or ability, by offering the simplest environment with the highest standards and the most value while sustaining the benefits of a Global Stimulus Plan.
Are we in full agreement with this and taking it seriously? Is this what we are ready for? We should be. Our mindset must be such that it’s out ahead of the expectation and fueling its momentum. Because as soon as we begin to think about that… to think about what we want for our future and our circumstances… we, and our circumstances, begin to change. We've all heard about how the new science of quantum physics has proven that our thoughts affect reality. That is, they shape the personal and collective reality that we all experience. I know we’ve all had bad feelings and the circumstances that surround them. And, because there is always polarity, the same is true for positive thoughts bringing about positive feelings and circumstances. It’s just the way it is. Hence the saying, “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” But let’s face it, it takes more than just positive thoughts to create “the good life.” However, we will all live “ever after” … let’s decide to make it “happily” as well. We can do that by being mindful.
Two Minds, Two Energy States
The subconscious mind, or the unconscious part of who we are, is where our behavior and attitude come from. It’s the larger part of our mind that we cannot readily access and has very little surface-connection with our daily routines. Our perceptions of reality… how we think about ourselves and the world around us, what we look for, and what we take for granted or expect to be true… are all determined by what we believe and those beliefs are held in the subconscious. But take heart. A belief is just a thought we think a lot and it can be changed. So, providing the first statement is true, it will follow that when we alter our beliefs, we also alter the reality we experience. In other words, through our belief system we are forming our own reality. Saying it another way… what we take to be true on the subconscious level gives rise to our reality. This is because our subconscious mind can actually tap into the “unseen” realm and the things it holds. It can access everything you, me, and everyone else, could ever want to have, be, or know. It also comes pre-programmed [at our physical birth] with a ton of stuff that, if we could readily and easily access, would allow us a life of bliss and luxury according to our wildest imagination. Because of this, going directly into the unconscious, to reshape how we think about ourselves and our future, is the only way to effect permanent and lasting change. However, the unconscious mind is a very stubborn, set-in-its-way entity that is also a creature of habit. It really loves to live with us as it always has. It will also give us a thousand and one reasons why we shouldn’t change and it can provide ready-made excuses to push that change off until we forget about it. It hates change; even if it's good for us. This is why change is so hard to do; because our subconscious really, really likes its habitual living style. It doesn’t want to change simply because it doesn’t feel good. This is why positive thinking [alone] always fails at the surface level.
Did you know that the subconscious is what controls about ninety-five percent of our lives? Yep, about ninety-five percent our lives [and hence our reality] are subconsciously automated. That’s where all the “heavy lifting” is done. According to psychologists we have between 60,000-75,000 thoughts per day. That’s between 35 and 48 thoughts a minute. About ninety-five percent of them are running in our unconscious as if pre-programmed from about the age of seven. (Children, from about two to seven, operate mentally in a theta-sate. Theta is our gateway to learning, memory, and intuition. In theta, our senses are withdrawn from the external world and focused on signals originating from within. While in he theta state, children spend much of their time mixing the imaginary world with the real world.)
Gaining access to the subconscious mind is the most easily done just prior to falling asleep. When you go to sleep, as your conscious mind begins to shut down, your subconscious mind starts to take over. It starts to operate at a level much more conducive to suggestion. We don’t need to get into the specifics. For now, you need to know it’s accessible at a certain point. That’s when our conscious mind can access the subconscious and can change the “programming”, in a manner of speaking.
As you may have guessed, our conscious mind is responsible for the other 5% of our life decisions as it relates to thoughts and activities. It is the part of our mind we are aware of; the part we actively think with. But it doesn't direct our life in the real sense of the word because everything it does is as an analytical, surface-oriented resource for us. By surface-oriented, I mean it helps us with things like deciding what to eat or wear and it helps us figure math, but it does not map our path in life or make your reality closely conform to our self-image as we discuss later.
So, our thinking mind… the “conscious” us, wasn’t born knowing anything. We are born into this world as a “clean slate.” Because of this, our conscious mind is not the “engine” powering our life. It derives its understanding of reality and life through the five senses. It can, however, influence the subconscious, but cannot readily tap into the world of unseen things. We call this “world” the Quantum Field, the Unified Field, the Spiritual Realm, Consciousness, Universal Consciousness, and even “God.”
