Change the way you age!
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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The old adage "age is just a number" works well for most of us of course but you can lie about your age, but you can’t change it. Your body became the moment that egg and sperm joined. Some may argue that, but be that as it may, it does. That is the moment your age really started. Only by knowing the exact gestational age, you can take your “age” and add that to it. Yet, we only measure age from the moment of birth. If I added my gestational age, I would already be 63 years old.
But how you think, how you feel and how you act are not attributed to the age of your body, unless you choose it to be. I may be 63 years old, yet I neither look it, act it or feel it. I do not think it either. I still have the curious mind of a teenager and a child, with the wisdom of age. I always follow those healthy ways you can reduce your physical age. Like I like to eat healthy foods and I always stay away from sugary soft drinks. Also I do not smoke or do not drink excessively. I make it a point to run 2 km at a stretch and I do weights training. I do yoga and meditation and keep myself occupied productively all the time doing activities which keep me happily engaged.
That is not only physical mindset that we need to change as we age. As we are growing in this technology affected environment each and everything is changing through time. In early age we are not so attentive about what we are wearing, what we are eating, how we are looking but now from tip to toe we want to be always picture perfect because of this social media. Also are we thought that we are grown up so mentality, opinion, behavior also changed with environment. Friends and surrounding plays important role in our thought process.
Now the major things I thought changes in me and around me are mainly my mentality and more matured behaviour with others and changes in my way of thinking about society in general and also focusing more on things which matter at that time. I was more career oriented all my life and I have moved up the ladder of success regularly. But now I am more updated about news and current affairs and I spend time on social media platforms more productively. I have started to look within and knowing self even better than earlier and now I have understood the real meaning of friendship with my close friends, who are very few and selected but very good loyal friends. Stay blessed! #kishoreshintre #possessedbywritingspirit #ks1100articles