Change Your Lens: A Tale of Two Emails

Change Your Lens: A Tale of Two Emails

Have you ever thought about how much power you have to shape your world? What if I told you that the way you choose to view your challenges, opportunities, and even the daily grind has more impact on your happiness, health, and success than the facts themselves?

Shifting your perspective can transform your outlook, your relationships, and even your life. And February, a time many see as cold and dreary, is the perfect moment to prove it.

I want to share a powerful lesson about perspective from my time as Chairman and CEO of a public real estate company. Leading with positivity wasn’t just a tagline for me, it was the cornerstone of our culture. We worked hard to build and maintain a positive culture. As a result, we were recognized as one of the best places to work, year after year.

On February 1, 2022, I decided to give my team a stark reminder of how much perspective matters. I sent the following email:

Subject: It’s really COLD!!!

It’s dreary and miserable. It’s the middle of winter. The days are short. The temperatures are low. February 1 may very well be one of the most challenging days of the year. Not much daylight. A long way from the fall season and what seems like a very long way to spring. No really great, fun holidays in January or February.

We are homeless. We don’t have an office. We haven’t seen each other in person in months. We are dealing with a number of meaningful challenges in our portfolio and in our industry. COVID lingers and lingers. Every day seems like a new fire to fight. At times it feels hopeless and draining. This just sucks, and I am tired.

Imagine getting that email from your CEO. How would you feel? Inspired? Motivated? Or disheartened and wondering if this was truly the “best place to work”?

Then, a few minutes later, I sent this email:

Subject: Today is the Best Day of My Life!

The sun is shining. I work with an amazing team. I am truly inspired by and appreciate each of you. I am grateful for our company and for you being a part of it. I am truly grateful to be alive, healthy, and smiling.

I am fired up and motivated to conquer the opportunities we have ahead of us. I love the intellectual stimulation of working with you to win. We are making considerable progress on many fronts. We made so much progress in 2021, and our plan for 2022 is robust. Our new office is going to be amazing. I anxiously await our arrival there and the “re-launch” of our company. Life couldn’t possibly be better.

Same facts. Same day. Same word count. But a completely different story. Think about how easy it can be to see a different world through a different lens.

When I shared these emails with my team, their reactions said it all. The first email left them stunned. The second left them inspired.

Why? Because perspective changes everything. It was a great reminder of the LITSG principle Choose Your Attitude And Own It.

Life hands us challenges, but it also hands us choices. We choose how to see the facts. We decide which lens to use. It’s not about ignoring reality or pretending things are perfect. It’s about intentionally focusing on what’s good, what’s possible, and what’s worth celebrating.

So here’s my challenge to you. Change your lens! What lens are you using to see your world? Clean your lens daily and look for crystal clear, bright shiny lenses as often as you can.

  • Are you choosing to see obstacles or opportunities?
  • Are you stuck on the struggles, or are you fired up by the possibilities?
  • Are you looking at February as a cold, dreary month, or as a fresh canvas to create something extraordinary?

The power is in your hands—and in your mind. Often, you don’t need a new job, a different relationship, or a change in circumstances to find joy. All you need is a different lens.

As we move through this month, I hope you’ll take a moment to reframe your perspective. Try viewing your life, your work, and the people around you through a lens of positivity and gratitude. Watch what happens when you do.

The choice is yours. Choose wisely. Today really can be the best day of your life.

Here’s to seeing the world differently!


Warm regards,


The Life Is Too Short Guy


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