Change your APPETITE! ????
We don’t need new laws. We need stricter IMPLEMENTATION! And thousand times more AUTOMATION!
After the recent case of gang rape in Telangana, a lot of social media posts are circulating asking for STRICTER LAWS to prevent such heinous crimes.
Honestly speaking we don’t need new laws. We have in fact more laws than we need to govern this country. It’s the implementation of existing ones and prevention of crimes which requires more surveillance and automation.
Take the example of speed restrictions on highways. With most highways without any speed tracking mechanisms, how will speed control laws and their constant amendments help?
Or the case of drunk driving. In the absence of automation such as intelligent CCTV cameras which capture pupillary dilation to determine and penalize drivers automatically, we can only rely on the scarce breath analyzer tests carried out manually by patrolling cops. And there can NEVER be enough of cops to manage all of such offences , 90% of which mostly go unnoticed!
Had the toll plaza where the recent case happened was equipped with the above , where would have the accused been at the time when the crime took place? In police custody!
There is one more aspect to think of. We all tend to notice only SENSATIONAL news. No one notices or even publicizes a crime or mishap prevented.
Have you even seen a headline front page news which says
And lessons from such averted crimes?
So in a way it is our appetite for SENSATIONAL CRIME STORIES rather than for LEARNINGS TO AVOID CRIMES which instigates criminals to unabatedly continue to commit crimes!
Change that FIRST!
Good Morning! Happy and Safe Sunday! ????
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