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In today’s fast-paced, high-stress world it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. You might find yourself so preoccupied with work, school, and other obligations that you don’t have time to think about what will make you happy.

Depending on your current situation you may feel like there's not much you can do to change your life for the better. But rest assured, there are ways! By implementing a few simple strategies, you can have a happier, healthier future. There’s no time like the present to take action and begin making positive changes for the better!

This special report reveals 7 proven ways to change your life for the better. The concepts are all easy to understand but it will take commitment and continued effort to implement these proven methods and achieve the things that you want in your life.

Most people do not change their life for the better even though it is in their gift to do this. The main reason for this is that it requires effort and discipline to bring significant and lasting change. There is no overnight miracle fix for this – you need to believe that you can change your life for the better and then take the appropriate action.

All of the methods we reveal in this special report will work for you if you commit to them and are persistent with your actions. Many people have used these methods to change their lives and you can do it as well. It is not always going to be an easy journey and things will go wrong at times. But if you are determined to succeed then you will.

Your thoughts are responsible for everything you have and don’t have in your life right now. The difference between you and a successful person that has the life that they want is the way that they think. You can change your thoughts to empower yourself starting today.

Let’s get you started on your journey to a better you…

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The starting point for changing your life for the better is to decide what you really want. Most people do not know what they want from their life and they are not prepared to put in the effort to identify this. Yes, it will take a bit of effort to identify what you really want but it is not as difficult as you may think.

Think about the areas of your life that you want to improve. Are you happy in your career or your business? Do you have the money that you desire? How about your health – are you in the shape that you want to be? What kind of contribution do you want to make to others?

You will notice that we used questions to help you think about what you want. Asking yourself the right questions is essential to identifying what you really want. Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed and take plenty of sheets of paper and a pen. The first question to ask is “what areas of my life do I want to improve?”

Make a list of all these different areas and write each one down on a separate sheet of paper. Then ask yourself the right questions about each aspect of your life you want to improve. Ask yourself these questions passionately and with feeling. This will convince your conscious and subconscious minds that you are serious and need answers.

Answers will come to you as you ask yourself each question. Write everything down and don’t make any judgments. These are the ideas you need to change your life for the better. Work on each aspect of your life for a few minutes and then move on to the next one.

If you find that your mind starts to wander, re-focus by asking yourself a question again. You may find that answers and ideas come to you after you have completed this exercise. This is your subconscious mind working for you. People have experienced more answers coming to them days after completing the exercise. Write everything down at the first opportunity.

You should have a long list of answers (which we will call “ideas”) about what you want from your life. The next step is to test all of these to see how much you want them. Look at each idea and imagine that you already have this in your life. How does this make you feel? Write down how strong the feelings were for each of your ideas.

The ideas that provoke the strongest emotions within you when you imagine that you already have them are the things that you really want. There should be only a few of these. You are going to take these ideas and turn them into inspiring goals. We recommend that you work on the idea that you felt the strongest about.

Why can’t you work on more than one idea? If you set too many goals then it will be very difficult for you to achieve any of them. This will frustrate you and can make you want to give up on everything. Do not try to achieve more than three goals at a time. These goals need to be different such as a career goal, a financial goal, and a health goal.

Congratulate yourself for identifying what you really want. This puts you so far ahead of the majority of the population. Now you need to turn these desires into goals that you can work on every day to change your life for the better.

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Goals can help you focus on what you want in life and how to get there. They can help you stay motivated and keep you on the right track. They can help keep you accountable and prevent you from getting off track. Also, they can help you feel more positive about your life. Having and pursuing goals can boost your self-esteem and confidence.

You must set your goals the right way. You do not want to try to pursue a goal that is too vague for example. The best way to set goals properly is to use the SMART goal-setting process. This acronym stands for:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

A goal that is not specific is useless. Some people set goals to make more money or lose weight. But these do not specify how much money they want to make or how much weight they want to lose. If your goal is to make more money and you make $1 more than you did last year does this mean you have achieved your goal? Technically it does.

But the chances are you are not going to be happier and more fulfilled making $1 more than you did last year. The same goes for losing one pound. What this means is that you need to be specific and determine how much money you want to make or how much weight you want to lose.

Any goal that you set must be measurable. You cannot check your progress toward achieving a goal if you can’t measure it. Financial goals are easy to measure as there are specific amounts involved. But if you have a goal to be a better person, how are you going to measure that? Always find a way to measure any goal that you set.

You need to set achievable goals. A lot of people set unachievable goals and then become frustrated when they cannot achieve them. There is a dilemma here. We want you to dream big and set challenging goals. But they must be achievable as well.

For example, if you want to score the winning goal in the World Cup final you are not going to achieve this if you are in your mid-fifties and have never kicked a football in your life. Let’s say that you set a goal to make $1 million in a year. People have done this so it is achievable but is it achievable for you with the time and resources you have available?

Relevant goals are a good fit with your core values and beliefs. They also fit well with your interests and passions. If you try to set a goal that goes against what you believe in then you are never going to achieve it. It is not too difficult to set relevant goals.

Finally, you need to add a time limit or deadline to every goal that you set. A goal without a deadline could go on forever. Imagine setting a goal to make $1 million. If it takes you 20 years or longer to do this, how do you feel about it? Technically you have achieved your goal, but is it really what you want?

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For every goal that you set, you must create a plan to achieve it. A goal is a high-level statement such as “I will make $100,000 in the next 12 months”. This is fine, but you need an associated plan which will determine how you are going to achieve this goal. Goals that don’t have plans are just a “wish list”.

You need to think about all of the things that you need to do to achieve your goal. The devil is in the detail as they say, and you need to get as detailed as possible. What exactly are you going to do to make $100,000? Get a higher-paying job? Start a business? Invest in the Stock Market?

When you create plans for your goals you will likely need to learn new things and acquire new skills to achieve them. This is fine and needs to be included in your plan. For example, you have decided that you are going to start an online business to make the $100,000 that you desire.

But you have never started an online business before, so you need to learn about this. You will need to decide which type of online business is the best for you (there are several different business models you can choose from), what products or services you will sell or promote, how you will find potential customers, and much more.

Start with an initial list of things that you need to do to achieve your goal and build on this as you progress. You are not going to get your plan right the first time around, so accept this and change it where necessary. The best plans are flexible and will change to reflect reality.

Your aim needs to be to break down your plans into daily tasks that you will work on each day. This will move you closer to achieving your goal every day and keep your motivation levels high. Commit to working on your tasks each day so that you can achieve your goal in the fastest possible time.


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