Be the Change you want to see in the World..........
Be the Change you want to see in the World......................
Mahatma Gandhi believed that we ourselves must be the change we want to see in the world. This was well demonstrated when he helped India gain its independence. Gandhi was a revolutionary man, but he accomplished India's emergence as a nation without starting a revolution. In fact, he advocated no violence. One of the most powerful countries in the world yielded to the commitment of one man and the dream of millions. What change can we effect? What's the difference we want to make in the world? In order for things to change, 'you', yourself have to change. We can't change others; we can only change ourselves. However, when we change for the good, it changes everything. And in doing so, we truly can be the change we want to see in the world. Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing themselves. The problems facing the world today are great, and it will surely take the greatness of millions if not billions of people working together towards a common goal to overcome them. Changing the world does not happen overnight, but it won't happen by not making some sort of an effort either. The time to act is now, and our role is just as important as the next person's. While we might think the little good and life giving things we can do are insignificant and have no effect, with enough people these small things add up and make an even bigger change than any single organization or person could ever do! It all starts with us, and our willingness to help create the world that we imagine or dream of. There’s an old song from the 1970’s movie "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" that I have been playing by the late actor Gene Wilder who sang the song in the movie. The song is all about how we use our imagination to create our experience: “If you want to view paradise simply look around and view it. Anything you want to do – do it. Want to change the world? There’s nothing to it.” Bet your singing it now in your head!!!
Some people including myself view the imagination as one of our most powerful spiritual gifts. It is through our imagination that we participate in creating the universe. Everything we wish to manifest in our lives begins as an imagining in our minds and hearts. Creativity begins with a simple idea, and then we use our imagination to expand that idea into a vision of possibility. We give life and energy to the vision by adding details and richness and depth to our imagining. We then begin to imagine how to bring that vision into reality. Of course, we can also use our imagination to create misery for ourselves if the vision we hold is one of lack of love or limitation of goodness. Part of our spiritual journey with our God is to develop self-awareness as to which thoughts we are holding in our heart, soul and mind. As we grow spiritually and prayerfully, we learn to choose thoughts that are nurturing, loving, caring, compassionate, merciful and sustaining. We learn to be intentional about where we use the power of our imagination. “Come with me, and you’ll be in a world of pure imagination. Living there, you’ll be free if you truly wish to be.” Imagination is necessary to dream. Dreams are necessary to form goals. Goals are necessary to make change. And if we want to build a world better than the one we have today, change will be necessary, even when it’s not easy. So, been in a world of pure imagination is a good place to be sometime and it can be a necessary place to be sometimes if we want something to become a reality. Together, we can dream up better days, better ways of relating to each other, better ways of being in harmony with the circle of life we are a part of, better ways to see the world. Together, we can make that imagination for goodness a reality. To be the change we want to see in the world,we don’t have to be loud. We don’t have to be eloquent or be elected.We don’t even have to be particularly smart or well educated. We do, however, have to be committed.
We live in peculiar times. More communications devices than ever before connect us, yet more people live alone. We want to belong to communities but our cities can be very lonely places. We buy things – more and more things – with more and more money; but they don’t make us happy. Life satisfaction was higher during post-war rationing in the 1940's. The rich are getting richer, but nearly 10% of Irish people are shockingly poor. The other 90% experience other kinds of poverty: most of us feel that our lives are missing something. Membership in political parties and unions continues to decline, yet tens of thousands of Irish people took to the streets to protest the war on Iraq and Irish people raised millions of euros for Tsunami relief in South Asia and in Japan and for earthquake relief in Haiti. We feel things very deeply and we want to do something, but sometimes the scale of the issues makes it difficult for us – how can I make a difference? What can I do? How can I be the change? Nothing I do will make a difference anyway and on we go.
Am I being the Change?
