Change your focus to the future of Payments.
Kenneth E Armstrong
Owner, Honeyflo / Crypto Currency Independent Associate / CryptoCurrency Advisor
from the desk of Marietta Armstrong
Change your focus to the future of Payments.
CRYPTOCURRENCY * Technology & Innovation, with Simplicity
There is a new wave of Technology sweeping the globe!
What is it?
How about an electronic, encrypted, internet currency called Cryptocurrency.
But don't just take our word for it... open each link to see for yourself...
What do you know about Cryptocurrency????
Cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange like normal currencies such as USD & Euro, but designed for the purpose of exchanging digital information through a process made possible by certain principles of cryptography. Cryptography is used to secure the transactions and to control the creation of new coins. The first cryptocurrency to be created was BitCoin back in 2009. Today there are hundreds of other cryptocurrencies now, often referred to as Altcoins.
Put another way, cryptocurrency is electricity converted into lines of code with monetary value. In the simplest of forms, cryptocurrency is digital currency.
How are Banks responding to Cryptocurrency?
Well JP Morgan Chase (Largest bank in the USA) has been looking for help in developing the Cryptomarket while Citibank and Goldman Sachs have been developing their own Cryptocurrency, and blockchain technology. Bank of America & Goldman Sachs have filed a patent on the Transfer of Cryptocurrency into other fiat currencies globally. 400 European banks are now quickly accepting Cryptocurrency and working on it's regulation. RippleCoin Cracked into the US banking system!
How are Universities handling the new Technology?
University World News reported that many different Universities are now accepting the New Technology and Princeton offers online Courses. The NYU Course takes a slightly different slant. Duke has also taken on the New Technology, and many other colleges and Universities are offering Certification including Yale!
How are world governments viewing Cryptocurrency?
The US Gov. regulators ruled Sept 17th 2015 that BitCoin is now a Commodity (Virtual money is officially a commodity, just like gold, crude oil, or wheat), and should be governed by Commodity legislation... However, Europe's court ruling took a completely different turn ruling that Cryptocurrency is an actual currency, and cannot be taxed.
And here is the latest ground breaking news :
On 9 May 2016, the Chinese Government legalized the use of OneCoin on it's Union Pay card as currency.
How do cryptocurrencies rank?
There are many different Private companies now offering values and ranking on the Cryptocurrency world, but our Research found Xcoinx is one of the best non-biased out there... Check it out for yourself. Over 600 different crypto currencies are now available.
BUT it is the Crypto Currency with the most subscribers, or members, which will dominate the Global Market.
OneCoin is that Currency, with 1 million 871 542 people globally joined, and more than 30% of it's coins mined already. ( these figures are correct as at 14/5/2016)
OneCoin IS the Future of Payments.
As the price of BitCoin continues to climb out of the reach of most people, you might want to consider this "Newer, more Refined and improved" Crypto Currency that is not yet that expensive.
Think back a few years,
TV and the Internet
have drastically changed
the way we live...
Now we all have a few
"What If's"
During Our LIFETIME...
What if you had the chance to go back
and put some money in on
Microsoft, Apple,
or even Facebook?
Would You, knowing what you know now??
What if
is the New Phenomenon?
We have proven that Cryptocurrency is the Wave of the Future!!!
What if this is your time?
What if you miss it by pondering or
questioning it to long?
Take just 30 minutes out of your busy schedule to watch the video below,
and seriously consider...
What if???
Don't be caught later saying "if only I had..."
watch this video on YouTube (16 minutes)
16 minutes that will change your world view about money.
OneCoin is amazingly interesting and a powerful opportunity for creating wealth!
We would love you to join us in this success story.
To join, sign up here:
Because we care!
Ken & Marietta Armstrong
084 555 6866 / 083 259 8035