Change Your Identity
Your identity is the story you tell yourself about yourself, your present, your past, your family, the world around you, and the people in it.?
The majority of people have an identity that doesn't line up with the future that they want to create but the only way to create the future that you want is to change your identity.?
When we change our story, we change our identity.?
When we change our identity, we change our actions.?
When we change our actions, we change the results that we get in our life.?
The results that you get will always align with your identity.?
Therefore, life will not change if your identity doesn't.
Let's take someone who is overweight as an example. They may tell themselves that it's in their genes because their whole family is overweight. They latch onto this belief, this story, and put the blame externally.?
When we give power to the external, it means that we have no control over it and so it's unchangeable.?
Your identity, your thoughts, and your feelings will always dictate your actions or lack of actions.
You have to change the way you talk to yourself. You've got to notice the negative thoughts when they come and replace them with positive, powerful thoughts of self-belief.?
Here's the interesting thing. You don't actually need to believe in yourself to take action. You don't need to believe that you'll get your dream body, because this has never been a reality, but if you take action by eating well and working out five times a week, you can bet that your body will change.?
The mind a body are both powerful forces. But when you put them together, they're unstoppable.?
Start by working through these questions:?
What is the story that you're telling yourself??
What is your current identity??
What do you want for your future??
What is the identity that you need to have to make that future a reality??
Then showing up and taking actionable steps to get the result you want.?
Check out new episodes of The Mindset Mentor Podcast every week on iTunes and Spotify.?