A Change for Women Athletes Means a Change for Women Everywhere
The movement towards respect and recognition for women athletes is NOW. In parallel with women-specific movements in the business world championed by leaders like Sheryl Sandberg and Ginni Rometty, Indra Nooyi and Meg Whitman, women's sports is undergoing an historic shift in perception and influence.
As a lifelong competitive athlete, it's very liberating to be a part of telling the real emerging story, one that feels so much more familiar to me. Us girls and women ARE distinct in our sporting approach, bravery, and experience. This is the very substance and mindset that produces new heroes and role models.
I'm celebrating the unique power and acumen we possess, rather than the one note "butt shot" conversation foisted upon all of us that simply focuses on victimhood and "sexualization" by advertising and media. Though, please note, I will never minimize the importance of those moments as an integral stepping stone to get us where we are today.
Shira Springer, The Boston Globe writer, puts a fine point on evolving the discussion: "Too often we talk about what women’s sports isn’t, instead of what it is. In the process, success gets devalued, even criticized."
We are honored to announce "Inside the Mind of Sachi Cunningham " (part of our "Saltwater Daughters" series) has been selected for this important, inaugural Women Sports Film Festival, July 28-30, 2016 at The New Parkway Theater, Oakland, California.
SeaLevel.tv's "Saltwater Daughter" series is part of this powerful movement to push the polarizing conversation beyond gender lines into the realm of respect, reverence and recognition for the athletes and teams that are making history right now.
Buy tickets and read more about the event, click here.
To view SeaLevel.tv's reel and our award-winning films, visit our website: https://sealevelproductions.tv/