Without getting too far into the quantum aspect of it, this field… this “unseen” world… contains the potential [energy] of everything that has ever has, does, or ever can exist. You see, energy makes up the whole of creation; matter and non-matter. And all energies exist either as particle or wave. The conscious, waking reality we observe through our five senses is made of energy in its particle form. It appears ridged and solid, being formed from the unseen, wave-form energy found in the unified field. So, throughout all of creation we have the energy of what “is” and what “can be” (potential) represented in the seen and the unseen worlds.
Asked and Given
So, from this, you can understand what was meant by Hebrews 11:3 that says what is seen wasn’t made out of what we can see. In Ephesians 1:3 it says we have been given every spiritual blessing. The word “every” means “all.” Of course, “all” means “all”; every blessing that ever has been, is, or can ever be is present in that field of potential. We can read as much in Matthew 7:7-8 and 21:22, that tells us whenever we’ve asked for anything, it’s been given. Accordingly, everything we have ever thought we’ve wanted exists in the spiritual realm; in the unified field of potential. So, in that sense, it has been given to us. Because as soon as we ask for anything it is manifested [at the quantum level] in spirit; in potential. I guess we can call it “Potential Reality.” All we have to do is change it from the potential (wave) form to the real (particle) form.
Of course, most of us are probably thinking, “Hey, I didn’t ask for this!” But, apparently, we did. This is because our “asking” isn’t necessarily via the spoken word. Instead, the vast majority comes out of what we focus our thoughts or attention on. You see, as far as the universe is concerned, focusing our attention on something is the same thing as asking for it. Another way to understand this is to say you get what you focus on; good or bad. This is because, in essence, thought and emotion are the language of the universe. (Or, more specifically, the vibration of thought and emotion are the language of the universe.) So, why do we get what we don’t want? Well, think of it this way: When I mentioned “polarity” earlier, I was referring to the fact that everything has at least two sides to it; front/back, new/old, etc. The same is true for our “wants” because whenever we know what we want, we also know what we don’t want. The polarity is this: wanted/unwanted. So, when we decide we want more [money], but our thought… our focus, is more aligned with our current experience of lack [of money], then the message is interpreted as one of wanting lack, since that is the predominant focus. Crazy, huh? Viewed in this way we may see how our thoughts are connected to our reality in a way we may not have thought about before. Namely, in terms of making our own reality from our subconscious requests.
The Loop
Remember that we think thousands and thousands of thoughts a day. But did you know that about 90% of those are the same ones we thought the day before, and the day before that? And you have to know that our thoughts are connected to our life through the choices we make. I mean, we have a thought and, as a result, we make a choice, right? So, would it make sense that when we think the same, or near-same thoughts, they are going to lead us to make the same, or near-same choices? Of course. And the same choices are going to produce the same behaviors in us. See the pattern? And so, it goes… The same behaviors will create the same experiences for us, and those very same experiences are going to give us the very same emotions. And guess what. Those crazy emotions are gonna drive the very same thoughts and the whole thing starts over with a continuation of the loop. And if we don’t do something to stop that cycle our life won’t change much at all; we’ll keep right on getting what we’ve always gotten with very little variation. Albert Einstein, one of the most significant scientific geniuses of the 20th century, is attributed with the quote, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Personally, I think he was onto something.
When we think of ourselves, we think in terms of what we call our self-image. This is the mental picture of who we think we are. Now get this little nugget: Our subconscious mind will create our life according to our mental self-image. And that image is created through our perception of our life events. In other words, our self-image is created according to the experiences we have, things we’ve learned, and the things with which we surround ourselves. And based on those things, which [according to our subconscious] are what defines us, our subconscious mind completes the loop by demonstrating (manifesting) more of those things for us according to, and in keeping with, our self-image. And so, it goes. It almost seems like circular logic, doesn’t? When there are changes in our self-image from within our sub-conscious mind, those changes manifest; they’re demonstrated externally in changes to our [external life and] reality. As was said another way earlier, one of the biggest challenges we will ever face against moving our lives in the direction we want to move is demonstrating a new self-image. I mean, seriously. How many people do we know that go through life believing they are who they are and that's all they’ll ever be? I know that we are all where we are because of decisions we have made. And, of course, we all believe we are a certain way; we believe things specifically about ourselves. And that’s absolutely fine. But do not get caught in the trap that what you believe about yourself is a rigid, carved-in-stone, unbreakable law. It’s not. The belief we hold, in the simplest of terms, is simply an idea. It’s a thought we once had. Then we had that thought again.
