Change Your Perspective With Knowledge
"A wise person is hungry for knowledge, while the fool feeds on trash." Proverbs 15:14 NLT
Recently, we visited my parents, and my dad took my one-year-old daughter to play with the neighbour's dog, Chelsea. It was her first experience with a Canine, and even though she was still several feet from the dog chanting its name from afar, the name stuck.
The next day while taking a walk with her, she saw another dog and started screaming, "Chelsea, come!" gesturing to the dog with her hands. The dog, unaware that it was being called, continued with its mission for the day. I laughed. To her, all dogs are called Chelsea, and until she learns the names of other dogs, that rule stays.
We see life through the lens of the knowledge we have. Learn one small thing and all your decisions adjust to reflect the knowledge you have. Sometimes this makes me question my perspective and ask myself whether I live as optimally as I should.
What's my perspective of work, God, family, friends, food, sleep, church, love, fashion, or exercise? If I gain new knowledge about any of these today, will I have the humility to change my perspective, or will I remain cast in my old ways because I'm unwilling to change? Sometimes a fool isn't someone who doesn't have access to knowledge. He is just too proud to accept the new knowledge he gains. So, because you've read wide doesn't make you wise in your doings, my dear.
The poor man who believes all rich people are fake will desire wealth but never get it. The mediocre employee who scoffs at the hardworking team member who is always celebrated will desire a promotion but will always fall short. The husband who believes his wife is only his maid will want intellectual conversations with her but never get it. We are limited by how we see the world.
There are two ways I know perspectives can be changed. The first is to study through reading, listening, or watching. The second is to have or create experiences. Both require an open mind and the humility to admit that you've been ignorant.
Are you ready to see things and act differently so you become all God wants you to be? Change your perspective!