To change, and what not to change, that is the question
If you have ever needed to uproot or move a sturdy tree, aside from it being nearly impossible, you will often find that the roots of these age-old plantations would have made their way through rocks and tough terrain - to establish an incomparable foundation. What this means is that even when faced with the hardest obstacles, the roots stay true to their purpose and support the entire structure - no matter the season or the changing external environment, they remain a beacon of strength.? Should we extend this argument to businesses today, which face massive disruptions and change, what do we think could cause them to remain true to their core, and “authentic” - and what causes “authenticity” -?
Being authentic goes beyond mimicking the needs of the ecosystem, but ensuring that your purpose translates to action.? There could be many contributing factors, but organisational purpose, and its value system would almost certainly be the driving force irrespective of “change” of any kind in an operating environment.? In fact it will strengthen the ability to embrace and leverage change.? At the same time, how people within an organisation feel would act as a barometer of change. Not focussing on these aspects could create short term gains, but will certainly a less sustainable business without any significant employee loyalty or acknowledgement - and without this, external approval is unlikely.??
Authenticity is not a performance, nor a curated image. It is about being accountable, being open and honest - and it is about being who you are. With transformation and reinvention becoming imperative for businesses to grow and thrive, it is crucial to ensure that the identity of the business remains resolute. This isn't about resisting change, but is more about understanding the fundamentals of what has shaped you and using that as a compass in your evolution. As we gear up for another year of accelerated change, we have to remind ourselves time and again of our roots and the power authenticity has in enabling us to stand tall and grow.?
Former Assistant Director (PMLA)
10 个月Yes in fact the entire life of human beings are passes in this situation to do or not to do.
10 个月Laigit draivar & home 25000&30000
Quality Consultant
10 个月Very important topic for understanding the business status, on the basis of out side audit , credit rating , biz planning & maintaining the clarity, positivity & the growth or status quo or going to down ward & also having the fair suggestions, advises for the re engineering the business by making the reqd changes in vanue , process, man power, targets material resaurces , machinery , toolings & the clients etc ,Thanks a lot for posting an important article on the LinkedIn platform r sirs/madame of the renowned PWC ( price water cooper ) organization g
10 个月