In fact, there is a principle in the field of neuroscience that explains it. It stipulates we had that thought so many times it became our belief because neurons in our brain “fired” together so often they became a network that now fires all at once. That thought became “hard-wired” right into in our brain. Our brain was physically altered and that alteration is that belief. That thought may have been true. It could be true still. But whether true or not, it just doesn’t matter when it comes to our subconscious. The thoughts we continue to think reflect who we continue to be. But they’re only thoughts. They’re only thoughts that became beliefs… consciously or not… and we can change them any time we want. When we no longer focus attention on a particular belief the energy required to keep that belief [network] active is used to create the new belief and the old belief [network] disappears; it’s pruned out to eventually disappear. Yes, thought can change our brains. We can change the way see our self in every aspect of life and we can create new aspects every day. It makes no difference at all whether we would like to change aspects of love, money, home, or health, etc. If we will change [inwardly] how we see ourselves in relation to those aspects of our life, then our [outwardly] life is going to change. In other words, if we change the way we view ourselves in any circumstance at all, then the things associated with those circumstances will likewise change. It’s the law.
Personal Reality
Do you know our personality, which defines who we are, reflects a combination of three things? It reflects how we think, act, and feel. And how we do those three things… thinking, acting, feeling… determines how we create our very own personal reality. So, if we want to create a new personal reality… a new life… we have to change our personality. Actually, it needs more than change; it has to be new. So how do we do that? Well, by deliberately changing the three things we just spoke about we can re-invent ourselves, so to speak. We need to understand what we're thinking and then change those thoughts. To do this, we would need to be aware of all our unconscious thoughts so we can objectively observe them. That’s the “thinking” part. Next, we need to figure out what our habits are and change them too. That’s the “acting” part. Finally, we would have to look at our emotions to decide whether or not they are something we want to carry along with us into the future. (I say this because emotion is always connected to the past. Even if we have a new emotion, we’ll find that it’s connected to a new experience found in our immediate past.) The problem with creating a new personal reality arises when we try to do it with [or as] the same personality. But it can’t work that way. You literally have to become someone else. In fact, you need to be re-born… to be born again? I will wager you’ve heard that phrase somewhere before. (John 3:3)
Anyway, the hardest thing we face regarding our “rebirth” relates to getting rid of negative thoughts; deleting the bad programming, as it were. This is because it's our belief, the expectation deep in our subconscious, that drives our reality. For a shallow example, if we believe at a core level that we're gonna have a bad day, then the odds are very, very good we are gonna have a bad day. At a much deeper level, if you have been led to really believe that you will never amount to anything or that you can never be wealthy, etc., then the chances are also very, very good that you are living that reality out right now. Proverbs 23:7 says we are as we think we are, which means what we accept and believe as true is true or becomes true for us. Mark 11:24 and Matthew 21:22 both say we get what we believe.
The Law of Attraction
You know now that the subconscious mind is very influential in determining what direction your life is headed. The thoughts you have and the words that you speak to yourself every moment of every day filter right down to your subconscious mind and take “root.” This means that in whatever way you speak [in or] to yourself or to your situation, your subconscious mind will direct your life in such a way as to help you find more of that; whatever “that” is. I suppose the subconscious mind figures if you’re always talking about “that”, then it’s reasonable to think you like “that” and want more of “that”, so your [subconscious] mind goes after “that” to bring more of “that” back to you. This means if you are always thinking about how many bills you have without the means to pay them then your subconscious mind will successfully “order” two things to manifest in your life; a lot of bills and not enough means to pay them.
This process, by a vast majority, is referred to as the “Law of Attraction.” It basically stipulates that things (Vibrations, in particular.) attract other things that are like it. To me, its Biblical equivalent is the Law of Sowing and Reaping. Both [pretty much] say that whatever you put out from your experience you are going to get back into your experience. But there is a distinction that needs to made concerning how these laws work. In both cases there is only attraction, there is no assertion. Simply put, this means life comes to you, not at you. This means whatever you currently experience in your life… whatever you think and speak about… you attract or draw into your life. What you think or speak goes to the subconscious mind and it will seek that out to bring more of it into your experience; your reality. So be as positive as you can all the time. And think about this: the subconscious mind doesn’t think in terms of past, present, or future; it thinks only in terms of “now.” When you think and talk about wanting something, it will produce a “wanting” feeling, right? That “wanting” is future-based. Because when you want, it signals to your subconscious that whatever you want is somewhere else because obviously you don’t have it. This is to say it’s not in your present reality; that it’s not in your “now.” So, guess what your subconscious goes after. Yep, those things that will always be somewhere ahead of you. Your subconscious mind starts bringing you the thing you so clearly asked for – want. And since you are wanting it, which clearly means you don’t have it yet, those things the subconscious mind manifests are always in your future so as to keep you wanting.