Changing the self is how one can “be the change”. Always remember that this is your world; the things that happen here are directly affected by you. There are no ordinary moments; there are no trivial actions. Everything you do, everything you say (or don’t say) matters. Look at every action and reaction and ask yourself, “Am I being the change I want to see in the world?”. Mahatma Gandhi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”. That’s great, but how do you “be the change”. Isn’t volunteering your time to build houses, visit the sick and dying, donating and raising funds to various charities enough? While volunteering and donating are some of the noblest experiences one can do, I’m speaking more of changing your world, rather than changing the world around you. I’m speaking of ways you can improve yourself. It seems to be part of human spirit to desire to accomplish noble acts, to be the change, to inspire others to greatness. A fireman rushes into a burning building to rescue a mother and child. A soldier jumps between his comrade and a dangerous land mine. A child climbs a tree to rescue a pet cat. In every walk of life people seek to find ways to be needed, to be important to others, to accomplish things that will benefit mankind. The noble accomplishments of people making a difference, of doing those things that help others, of reaching beyond themselves to serve others is seen nearly every day in a thousand little ways through serving and helping people.
So many people live in relentless poverty. So many are unwilling refugees. So many suffer needlessly. So many children and vulnerable people have been abused and abandoned. So many children are dying. Each one is our neighbor, born free, deserving human rights. They must be invisible no longer. Every danger, every loss, every abuse, every injustice in their lives affects us all. We have to do something to change all this and it must start with ourselves. Each of us can make a difference for good in our lives and in our world if we simply started to try and do something good for ourselves and for our neighbours. Positive change is simply the currency and responsibility of individuals, of you and me. This is our saving grace. We just need to be even more attentive and curious, even more on the lookout for that one, tiny, quick, wonderfully private, unnoticed moment when you alone create a smile, hold open a door, lend a hand, give a hug, light a candle, say a prayer or an Ave for someone, unfurl a brow, still a cry, or calm a nerve in someone else. That’s humanity’s most powerful force for positive change and you can do it with a wink of an eye, as quick as the beat of a drum. Who knows what transpires from those moments of acts of love and kindness; but I really do feel in my heart and soul that it does indeed change the world. It also changes us, for it is an inward flow, not just outward. The more positive energy you give of acting with love and kindness, the more you get; it’s the same need, the same compliment, as breathing in and breathing out. So love and care for one another and especially for our children with no apology to anyone.
Be Loving as much as you can be
In today's world people are more concerned with their text messages then their neighbors. People are more worried about what is happening in the latest soaps on television than the bullying at local schools or places of work. But the real problem is not their ignorance, it is their indifference. They play the "life is unfair card," and move on. But we should not do that. To change the world, it starts with a single person. That single person has to have the moral and emotional strength to stand up for what they believe in. To speak out wherever evil is unfolding and it is unfolding a lot in our world. As the saying goes, “for evil to exist all it takes is for good people to stay quiet.” One single act of bravery in the face of certain defeat can inspire a lasting change on the world. By overcoming the odds, and never giving up, lots of legendary people who lived and are living in our world not only inspire millions, they serve as a blueprint on how to change the world. I believe that in order to change the world, we must first change myself to ourselves. What I mean is that our outer world is a mirror of our inner world, with no exceptions. To change our outer world, we must start with our inner world. What do I mean by this? Well, if you want more prosperity then be more generous and be open to receive generosity from others. If you want more love then be more loving and be more open to receiving love. This can be taken down to the simplest level, stop judging others and practice acceptance and compassion. We cannot change others, only ourselves. Instead of pushing against what others are doing that you perceive to be wrong, focus on yourself. Our energy and focus dictates our experience, so what will you focus on today? What level can you raise your energy to today? Today, focus on the positive changes you want to see in the world and start inside with you! Relax, lighten up, and radiate love, joy, peace and abundance! Let your experiences reflect back to you what you are radiating outward, and thank those experiences for being your mirror. Then be the change.
The Anglican Bishop
The following is inscribed on the tomb of an Anglican Bishop in Westminster Abby (1100 A.D.) … ‘When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew older and wiser, I discovered the world would not change, so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country. But it, too, seemed immovable. As I grew into my twilight years, in one last desperate attempt, I settled for changing only my family, those closest to me, but alas, they would have none of it. And now, as I lie on my deathbed, I suddenly realize: If I had only changed myself first, then by example I would have changed my family. From their inspiration and encouragement, I would then have been able to better my country, and who knows, I may have even changed the world.’
As a final thought, “be the change for good you wish to see in your world” and keep trying to live it each and everyday for the betterment of our world. So, when you wake up and decide you want to change the world today, I have one piece of advice: Do something! I promise, it feels good!
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6 年One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world. Malala Yousafzai