Change: Why Be Afraid?
Have you ever thought about how much time you spend… or waste, thinking, “Could things have gone better?” or “Why have things changed in life?”. Don’t worry, those go through most of our minds and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, it can become a problem if you don’t let go or move on from thinking about all the changes that occurred in your life. We get comfortable so easily and don’t like change in any aspect of the word. I say “we,” because even though I know it’s not good, I still spend some time thinking about the changes in my life unconsciously. It’s unbelievable how we automatically block change and how we do not accept and adapt to it. Blocking change is only holding us back from living and taking on new opportunities.
What thoughts come to mind first when we think about any changes that occur in our lives? YES. That’s right. The NEGATIVE ONES. We start assuming that horrible things would happen if X or Y happened and don’t make space for any of the positives. This is due to our beliefs and events that have happened in our lives. For example, your friend from work asks you for a ride because his/her car is getting repaired. You pick up your coworker and start heading to your work the way you usually do, but your co-worker says that there is an easier way to get there. You automatically think about what could go wrong if you take another way; who knows, you might get lost or get to work late. (Who wouldn’t want to stay in familiar territory?)
“ The fear you let build up on your mind is worse than the situation that actually exists”
My way of thinking about change totally changed after I read a book by Spenser Johnson Who Moved My Cheese?. The book was written to help people deal with changes in a different way. Mr. Johnson learned how to take his changing situation seriously, without taking himself so seriously. I really recommend it.
Here are some of his recommendations when it comes to change.
1. Don’t worry if something changes (it happens)
2. Anticipate change (get ready for it)
3. Adapt to change quickly (the quicker you let go of the old, the sooner you can enjoy change)
4. Last, but not least, ENJOY CHANGE!!!
I like the book too. Having a growth mindset towards improvement is the key to move on in any aspect of life! Thanks for sharing Stephanie!
The only thing that's constant is change! Good points here. Thx Stephanie!