So, I encourage everyone to speak in an “I am” [now] sense which will reinforce our current or present condition. Say “I am” when you speak so it relays the intention of already being or having what you want. For example, instead of saying. “I want to be rich.”, say, “I am rich.”, or speak in the present tense with “I have” statements like, “I have an abundance of what I enjoy.” Of course, if we are like so many others and we are not rich, as soon as we say “We are rich.” the conscious, analytical mind laughs at us and calls us liars. So, it is supremely important to believe whatever we are saying or thinking. If we absolutely cannot say we are rich with any conviction or belief then don’t be so specific. T
There are two essential elements for unleashing the power of your subconscious mind for demonstrating, manifesting… for making things happen… in our reality. The first is something that is akin to a thought, but stronger. It’s called “intention.” Simply put, it just means that we have to intend for something to happen and we have to know what that is. The trick with this is that it needs to be rather specific. We can set an intention with a statement like, “I intend to have a new outfit for the New Years’ Eve Dance.” In this instance you intend to get (1) not just any outfit… but a dance outfit and (2) not just any dance… it’s a New Years’ Dance. If we just intend to have a new outfit for a dance, we could end up with one suitable for a clown at our kid’s birthday dance. So, we should be rather specific, but not so specific it won’t likely happen. I mean, if I intend to get a jewel-laden Ferrari… what are the odds? The second essential element is to “marry” or join that intention with an elevated emotion. By this I mean you have to add genuine feeling to it. Find the feeling you would have if you already had that dance outfit. Yeah… that is a tough one; but it’s do-able. Think about it like this… If you had that outfit already, what would you do? Would you try it on and pose in front of a mirror? Then imagine that you have it on, and then stand in front of the mirror and imagine what you look like and how it makes you feel. Could you imagine yourself at the dance in the outfit while dancing around the room? Then do it. I promise, after results are seen a couple of times, feeling silly won’t be a concern.
OK, now back to “I am rich.” A little earlier I spoke about being specific with our intention. But if intentions are set that we truly cannot believe then the way around that is to become much more general. In this instance, instead of “I am rich.”, simply say, “I enjoy riches.” I am sure we all enjoy riches so there is truth in that statement that we can resonate with; that we believe. Can you feel the difference? The point here is to stay away from negativity and it is always better to speak in the “now” as if you already are, already have or you’ve already done what you desire. When you speak in the “now”, then your subconscious mind is going to seek out more ways to find more of what you are saying you are. Example: I am enjoying my new car.
There is another incredibly important element that we should mention: Appreciation. Appreciation is like a “wild card” in that, with it, we don’t need to have specific intentions to call forth things from thoughts. When we are genuinely grateful, when we appreciate, our subconscious will seek out more things for us to be grateful for. So, it is very advantageous for us if we spend some time each day to just bask in all the things we are thankful for; for the things we appreciate. It is no wonder why so many believe we should count our blessings, naming them one-by-one.
Making the Connection: Thoughts-Vision-Future
Our brain is a magnificent artifact inasmuch as it is a record of the past. It’s organized to reflect everything we’ve learned or know in life; a physical thing that contains everything you’ve learned and experienced up to this very moment. Remember, our subconscious mind loves its habits. So much so, in fact, that we wake up every morning, get out of bed on the same side, shower like always, grab our favorite cup and a morning beverage, eat [or skip] breakfast, go to work [or whatever we do] just to do everything in the same, normal pattern as we always have right through the day with the same people, places, and things. In the evening we continue doing the same habitual activity like dinner, dishes, laundry, etc., or whatever we have learned to habitually do so well right up to bedtime when we drift blissfully away only to wake up and start again. Honestly…do you think our brain changed throughout any of that? Of course not. Everything was pretty much the same… thoughts, action, emotions… even though we [secretly] hoped or expected something in our life to change.
And all the while we’re doing the same stuff, we’re hard-wiring our brain into a very predetermined way because we “fire” and “wire” those circuits day-in-and-day-out just like always. We are so good at it, according to science, that by the time we're 35 years old, we are a set of memorized behaviors; unconscious habits, automatic emotional reactions, beliefs, perceptions, and even attitudes that operate just like a computer program. As a matter of fact, when we do things over and over and over those repeated actions will, over time, condition our body to know how to do it better than our mind. We call them habits. For all practical purposes, our body becomes the mind. Because that is exactly what a habit is; nothing more than an action our body knows how to do better than our brain because we’ve done it so many times. That’s where we got the ninety-five percent of life’s automatic action we spoke of earlier; habits.
Why is this important? Because this is where the intellectual “rubber” meets the road, so to speak. It’s the basis for how we learn new information. Namely, learning is just making new synaptic connections in the brain. Those connections are the physical evidence that results from our interaction with the environment and it’s the “footprint” of consciousness that we call learning. So, if learning is making connections, then remembering would have to be maintaining and sustaining those connections. Remember earlier when we said that emotion is always connected to the past? Well, it’s connected via the old “hardware”; through the neural networks that were made when the emotion was created. Our brain has specific networks that represent the old information. That’s the information previously obtained and hard-wired so, when we have a thought, the whole loop-thing is activated. And that loop is predictable! This is information that’s vital for understanding how to create our future through defining a vision of it that is bigger than our memories of the past. Because, if our brain is a record of the past, and we have no new vision for the future, then we are continually living in the past and we will never live out anything new. Instead, the predictable past becomes our predictable future. I am sure you can agree new information and new thoughts should lead to new choices. Our New choices should lead to new behaviors, and new behaviors should give us new experiences. See the pattern? New experiences should produce new emotions and those new emotions should drive new thoughts. This is actually the evolution that no one ever told us about! We should be waking up every morning being defined by a vision bigger than ourselves, that provides inspiration and leads us into possibility. If we’re not, then we’re lapsing right back into the old “hardware” of the past with our same old ideas and guess what. We’ll see the same people, do the same thing, and attend the same places. That’s when our external environment is controlling how we think and feel because it’s turning on different circuits in our brain and causing us to think in a way consistent with everything we know.
Our thoughts are somehow connected to our destiny and as long as we’re thinking in a way that’s equal to our environment, we’ll keep creating the same life for ourselves. But to change our future, to really change it, we need to think greater than our environment; greater than our circumstances. And to change the world, we need to think greater than the circumstances of the world. Hmmm… Guess what OnPassive is doing. That’s right! OnPassive is thinking in ways greater than the circumstances of the world. Ash Mufareh is thinking greater than the circumstances of the world. In fact, all the great leaders in history, no matter who they were, has known this and has fostered visions greater than their circumstance. But watch out. The minute we stop making the same choices we always make we had better get ready for results that are not going to be comfortable. And that's when we know we are heading toward our new self. Just remember, 95% of who we are is the body as the mind. So, when we decide to make a change… watch out. That’s when the little voice in our head says somethings like, “Start tomorrow.” And the second we respond to those thoughts as if true it’s going to lead us right back to the same choice which leads to the same… well, you get the point, right? So be on the look-out for it. Our subconscious is trying to lead us back to the familiar because it likes its habits and change is not comfortable. It does not like being in the unknown.
However, the best way to predict our new future is to create it from the unknown. Because when we are comfortable in a place that’s unknown… that's where the magic happens. And that is precisely the kind of magic currently happening with OnPassive. So take what you have been given here and use it to create a future the promotes the best version of you that is possible. Let go of negativity, get behind the momentum of a grand vision and step into a new frontier. You, me, OnPassive…. We are in unknown territory doing what has never been done for a global greater-good and it is magical!
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ONPASSIVE-Public Presentation - TONIGHT
September 3, 2019 6:00 PM Eastern
The coding is done; the products and features are complete. We now are looking at the team of GoFounders to ensure its size and capabilities are able to handle the business, and its immense volume, going forward. There is no doubt... OnPassive will not only launch, but it will prove to be the best, fairest, most lucrative business ever seen on the internet and the best that has ever existed in this industry.
What we say, we mean... and it will be delivered!
*This is OnPassive's last Public Event*
Thursday, September 12th, 2019 6:00 PM Eastern Time
You can register with OnPassive now for zip... nada... or become a Founder [prior to launch] for 97.00.
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5 年Incredible Jeffrey. Thank you so very much!